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The Poem Every Zodiac Sign Needs To Read Right Now


You are brewing.
A storm at the back of your throat.
Let go. Give your voice lungs.
Let your cup runneth over.
You have every right
to let it rain from your fingertips
and show them how beautiful
you sound.

-from When The Bee Stings


The world can be
cruel cold confusing

But look at the full moon
she is whole and shines light
onto even the darkest night
around her
she has the power
to defy gravity and pull tides

You are the moon
don’t you forget
your place amongst stars

-from Evergreen


Be discerning of the energy, the time, the investment, the intention… you receive in return for the energy, time, investment, and intention you put in.

Don’t go planting your seeds in temporary places and expect to see a harvest.

-from All The Right Pieces


I remind myself to look at my body
just before his leaving,
to note my movements
like the corners of pages:
my folded hands,
trembling lips desperate
to be more than just open.
This is when I learn how to want,
how to write about love
as if I understand the meaning of his body.
I put myself here
because I want to.
I feel it all; I have to.

-from Somewhere In Between


You are not ordinary. There is no story like yours. There is no being like you. There is something you offer that nobody else could. Your presence on this planet has shifted it irrevocably. Without you, nothing would be the same. Please remember this when you feel small and all feels meaningless. You are an exceptional thing.

-from Ceremony


Allow yourself to have a bad day
without punishing yourself for it.
You are only human.
Please be kind to yourself.

-from Everything You’ll Ever Need, You Can Find Within Yourself


Someday, you will see that you aren’t the problem. Your love is beautiful, and your intentions are pure. But you’re giving your all to the wrong people, and that’s why it’s breaking you.

-from Holding Space for the Sun


The energy you surround yourself with, the people you allow access to you, and the environments that you linger in will indefinitely determine the way you experience and perceive life.

It is your responsibility to constantly evaluate whether your surroundings are inspiring you to become a better person or requiring you to dim your light.

-from Come Home To Yourself


Learn how to love yourself fully and without reservation or discomfort. Learn how to love yourself the way you love others — embrace all your flaws, all of your darkness, cheer on your accomplishments, don’t downplay your wins. Turn every mistake you make into something forgivable. Hold yourself and heal yourself; trust in the fact that you have the capacity to rescue whatever part of you needs saving. Please, just show yourself some grace, just show up. Because life gets hard and people leave, but you will always have yourself. You will always be your own home.

-from The Strength In Our Scars


The inner critic never goes away but you will learn to coexist with her. You will guide her with confidence through every challenge you encounter. You will comfort her when she’s afraid. You will hear her tell you that you’re crazy, that you’re not enough, and you will have to correct her each time. You will feel her rise up in anxiety and you will learn to quiet her down. Your inner critic is here to stay, but you will learn to walk beside her.

-from Little by Little


Life is too short to be played safely. To not risk your heart out. To not chase your dreams. To not tell the people you love how much they mean to you because you’re afraid of scaring them off with your big feelings.

Life is too short to not submit your application because you’re afraid you’re not good enough. To not give that pretty girl your phone number because your fear is telling you she’ll laugh at you or say no.

Do not let the fear of failure take away your shot at happiness.

-from Be The One


Love without losing yourself. Don’t give too much of yourself to someone that you don’t have enough left to give to yourself. You deserve to be loved deeply, if your love isn’t being returned, remind yourself that you deserve better.

-from Stay Until Tomorrow