Thought Catalog Agency

Each Zodiac’s Biggest Fear


Aries loves to be the boss, so naturally, the idea of someone doubting their authority or their abilities deeply troubles them. Aries fears being wrong more than anything. They hate the thought of someone questioning their skills or calling them out for an error.


Taurus is a sign that is all about predictability and having a stable routine. They get so comfortable in a way that they tend to avoid or ignore any warning of the change. Taurus’ biggest fear is change.


Gemini are terrified of being misunderstood. Communication is crucial to this sign, so the idea of being misinterpreted is alarming for them. They want others to see them for who they are without the pretty filters.


Even the most independent of Cancers feel the need to be surrounded by people. They fear being abandoned by a loved one. They often worry that they will end up alone.


Leo’s biggest fear is underperforming or letting others (and themselves) down. Their identity revolves around being confident and validated, and they will be damned if they don’t get the praise they deserve. They tend to easily get hung up on the idea of living up to their full potential. 


Virgo is a perfectionist and rarely feels worthy of their successes. Their biggest fear is failure and rejection in their career and personal life. They fear that they will never amount to anything and that their best efforts will continuously fall short. 


Libras believe in partnerships, both romantic and platonic. Each union, whether it be a friend, family member, a significant other, or business ally, is tinged with the threat of a prospective breakup. Libra’s biggest fear is being brokenhearted or, even worse, breaking someone else’s heart.


Sagittarius loathes being controlled, as every true rebel does. They don’t like to follow the rules or feel like they aren’t able to make their own decisions. They fear that their life goals won’t become a reality because someone or something prevents them from coming to fruition.


Sagittarius make their own set of rules and don’t follow the rest of the crowd. They hate to be controlled by others or told that their beliefs are wrong or don’t matter. The biggest fear they have in their mind is the loss of autonomy or feeling trapped with no way out.


Capricorns understand the preciousness of time more than any other sign. They know what they’re capable of and will not stop until they get what they want. Their biggest fear in life is wasted potential or not achieving their goals. 


Aquarians are all about individuality and self-expression. Their biggest fear is losing sight of who they are and conforming to societal norms. Their originality is what makes an Aquarius feel free. The idea of being the same as everybody else keeps an Aquarius up at night tossing and turning.


Pisces fears not being loved or understood. They worry about having their thoughts and opinions suppressed by others. Pisces are sensitive and want to feel connected to others by sharing the deepest parts of their soul. They are terrified of letting someone in only to be misconstrued or negated by them.