The Lies That Depression Tells Your Brain
It tells you that you are nothing, you have no one, and it will never get better.
Never-ending negatives play constantly in your brain until you give in and let the demons of depression run the show.
It tells you to go back to sleep. Don’t leave the bed. Neglect yourself and everyone around you. Withdraw, retreat, and repeat.
It feeds the brain nothing but despair, clouding your mind with its lies.
No matter how much you surround yourself with people, you will still feel lonely.
No matter how much makeup you wear, you will not be able to conceal the pain inside of yourself.
You can contour, paint a fresh face, and cover up imperfections on the outside, but inside there will be no fix for your misery.
As much as you post in abundance and portray a fake, fulfilled life, you will still be empty.
You will feel all of your mistakes and misfortunes seeping through each of your pores, drowning you in a sea of self-pity and destruction.
All the guilt will build in your belly, creating a gut that taunts you in the mirror.
Inside you will feel ugly. You are hollow; your mind is a black hole that swirls and swallows your happiness alive.
The lies depression tells your brain are extraordinarily unpleasant, but remember they are also untrue.
Even if a friend feels like a distant concept lately and loneliness surrounds you, you are not alone.
It may feel unattainable to allow human attachment and allow people to go past the walls of your mind.
Others do not see the turmoil hidden inside of you. You can try to escape but depression will follow you.
A broken person on the east coast is still a broken, depressed person on the west coast, and they will still be broken in another country.
You can change the environment, but no matter how much you run, you will always be stuck with what is lingering in your core.
You cannot run from yourself or your mind.
The mind is a complex thing that takes what you feed it, stores it, loops it, and runs with it.
So feed it positivity and beauty.
Recovery is an inside job. Temporary fixes help you for a little, but the real road to happiness is deep-rooted within you.
You cannot run; you must stop and breathe. Love and care for yourself. Do the work you know is inside of you.
You can only ignore the lies depression tells your brain.
You matter. You are someone special. You are loved.
It may not feel good at this very moment, but moments are fleeting and it will be okay.
You are a survivor and depression is not the winner of your battles.