The Best Yoga Pose For Each Zodiac Sign

Yoga is a wonderful practice to add to your week for fitness as well as mindfulness. It allows you to strengthen and lengthen muscles while also creating body awareness and calmness, which we all need. Whether youā€™re a seasoned yogi or just starting to add yoga into your week, gain some inspiration using these poses based on your zodiac sign.Ā 


Warrior 2 is a great pose for an Aries to add to their yoga practice. It is a strong and confidence-building posture that represents what an Aries is all about. It strengthens the legs, primarily the quadriceps and hips. To get into warrior 2, or virabhadrasana B in sanskrit, you can start from downward facing dog. Step your right foot up between your hands. Then turn and plant your left foot so that the toes are facing the long edge of your mat. Lift your torso and bring your arms to a T shape. Your front right knee is bent and your hips are in line with each other. Hold for five strong breaths. Do the same thing on the left side.Ā 


Yogi squat, or malasana in sanskrit, is a great pose for a Taurus to try. It is a very grounding posture that opens the hips, inner thighs, and lower back. Tauruses are known for their down-to-earth personalities, and this posture helps with just that. To get into malasana, start from a standing position at the top of your mat. Widen the stance of your legs so they are about hip-width apart and point your toes outward. Start to bend your knees all the way down so that your hips sit between your legs. You will be close to the floor here. You can bring your hands onto the floor for more support or bring your hands at heart-center with the elbows opening up the legs. If needed, use a yoga block underneath your seat for more support and space.Ā 


Cobra pose, or bhujangasana, is a wonderful heart opener that would benefit a Gemini. Cobra not only opens up the chest and back but also is so wonderful for the throat chakra, which is all about communicating your truths. Geminis are known for their ability to communicate truths, making this posture great for them. To get into cobra pose, lower onto your belly. Bring your hands underneath your shoulders and press up while still keeping your hips pressed into the mat. You will expand through the chest while keeping shoulders away from the ears. Hold this posture for three to five breaths.Ā 


Cancers love to go inward, which makes a childā€™s pose, or balasana, a wonderful posture for Cancerā€™s to add to their practice. Childā€™s pose opens the hips and low back while also calming the nervous system, since you are in a position that feels safe and inward. To get into childā€™s pose, you can start from your hands and knees. Open up the knees a bit so that you can sink your hips back between your thighs. Alternatively, you can keep your knees together and sink the hips back that way. Your arms will reach forward with your forehead resting on your mat. You could also extend your arms toward the back of your mat to round through your shoulders. Hold this posture for as long as youā€™d like, making sure to breathe deeply into the back.Ā 


Leos are the lions of the zodiac, which makes lionā€™s breath a beneficial yoga pose to add to their practice. Lionā€™s breath, or simhasana, is a type of breathing done during yoga practice to help release toxins and stress, as well as stimulate the thyroid. To get into lionā€™s breath, you can start from a comfortable seat with the legs crossed or sitting on your heels with your torso upright. Placing your hands on your thighs or knees, take a deep inhale through the nose. On your exhale, open your mouth with your tongue sticking far out and forcefully breathe out a ā€œhaā€ breath. Let out those lion ā€œroarsā€ a few times, taking deeper breaths each time.Ā 


Vrkasana, or tree pose, is a beautiful yoga posture to add to a Virgoā€™s practice. Not only is it grounding, but it is a great way to connect with your strength and balance. To get into tree pose, you can start from standing at the top of your mat. Hug your right knee into your chest, making sure to spread the toes of your standing left foot. Turn your right knee out to the right and plant your right foot on your left ankle, calf, or thigh. Place your hands at heart-center. Hold this posture for three to five breaths and then switch sides.Ā 


Goddess pose, or utkata konasana, is a powerful posture that represents beauty and balance, which is what Libras are known for. Goddess pose strengthens the legs and hips, as well as keeps one present and in tune with the breath. To get into goddess pose, start by facing the long edge of your yoga mat. Turn your toes out toward the corners of your mat and begin sinking your hips low. Your arms will come wide to 90 degree bend with the hands up. Continue to breathe here into the hips and keep the back upright by broadening the chest. Hold for three to five breaths.Ā 


Butterfly, or badhakonasana, is a grounding hip opener that would allow a Scorpio to go inward. It is beneficial to the hips, inner thighs, and lower back, as well as for calming the mind. Start by sitting on your yoga mat and bring the soles of your feet together while opening the knees out wide. Then you will fold forward over your feet, allowing your hips to gently soften and open up more. Breathe slow deep breaths here as you allow yourself to go inward and ease through the posture.Ā 


Warrior 3, or virabhadrasana 3, is a challenging posture that a Sagittarius might have fun trying. It is a fiery yoga posture that is all about balance. It benefits leg, ankle, and back strength, as well as staying mentally present while in the posture. To get into warrior 3, you can start from a high lunge with the right leg leading. Begin to lean forward over your right thigh and start to press off your left foot. Your left leg will begin to lift up as you lean more forward. The goal is for your body to make a T shape with your left leg and torso as the top of the T. Your arms can reach out to your sides or stay at your heart-center. Do this posture on the other side as well.


Chair pose, or utkatasana, is a great yoga pose for Capricorns to try. It is challenging, heat building, yet also grounding, which is what a Capricorn needs. To get into chair pose, start from a standing position. Bend your knees and sink your hips back as if you are sitting in an imaginary chair. Your arms will reach up as you keep your shoulders down away from your ears. Make sure your hips are sinking back enough to see your toes when you look down and that your core is activated. Breathe three to five strong breaths here.Ā 


Meditation pose, or sukhasana, would benefit cerebral Aquarians. This posture allows the mind to settle down as one focuses on the breath. It is beneficial for calming anxiety, lengthening the spine, and stretching the hips. To get into meditation, cross your legs while sitting on your mat. Sit up tall through the spine while resting your hands comfortably on your lap or knees. Close the eyes and start to breathe deeply through the nose, slowing the breath down to allow for calmness to enrich your body. Stay for as long as youā€™d like.Ā 


Pigeon pose, or kapotasana, is a deep hip opener that allows for relaxation, connection with the spirit, and surrender. It is a perfect pose for a Pisces to add to the end of their yoga practice. To get into pigeon, start from a downward facing dog. You can step your right leg up between your hands first, and then walk it over to the left side of your mat. Gently lower your right leg down so that the side of your right calf and knee are touching your mat. You can guide your right foot towards your left hip if your hips are tight. Your left leg is long with the toes pointing downward towards your mat. If it feels good to do so, you can fold over your right leg and relax. Close your eyes and breathe through this deep hip opener. To come out, you can take a downward dog. You will switch sides, coming into pigeon on the left side.Ā