The Best Thing You Ever Did Was Let Me Go
I remember the way your words stung me
Dug deep into my skin
And pulled at my insides to my very core
I recall the tears I shed
Over and over again feeling so stupid for caring so much about you
Believing in you so deeply and allowing you into my thoughts
You consumed me
I lost myself in you
I became the partner I thought you wanted
Instead of the woman I’ve worked so hard to be
I allowed you to mold my decisions and justified it by telling myself I was just being “easy going” — the way every wanted girl should
I saw the best in you
Your determination to succeed
Your dedication to loving me
Your pure-intentioned heart.
Your intellectual capabilities
Your free flowing personality
Your constant desire to watch out for me.
You showed me the way I wanted to be stimulated by my partner mentally—you made me crave an education the way I only did when I was a four-eyed child; education to you was like food—a necessity to survive and evolve; feeding your soul, mind and flow of conversation You showed me the way to be my most free-self; living blissfully; enjoying every moment spent by your side since we spoke the same language of love
You showed me what it meant to be loved. Not just loved but loved unconditionally. You were my best friend and the person I trusted with everything.
All three of you brought me so much joy
Taught me so many lessons
And made me become a better version of myself
I wouldn’t have been able to be if you hadn’t let me go
And for that I am so grateful
As much pain as my heart endured
As low as I sunk in my own disbelief,
Pain I never thought I would be able to move past
Pain I am still working through every day
Every time I meet someone new
It is because of each of you that I am here today
I am at this prestigious law school because education finally means to me more than what you showed me it meant to you
I am living in this city, no longer waiting for you to return home because I wanted to experience how to shut everyone out as easily as you do—I finally understand, in case you were wondering
And finally, I am living on my own for the slight chance that in the next three years we choose to come back to one another the way we had always planned
But either way
It is because of each experience that I am confident I will always be bettering myself.