The Type of Person Who’s Attracted To You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries, your sign is known for being bold – and you need a match that’s just as confident as you are. The people that are most attracted to you are definitely go-getters with a thirst for adventure; they love your impulsivity and will always enjoy taking risks with you. They’ll definitely appreciate your willingness to challenge yourself and might even rely on you to help them leave their comfort zone, too.
Mars is your ruling planet. Although it may not be widely known as a love planet, it is the planet of passion. This means that the attributes you, Aries, draw from planet Mars – like your ambition (and maybe even your stubbornness) – are likely what will attract people to you in the romance department, in one way or another.
When Mars is at its most powerful, be on the lookout for anyone inexplicably drawn to your strong personality and passion for competition. The planet’s influence over your romantic life could bring you new opportunities to find your perfect partner once Mars is in full swing. Maybe you’ll find someone that balances your impulsivity and stubbornness, or maybe you’ll finally get that competitive enemies-to-lovers story arc you’ve always dreamed of. Romance is in your future, Aries!
Taurus, you’re known for seeking stability in all aspects of your life. If you’re inclined to agree that comfort rules in many of the decisions you make (and that luxury comes in close second) – congratulations, you’re definitely a Taurus. Those that are attracted to you like you for your level-headedness and your persistence. Your reliability affects those around you in the best possible ways; whether you often find yourself playing mom of the group or are just consistently organized and available to those you trust, someone is bound to notice and take interest in you because of it. You might be surprised, though, Taurus; the type of person likely to take interest in you could appreciate your reliability because they lack stability themselves. Romance is a balancing act, though, so just know that the adventurous types that are attracted to you are also likely to push you to new heights and keep you on your toes.
Your ruling planet is Venus, the planet of love. This makes you a romantic person, Taurus, and gives you a special eye for beauty. It goes without saying that any potential partners will love your sense of romance – and if you’ve got any dreams for yourself in the love department, those attracted to you will likely share similar goals. Use the skills that Venus gives its sun signs; plan your dream date, write some love letters, annotate your favorite book to give to your partner.
When your ruling planet is at its strongest, you’ll find that good things are more likely to happen in your romantic life. This is the best time for you to actively seek out romance in your life or reexamine old relationships for new potential. Taurus, you might have some secret admirers surrounding you, and they’re most likely to reveal themselves when Venus has its way and makes you totally irresistible. Keep that level head of yours, because your potential partners might need your help adding some organization and stability into their lives.
The kind of people attracted to Gemini sun signs are definitely going to admire Gemini’s social side. Gemini, you’re known for being a curious social butterfly; you prefer to be surrounded by friends and family as much as possible. Those that are attracted to you will likely share these same kinds of values – they’ll love that you’re the life of the party. They’ll also find a lot to like about your intellectual side; they might share similar academic interests as you or just enjoy conversing with you about your passions.
Your ruling planet is Mercury, known for communication. In the romance department, this means that you’ll have extra skill when communicating with those you care about. Those attracted to you will love talking to you more than anything – your quick wit will likely attract others with a similar sense of humor.
When Mercury is at its most powerful during its planetary cycle, know that your conversation skills could spark a new relationship for you. The people most attracted to you will be good listeners that also know how to carry a conversation; you’ll have an easy time talking to them and feel that your communication is even more on point than usual. Thanks to Mercury’s influence, it’ll be hard to keep other social butterflies from falling for you.
Cancer, your sensitive soul attracts other caring people – the best match for someone as kind as you. They’ll likely be someone that needs a good listening ear every once in a while, and they’ll find your natural empath abilities to be charming. Those attracted to Cancers will also value emotional intimacy in a romantic relationship and are likely to seek comfort from those close to them. Cancer, they’ll show their attraction towards you by being one of your biggest supporters and by looking to you for support during their big moments, too. Anyone attracted to you will value your sensitivity and will also be highly empathetic themselves.
Your ruling planet is the kind and intuitive Moon. The Moon’s magnetic beauty gives you your fine-tuned sensitivity to others’ emotions and your tendency to put love and family over everything else in your life. Any potential partners will share this same sentiment; they’ll stay close with those they care about and prioritize romantic relationships no matter what.
When the Moon is at its peak – such as during a New Moon or Full moon period – you’ll find yourself feeling even more empathetic than usual. Your warm and nurturing presence will create a natural attraction that may affect some of those close to you. The connections you feel with friends, family, and romantic partners during this time will be heightened; those attracted to you will feel an even stronger pull during certain Moon phases to connect and open up to you. Be on the lookout for other empaths that come to you for emotional support; your ability to provide care for those around you is one of the biggest attractive factors to other sensitive souls.
Leo, your flair for the dramatic and confident nature will attract other creative people. You’re a natural leader, but it’s not just other leaders that are attracted to you – you’ll likely find that those less likely to take charge also admire your confidence and charisma. Those attracted to you will have a desire to bring more excitement into their life and will love your passion for life. Leo, those attracted to you may not share your same confidence, but they are likely to share your creative passions and will enjoy connecting with you over them. Be on the lookout for someone on the shyer side that hypes up your every move. You might find that they secretly have a love for drama and attention themselves.
Your ruling planet – or star, in this case – is the Sun. The Sun gives you your creativity and natural confident nature. You’re likely to inspire those around you, either with your leadership skills or with your artistic side, and you also tend to be a generous person. The people attracted to you will definitely admire your generosity and share the same values; they’re likely to be selfless people in need of a little extra inspiration.
When the Sun is at its most influential (such as during your sun sign’s period), you’ll find that expressing yourself is easier than ever and that your creativity is unrivaled. You might find many people interested in getting to know you during this time; your charm and charisma make you hard to miss. Those that value self-expression will be extra likely to seek you out during this time – you might find an influx of people attracted to your style and wanting to get to know you better. Your loud and lovable nature makes it easy for them to stay hooked!
The type of person attracted to Virgo sun signs will have a good eye for detail and a love of being organized. Virgo, your analytical abilities and attention to detail means that you’re prepared for just about anything thrown your way. The kind of person that will fall for you will notice all the small things you’re responsible for, and they’ll care about them just as much as you do. Other hard workers are most likely to be attracted to you and will share your work ethic. Virgo, you also tend to find enjoyment in improving your community and dedicating your practicality to volunteering for organizations you care about. This means that the kind of person attracted to you will also have a desire to help their community and will likely be passionate about the same causes as you.
Your ruling planet is Mercury, the planet that gives you your practical side. In the romance department, you’ll find that the standards associated with planet Mercury — practicality, intellect, and communication — are ones those attracted to you will take the most interest in. Other intellectuals that are determined, put-together, and attentive will appreciate those qualities in yourself.
During Mercury’s peak when your practical side is in full force, you’ll naturally connect with others that will show appreciation for your preparedness. Your communication skills will also be on point during this time period, and you may find yourself easily meeting others that are captivated by your conversational abilities. Those interested in you will definitely find your level-headedness uniquely attractive – they also might be the type of person to express their admiration of your skills directly. Go get em’, Virgo.
Libra, the kinds of people attracted to you will be easily swayed by your charm and wit. You’re likely to attract both social butterflies (like yourself) and casual conversationalists that admire your diplomacy. You’ll also naturally attract people that value compromise and balance in their romantic relationships; your love of harmony will be appealing to these kinds of people. Those that like you will probably have a sense of humor that matches yours and an equally sharp wit.
Your ruling planet is Venus, another big bonus for you when it comes to romance. The planet of love indicates your desire for a balanced romantic relationship and also gives you the natural grace you navigate every social situation with. Your strong sense of justice and willingness to work for what you believe in means that you’ll attract people that want to work with you to create a fulfilling romantic relationship.
When Venus is at its most influential during its planetary cycle, others around you may find you even more charming than usual. Your romantic communication is likely to strengthen around this time, and you might even notice a change in the aesthetics you find most appealing. Libra, the individuals that are attracted to you will be strong communicators that value your diplomatic side. They’ll value open communication and compromise – two things your sign tends to prioritize. This will only serve to make you more attractive in their eyes.
Scorpio, your depth and mystery attracts those who appreciate meaningful interactions and want to get to know you better. Your mysterious exterior tends to attract curious and empathetic people who are interested by the aura you possess. They may find your passion and charisma particularly attractive, as well as your ability to see through surface-level interactions and get to the heart of the matter. Those attracted to you will value emotional intimacy and will likely seek you out to try and form a deeper connection with you.
You’re ruled by planet Pluto (who retains planetary status for astrology-related purposes). Pluto is commonly associated with transformative energy and even the underworld, which gives you your well-known mysterious aura. Romantically, you tend to prefer relationships where you and your partner can both grow together emotionally. Those that are attracted to you will agree with this sentiment and will appreciate your desire for transformation. They may also be someone that is in tune with their own spirituality.
Any time Pluto is in power during its cycle, you’re bound to encounter many experiences that will lead to new growth. This can be a transformative time for you and your relationships, and may lead to new romantic developments in your life. It’s also the time when those attracted to you are most likely to try and connect with you. Sensitive and intuitive people will find themselves attracted to your intensity and charisma. Your charm will draw in those enchanted by romance and mystery.
The kind of person most attracted to Sagittarius will be someone that values optimism and adventure. Sagittarius are known for their own adventurous spirits, and will naturally attract people that love to seek out a new adventure every day. Those attracted to you will be positive, easy-going people that value their freedom and independence. They’ll also foster a desire for a relationship that allows both parties to remain independent and not feel held back by each other; romance that allows both parties to grow and learn together will be the priority for you, Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, associated with luck. This red planet gives you your positive outlook on life and your love of freedom. Romantically, those that are attracted to you will admire your ability to find joy in the little things and will likely value a similar mindset; they’ll either be a highly optimistic person themselves or will admire that trait in other people and surround themselves with positive social circles. People attracted to you may also be a dreamer that prioritizes following their passions.
When Jupiter is in full swing, be ready for some extra luck in your romantic life. You might find yourself randomly encountering a potential future partner through a series of odd events or just running into the right person at the right time. You may also find yourself feeling extra optimistic during this time, which will easily spread to those around you; people attracted to your optimism will find you even more admirable than usual when Jupiter’s planetary cycle gives it the most influence over your sign. This is also a great time to head out on a few interesting adventures; the type of person attracted to you is likely to be another adventure-seeker, and there’s no better way to meet them than while having one of your own.
Capricorn, you’re known for being ambitious and responsible. Those that are attracted to you will show a similar work ethic and will admire how dedicated you are to what you do. They’ll likely share similar professional or academic interests, and will enjoy talking to you about your work or school. They’ll be one of your biggest supporters no matter what, and they’ll always appreciate your ability to execute long-term goals. The type of person that is attracted to you will also be a dreamer and a planner themselves, and will admire your responsibility towards your own dreams.
You’re ruled by planet Saturn, associated with discipline and hard work. This means that your dedication is the asset that is likely to be most valuable to those romantically attracted to you. Your commitment towards your personal goals also demonstrates your dedication to those you love; this is part of the attraction for those that are interested in you. They’ll likely be people that desire a deep bond and committed relationship, and will enjoy working jointly with you towards future romantic and personal goals.
When Saturn is at its most powerful, you’ll be at your peak productivity. You’ll feel motivated and highly disciplined, and other people that support your mission and help you achieve your goals will be surrounding you during this time. This is also a prime time for you to begin a healthy romantic relationship. You’ll likely find other successful individuals and hard workers to be attracted to you; practical and ambitious people will find your values and achievements uniquely attractive.
Aquarius, you’re known for your innovative spirit and unique outlook on life. You’ll attract individuals that are forward-thinking (like you!) and deeply care about the world around them. You’re also a creative person that likes to think outside the box – this ability is naturally attractive to others that share the same perspective. Other independent and innovative people will be drawn to your ideas and will love discussing them with you.
You’re ruled by Uranus, associated with freedom and rebellion. This means that you may enjoy bending a few rules every once in a while, but mostly for humanitarian causes you truly care about. Traits like this attract like-minded people that are committed to the causes they believe in and want to create positive change in the world. They’ll admire you for the work you put into supporting causes that interest you and may form a bond with you over these values. They may also be a free-spirited person that values a relationship where they can retain their independence.
When Uranus is most influential over you, you’ll likely find it easy to connect with other people over causes you care about. You’ll also find yourself surrounded by other innovative people that push you to reach new heights with your progressive thinking and creativity. People like you that value self-expression and individuality will be most attracted to you, and thanks to Uranus, your innovative spirit will be too strong for them to resist.
Pisces, you’re known for your intuition and your empathy. You’re likely to be a kind and artistic person who is always in tune with your emotions. Those attracted to you are likely to be similar; they’ll probably be a creative soul that is caring and empathetic to those around them. They’ll value emotional intimacy in a relationship and will want to connect with you on a personal level. They’ll also deeply appreciate your artistic talents and will likely be an artist or connect with art in some form themselves.
You’re ruled by planet Neptune, associated with imagination and creativity. Your dreamy nature is likely to attract romantic and sensitive people. They’ll appreciate your endless imagination and are likely to also be a daydreamer themselves; they’ll easily be able to find the magic in the world around them and will value connecting with others that can do the same. You may share a common artistic interest or easily find an emotional connection with them.
When Neptune is at its most powerful, your artistry and spirituality will be high. You might find yourself having deep conversations with your loved ones or expressing yourself more than usual through your artistic talents. This can also lead to romantic connections through similar activities; other artistic individuals are more likely to seek you out during this time and express their admiration for your talents. Empaths that value your deeply emotional side are likely to be most attracted to you during this time and will fall in love with your caring nature and ability to bond with other people.