The Promise Each Zodiac Sign Should Make In 2022
Spenser Sembrat

The Promise Each Zodiac Sign Should Make In 2022


Promise yourself that you aren’t going to give up on your dreams. Promise yourself that you’re going to continue trying, no matter how many obstacles get in your way. Promise yourself that you won’t let your doubts deter you from what you want more than anything.


Promise yourself that you will no longer settle for mediocre relationships. Promise yourself that you won’t remain in an uncomfortable situation, simply because you’re scared to try something new. Promise yourself that you are going to keep your standards higher than you have in the past.


Promise yourself that you are going to prioritize your mental health above your productivity. Promise yourself that you aren’t going to push yourself to the point of burnout. Promise yourself that you will take breaks without feeling guilty about all of the things you should be doing instead.


Promise yourself that you’re going to say no when your plate is close to overflowing. Promise yourself that you will put your own needs before the wants of everyone around you. Promise yourself that you will put yourself first for a change instead of running around, trying to please everyone else.


Promise yourself that you will make more time for family and friends this year. Promise yourself that you will create a balanced schedule so you aren’t working all of the time. Promise yourself that you will prioritize fun as well as work.


Promise yourself that you will be more open about your emotions. Promise yourself that you will speak up about your insecurities instead of pretending to be perfect. Promise yourself that you won’t stuff down your feelings because they are uncomfortable or inconvenient.


Promise yourself that you will work on self-love. Promise yourself that you will take care of yourself the same way you take care of the people who matter the most to you. Promise yourself that you will stop being so hard on yourself and lead with love.


Promise yourself that you will let more people into your heart. Promise yourself that you won’t push others away out of fear of getting hurt again. Promise yourself that you will at least give love another shot.


Promise yourself that you will put serious thought into what comes next. Promise yourself that you will think through the consequences of your actions before impulsively making decisions. Promise yourself that you will do what’s best for yourself, even if it means taking the hardest road.


Promise yourself that you will give yourself some lazy days. Promise yourself that you won’t spend every second of this next year on your computer, working. Promise yourself that you will plan breaks and maybe even a vacation or two.


Promise yourself that you will stay kind. Promise yourself that you won’t jump to conclusions about others and hate them before you even know them. Promise yourself that you’ll give others a fighting chance.


Promise yourself that you will work toward your goals. Promise yourself that you won’t procrastinate for a moment longer. Promise yourself that you’ll get some real work done on projects that mean the world to you.