Thought Catalog Agency

The Relationship Insecurity You Need To Work On, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your Card: Nine of Swords, reversed

The fear of dishonesty or betrayal coming to light is holding you back from fully enjoying your relationship and trusting your partner. You’re constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, Aries. The reversal of the Nine of Swords is a sign of the insecurity you have of your partner cheating on you or deceiving you. Are your suspicions founded, Aries? Or are you just projecting past emotional wounds onto your current significant other?


Your Card: Three of Cups

You’re afraid of someone from your lover’s past walking back into their life. This ex of theirs makes you feel threatened. Your fear is that they’ll come back seeking your partner romantically and rob you of your future and happiness. Taurus, your partner chose you to build something lasting with. They’re not thinking about anyone else but you. Stop filling your head with imaginary scenarios. 


Your Card: Page of Pentacles

Gemini, the fear you have in your relationship is that one day your partner will stop being so dedicated and loyal in your relationship. Your fear is that the passion or spark will disappear and that you’ll end up losing them. Stop living in the “what if” and focus on the things you could be doing now to nurture the fire and closeness between you and your lover. 


Your Card: Two of Cups, reversed

You’re so afraid of a disconnect ever developing between you and your partner that you’re constantly seeking reassurance. How do you think it makes them feel, Cancer? They can feel the doubt you have in them and in their commitment. What else do they have to do to prove to you that they’re in it with you? The hesitance isn’t coming from them, but from you. 


Your Card: Ace of Wands

Leo, you’re insecure about what will happen when the novelty wears off from your relationship. You’re so afraid of the passion fading between you and your partner and what that might mean for your future together. Perhaps your fear is that you’re no longer the object of your partner’s desire. Instead of filling your head with these thoughts, do things that make you feel more secure in your relationship—things that reignite the spark, bring you closer together, and bring the inspiration back into your bond. 


Your Card: The Tower

You can’t enjoy your relationship because you’re constantly thinking about it coming to an end. You’re so happy with what you have, so fulfilled, and so grateful that it feels too good to be true. On some level, you’re avoiding getting as close to your partner as you could because you’re trying to protect yourself. Not all things in life are guaranteed to last, but the risk of heartbreak is certainly worth finding out. 


Your Card: Judgment

The insecurities you have in your relationship stem from past obstacles, arguments, or wounds between you and your partner. You can no longer ignore issues from the past—issues you may have lied about getting over. Right now your relationship is at a turning point. You both can either choose to forgive your partner and renew your relationship, making the necessary adjustment together, or you need to walk away. Let it go, or let them go, Libra. 


Your Card: Seven of Wands, reversed

You’re living with the fear that your partner is going to end your relationship soon. You may be experiencing an ongoing disagreement or a rocky period in your relationship. It has left you afraid that soon things will end or that it will be easier for external forces to come between you. Be open and vulnerable with your partner, and to be honest with yourself about how you may contribute to the strain. This could be an opportunity for you to get closer to your partner. 


Your Card: The Moon, reversed

Your relationship is currently mired in paranoia and doubt. There isn’t exactly a reason you can pinpoint, but lately you aren’t feeling like your partner is being honest with you. You believe there’s something they’re hiding from you—something that could threaten your relationship. Where is this distrust coming from, Sag? Is it perhaps your romantic history and not your partner that’s causing you to feel this way? 


Your Card: The High Priestess

The High Priestess encourages you to listen to that inner voice nagging at you. She’s telling you to trust your intuition. Whatever suspicion or insecurity you may have right now may exist for a legitimate reason. If you’re worried something is wrong, it could be. Dig deep and lean into the light. Why do you feel this way? You need to be transparent in addressing any worries or imbalances with your partner. 


Your Card: Seven of Swords 

You’re feeling suspicious that your relationship is mired in lies and deception. Right now you’re acting distant with your partner as a form of caution. It’s because you’re not trusting that they’re being honest with you. Specifically, you have an insecurity about getting cheated on by them. Does this stem from their past behavior? Have you seen something that could point to evidence? Or are you just projecting your past onto your partner? You need to address the root of your insecurity to decide how to proceed. 


Your Card: Eight of Cups

You have a fear of abandonment, Pisces. Your insecurity can stem from past relationships or trauma. It’s affecting the way you connect with your partner. The Eight of Cups could also signify that you feel as if there’s something missing from your relationship. It’s gotten into your head lately and has been making you feel as your partner is pulling away. You need to have an open and honest discussion about your fears and emotions with your partner.