
The Roadblock Keeping You From Manifesting Your Wildest Dreams, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


You get distracted by every whim that enters you brain. It’s hard to focus on your long-term goals when you keep changing what you want them to be. If you want to move forward with intention, start living a little less in the present and think about where you want to be in five and ten years’ time.


You don’t really like the sound of change. Even if the change is theoretically a good thing, you worry that once all is said and done, that dream wasn’t what you really wanted. Or maybe you have a fun combination of both the fear of failure and the fear of success. If you keep this up, nothing will ever change.


When you get to flex your creativity and do something fun, you’re all for reaching your goals and achieving your dreams. The trouble arrives when you have to do the nitty gritty, day-to-day tasks that also come with manifesting the life you want. As soon as you get even a little bored, you stop trying.


Your insecurity often gets the best of you. You worry if you’re doing the right thing or have chosen an okay goal, so you go to people you trust for their opinion. Your major roadblock is the idea that outsiders’ opinions are more important than your own. Lead with confidence in your own ideas because you’re the one living them.


You thrive on praise and attention, and as long as you’re getting both, you’ll happily move forward. The moment you feel like you’re totally alone in your manifestation toward your goal, you start to lose interest. Remember that your opinion on your own life matters more than anyone else’s. Achieve your dreams by being your own biggest fan.


You get so lost in the actual process of achieving a goal that you start to lose the big picture. You might finally get to your end goal and realize that you don’t really want it anymore. Make sure to stop and check in with yourself. Is this really something you want? Or are you just not letting yourself feel like a “failure” because you’ve changed your mind?


You’re no stranger to setting goals. You love finding new and fun ways to improve your life. The problem is that you let outside influences dictate what those goals might be. Just because your friends or partner want to do some specific thing with their lives doesn’t mean you should jump on the bandwagon. Stay in touch with what you want, independent of anyone else.


You have such a hard time asking for help that you get in your own way when achieving your dream life. If you’d only asked a friend for guidance or a helping hand, you could have gotten there so much quicker. But you let pride and the need for privacy dictate your life. We can all get by with a little help from our friends.


You have big dreams, which is admirable. But are they actually doable? And are you taking the necessary steps to make them happen? To get better at achieving your dream life, it’s two-fold. First, make sure that it’s something that can actually be achieved. Then start planning it–a crucial step that you usually skip.


You’re great at setting and achieving your goals. You’re a master at manifestation, but even you can have setbacks. Your biggest roadblock is working too hard. You’re often in danger of over-exhaustion or a nervous breakdown. Cut yourself some slack and take it easy. You’ll get to your end goal soon enough.


While you’re pretty good at achieving your goals, you often put more stock in how other people will feel affected by your dreams than just achieving them for yourself. You want to help people, and that’s great, but helping yourself is important, too. Don’t let yourself get lost in the process.


You love fantasizing about the myriad of ways you could better your life. It’s that dreamy side of you that keeps your head in the clouds, but also keeps you from taking any real steps to manifesting them. If you’re feeling like you’re living more inside your head than outside of it, it’s time to pull back and keep one foot on the ground.