Shiva Hemmat

The Dating Reality Check Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Hear Right Now


You love to be in charge. Even when you’re relinquishing some control, it’s because you’re in charge of not being in charge. If you don’t start letting go of the reins a little, that cute “adventurous” side is going to get old really quick. Take a break from being the loudest person in the room and let the person in your life shine for once.


I get it, you’ve created a whole utopia for yourself. Your home has everything you’d want, so why leave? You should leave because your partner wants to. Quit trying to convince them that you can just stay home. That you have everything you could ever need right there. Loosen up a little, because that rigidity in routine will eventually be your relationship downfall.


Your mind runs a mile a minute, often keeping you up at night as you overthink every single interaction you had that day. Rather than assuming you know what your partner is thinking, do both of you a favor and just speak up. Ask how they’re feeling instead of assuming the worst and planning accordingly. Honestly, it’s probably not nearly as bad as you think.


You keep going back and forth between sharing every feeling you have and shutting up and pretending everything is fine. You know there’s a happy medium, right? By all means, share your emotions with a partner–that’s a good thing. But leave room for other things, like listening to their emotions or, *gasp!*, doing anything other than talking about feelings.


You have more power than you’re letting yourself believe. You have the capacity to hurt the feelings of the people around you, but when you’re called out on it you often shirk responsibility. Your relationships sometimes fail because you’re a little too cold. If you want to make this work, protect the person you hold dear. And if you hurt them, apologize, geez.


Try as you might, you can’t make every situation perfect. Your partners often feel a lot of pressure to make you happy, to live up to the perfect vision you have in your head. Cut them some slack and let go of the control a little. People are messy, inside and out, and you won’t have a meaningful relationship if you don’t allow for a little messiness.


You’re a master of avoiding conflict, which is usually a good thing. But if you keep avoiding every little fight, that’ll eventually be your undoing. Fights are bound to happen in a relationship. The longer you avoid them, the more your partner will think you don’t actually care about making this work. Rather than running at the first sign of conflict, start putting up more of a fight.


Have you noticed the drama that seems to surround all of your relationships? The common denominator is you. And no, you don’t have to keep playing games or testing your relationship. It doesn’t have to be so hard. I know you thrive on intensity, but you might want to relax a little. This is why people find you so intimidating.


Your partners are often on edge, worried that the moment you get bored, you’ll kick them to the curb. And that fear isn’t exactly unwarranted. You love adventure and anything less makes you feel itchy. Just remember that most people like to take a break now and then and just have some time at home. Give your partner the rest they want without them having to worry that you’ll cut them loose.


Everyone moves at their own pace, much to your chagrin. If your partner isn’t moving at your pace, you’ll likely feel the urge to guide them where you think they should go. In other words, you’re pretty manipulative. You mean well most of the time, but most people don’t like their lives dictated by the people they’re dating. Give your opinion, sure, but then let your partner decide what they do with their life. If you don’t, you might end up alone.


You’re really good at being alone, and you assume everyone around you feels the same way. Just because you don’t need to talk about your feelings doesn’t mean that’s the case for your partner. Be open, listen to them, show how much you care. I know it doesn’t come naturally to you, but it’s the only way to have a loving and respectful relationship. And if you don’t want that, maybe you should be alone.


You’re better at attending to your partner’s emotions than having the spotlight on your own. Fight that urge to run away any time your partner wants to talk about something you’ve done. It’s okay to be sensitive, just so long as you don’t sabotage yourself by becoming a hermit every time you’re the center of a conflict. And if your partner asks what’s wrong, tell them. They can’t read your mind.