This Is The Major Life Change You’ll Go Through This Spring, According To A Tarot Reader
Here is the major life change you’ll go through this spring, according to a tarot reader.
Your Card: Eight Of Wands
Aries, you may have been feeling stuck lately, haven’t you? Perhaps a scenario has not been progressing as quickly as you would like or maybe a relationship is feeling stagnant. Well, this is all about to shift because there is some type of majorly positive news regarding your situation heading your way, and it is heading your way quickly. In spring 2023, be prepared for rapid but exciting momentum in your life.
Your Card: King Of Swords
You’re going to be faced with a huge life decision in this spring, Taurus. But do not be fear the cross roads, but be empowered and see this as an opportunity above all else. Take charge of your destiny and use your logic to navigate this big choice. Remember that you know yourself and your life best and you’re allowed to take control of it.
Your Card: Seven Of Pentacles
Gemini, your card is the Seven Of Pentacles, a card that represents investment and long-term goals, particularly when it comes to your career. This may mean that something big is going at at work in spring 2023, and you may be feeling drained as a result. But do your best to stay focused because you will be victorious. Your hard work will pay off.
Your Card: Seven Of Wands
Cancer, there will be an obstacle coming your way in spring 2023, most likely related to your work. Something in your career is up for negotiation, whether that is your pay, role, or benefits. This will be a challenging time for you but do not be afraid. Call on your courage and be confident in your abilities and what you bring to the table. And whatever you do, do not back down on your position. Speak up for what you want because you deserve it.
Your Card: Three Of Cups
Leo, your card is the Three Of Cups, an indication that a party will soon be very necessary because something worth major celebration is in your midst! The Three Of Cups suggests abundant and creative energy as well. In spring 2023, expect that a huge accomplishment will be achieved.
Your Card: Six Of Pentacles
Virgo, your card is the Six Of Pentacles, a card that signifies help is on its way, potentially financially. This could be in the form of a raise, an award, or some other type of money that will help you feel more stable and secure in your life.
Your Card: Death
Libra, your card is Death, a sign that something in your life is coming to a close. But with endings come new beginnings as well. In spring 2023, a big life change is on the horizon. This could be in the form of a career shift, moving from your current residence, or the ending of a relationship.
Your Card: Three Of Swords
Scorpio, your card is the Three Of Swords, the heartbreak card. In spring 2023, something within your love life will bring you pain but it will also invite clarity. You will be able to see a situation or person for all that it is and finally be able to move forward in a positive way. This is the first step of healing, Scorpio. Be brave.
Your Card: The Tower
Sagittarius, sometimes good things need to fall apart in spectacular ways so you can rebuild the pieces into something more beautiful and lasting. In spring 2023, expect something you once considered sturdy to crash down. But in the fallout, remember that this sudden collapse is working in your favor. Have faith and begin the process of becoming whole again.
Your Card: Nine Of Swords
You’ve been anxious, eh? In spring 2023, something will be keeping you awake at night, tossing and turning in worry. While this period of unrest will be temporary, it will still be a difficult time for you. However, take this season as an opportunity to deeply examine the source of your stress and unhappiness so you can move forward in a more strategic and balanced manner.
Your Card: Nine Of Pentacles
Aquarius, your card is the Nine Of Pentacles, a card that indicates that financial stability is on its way. You have been working hard and making tough choices, but this will all be proven worth it in spring 2023. It’s during this season you will finally be able to let out a deep exhale and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Your Card: Seven Of Swords
Pisces, your card is the Seven of Swords, implying that there may be someone in your life draining your energy. This person may do so in the form of crossing boundaries or demanding too much from you emotionally. This may have been a pattern in this relationship long before spring 2023, but it will come to a head during this time. You must be prepared to take action, speak your mind, and stand your ground. Your energy is everything and you need to protect it.