These 4 Birth Months Are The Most Trustworthy In Relationships

These 4 Birth Months Are The Most Trustworthy In Relationships

You want to make sure you’re in a relationship with someone you can trust. Someone who isn’t going to let you down or disappoint you on a frequent basis. Since it’s important to choose someone who is reliable and consistent, remember that these are the birth months who are the most trustworthy in relationships:


People born in January value loyalty and consistency above all else, so they aren’t going to betray you or leave you hanging when you need them the most (or even when you need them a little). They are a trustworthy partner to have because they are going to stick to their promises and make sure that they treat you the way you deserve. They aren’t afraid of hard work, either, so they aren’t going to make you feel like an inconvenience when you ask for their help or expect them to meet certain standards. Anyone born during this month is likely to stay loyal because they would never want to hurt you.


People born during March genuinely want what’s best for the relationship as a whole, not what’s best for them individually. That’s why they’re going to stay loyal throughout the relationship. Once they decide to commit to you, they aren’t going to betray your trust. They aren’t going to make you jealous on purpose, or even incidentally. They are going to make sure that you feel loved and valued every single day. They are going to make sure you feel comfortable opening up to them and expressing your feelings because they don’t want any secrets to exist between the two of you.


People born during May prefer to stick to routines. You can trust them because they aren’t unpredictable. They aren’t going to be hot and cold with you because they are consistent. They will treat you with the same love and respect when they’re in a bad mood as they do on their best days. This sign is also brutally honest with the people closest to them, so they aren’t going to hide anything from you. You can trust that they’re being upfront with you about what they’re thinking and feeling at any given moment. They are never going to trick you or lead you on because they would rather speak the truth.


People born in August are big on loyalty. They have been hurt before and would never want to cause that same pain within someone else. Besides, they don’t have time for mind games. They don’t see the point in beating around the bush or telling little white lies. They would rather come right out and say whatever is on their mind. That’s why you never have to wonder what they are thinking throughout the relationship. They will tell you what’s bothering them when they’re upset and they will shower you with compliments when they’re happy. From the start, they will make it clear when they are committed to you, and when they are done with you. You will always know where you stand with them and will never have to worry about them sneaking around behind your back.