This Is How It Feels When You Find Your Soulmate
There’s an impenetrable part that resides deep within the depths of each person’s soul. Hidden underneath all the fragments of memories and moments, it is that one unbreakable fortress where you lock away all your untold stories and skeletons. It’s the stronghold of your demons, the cage of your darkest thoughts. And sometimes, when you look at yourself in the mirror, your eyes give you a glimpse of that part of your soul; but then you look away – because even darkness can be blinding.
But then, you will meet someone. And for some reason, this person will be able to slowly open each locked door in your soul, going through each room one by one, until they reach the end, where all your demons and secrets lie waiting on the other side.
That’s why it’s called a soulmate. Because they have the duplicate key which can open all your soul’s doors, even the one room that you thought was unbreakable.
And when they break it open, they will bring to light all the untold stories and skeletons and demons you have hidden from the world. They will let your darkness speak, know it, understand it, be friends with it, and finally, they will embrace it.
Because they know that your darkness is a part of who you are. It coexists with your light and every beautiful part of you.
And the best thing is that this person will love you. They will kiss your cracks, your wounds, your scars, and whisper lovingly to the parts of you that even you can’t face yourself. They will comfort you. They will fill you with love and light and all things beautiful.
And, without you even asking, this person will also give you the duplicate key to their soul in hopes that, when you face their darkness, you will also embrace it.
This is what soulmates are. They don’t just touch your heart — they speak to your soul. They come once in a lifetime, and when you meet the person who holds your duplicate key, make sure to keep the key in your heart, and by all means — never let them go.