The Perfect Traditions To Get Each Zodiac Into The Holiday Spirit
The traditions of the holidays are what make this time of year so magical. There’s a little something for everyone! Oftentimes immersing in holiday traditions is what ignites our sense of holiday spirit and cheer. Here’s the perfect holiday activity to get you into the holiday spirit, based on your zodiac:
Aries: Putting Up Holiday Lights
As we move through the darkest time of the year, seeing things festively lit up brings forth the magic of the season. You love anything bold, exciting, and stimulating, making putting up and admiring holiday lights the perfect activity to get you in the holiday spirit. You’re not afraid to put yourself up in the high and hard-to-reach spaces when it comes to putting up lights. Once you get your own up, take a little drive around town and admire everyone else’s work (but of course your competitive nature means that yours are simply the best!)
Taurus: Baking
No holiday season is complete without sweets and treats. Taurus, not only do you love indulging, but sharing nourishment and comfort with your loved ones is how you love to show you care. Baking all of your holiday favorites and sharing them to your friends and loved ones is the perfect way to spread some holiday cheer.
Gemini: Advent Calendar
Gemini, you love surprises and variety, as well as the novelty and excitement of introducing a little fun into your daily routine. What provides those things better than an advent calendar? Choose something with a theme that excites you and pique your natural curiosity daily with a little advent calendar fun! Sharing your daily surprise also creates the perfect conversation starter for you to connect with others around what they’re enjoying most this holiday season, a perfect win-win!
Cancer: Watching Nostalgic Holiday Specials
One of the most enchanting parts of the holidays for you, Cancer, is the feeling of nostalgia and connecting to all of your favorite parts of the holidays from when you were young. There’s just something so comforting, fun, and carefree about the charming claymation of favorites like Rudolph, or the soundtracks to old classics like A Charlie Brown Christmas. That’s exactly why the perfect holiday activity for you is watching all of your favorite Christmas specials, especially the ones that invoke a little childhood nostalgia.
Leo: Attending Holiday Theatre Productions
Holiday theatre productions are a fabulous activity to get any Leo into the spirit. From seeing The Nutcracker ballet to attending a production of It’s a Wonderful Life, the heartwarming stories, flashy sets, and beautiful costumes are enough to draw you in and get you excited. Attending a holiday show is the perfect opportunity to get dressed up and enjoy an evening of creativity, performance, and festivity, three of your favorite things! Or, if you’re creatively inclined yourself, you might even consider participating in a production with a community theatre group.
Virgo: Gift Wrapping and Gift Giving
Virgo, you absolutely love any opportunity to not only show your loved ones you care but that you’ve also been paying attention to their needs. You never miss an opportunity to pick out an absolutely perfect gift for the people in your life, and absolutely no one does a more masterful, detailed wrapping job than you. Gift wrapping and gift giving at the holidays grant you the most perfect opportunity to showcase your thoughtfulness and put your skillful attention to detail to use.
Libra: Throwing a Holiday Soirée
Libra, you are always the host with the most, so it should come as no surprise to you that throwing a holiday soiree is the ideal way for you to both get into the spirit yourself and to make sure that spirit is spread to everyone you know and love! Throwing a holiday party combines everything you excel at–putting up decor, curating a playlist, creating a perfect guest list, and facilitating connection, conversation, cheer, and fun that everyone will carry with them into the new year.
Scorpio: Secret Santa
Scorpio, you love a little mystery and intrigue, and no one quite keeps a secret as well as you, making secret Santa exchanges the perfect holiday activity for you. You’re also incredibly observant and perceptive, which means you can easily pick up on clues for the perfect, special gift for your recipient without them being any the wiser. Secret Santa also allows you to build a deeper connection with someone in a subtle way.
Sagittarius: Exploring Holiday Markets and Attractions
You love any chance to indulge your wanderlust, Sagittarius, which makes getaways to holiday markets, festive attractions, or even getting outdoors for winter activities like ice skating or sledding the perfect holiday activity for you. All the better if those activities allow you to immerse in traditions from other cultures! Look into festivities happening in surrounding towns that give you the chance to go explore, or if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you might even plan your entire holiday season around a trip somewhere exciting.
Capricorn: Holiday Shopping
Capricorn, your economic savvy, organization, and ability to think of everything makes you the master of holiday shopping. You excel at planning and budgeting and love the challenge–and subsequent sense of accomplishment–of sticking to your budget while checking everything off of your list. From checking the perfect gift off your list for everyone to finding the perfect decor–you’ll take care of it all in the most efficient way.
Aquarius: Volunteering
Your humanitarian nature makes volunteering the perfect activity for you, Aquarius. Spend your time this holiday season giving back by volunteering at a food kitchen, organizing a toy drive, or supporting any other cause locally that calls out to you. Sharing your time and energy is the perfect way to not only spread holiday cheer to others but also to warm your own heart with a sense of meaning and purpose.
Pisces: Holiday Crafting
Pisces, you love any activity that exercises your natural creativity, especially one that will create a heartwarming sense of nostalgia for years to come. Crafting homemade gifts, decor, ornaments, and any other festive creations you can imagine is the perfect way to center your creativity, imagination, and sentimentality in igniting a little bit of holiday spirit. You love creating something personal and meaningful, and the emotional depth that comes from hand-crafting something that will be brought out year after year. Gather some loved ones, get some crafting supplies, and sit by the fire for even more connection, love, and memories that will make your holidays feel extra special.