The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With Someone Who Overshares
Toa Heftiba

The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With An Oversharer

The best relationship of your life will be with someone who overshares because they are never going to hold anything back from you. You’ll never have to read their mind because they’ll tell you what they’re thinking. They’ll explain what’s wrong and exactly how you hurt them. You’ll never have to wonder whether they’re lying or keeping secrets because they aren’t interested in playing games. They are one hundred percent themselves, so you’ll never be left with unanswered questions.

The best relationship of your life will be with someone who overshares because you know what you’re getting from the start. They aren’t going to change as the relationship progresses and they grow more comfortable with you. From the first time you talk, they are going to give it to you straight. They are going to bare it all. There won’t be any secrets because they believe in being transparent. With them, what you see is what you get. On day one, you’re going to learn more about them than you knew about some people you’ve known for years.

The best relationship of your life will be with someone who overshares because they are willing to dive deep with you. If you have a question, they aren’t going to act all mysterious and make you guess the answer. They are going to sit you down and have an adult conversation with you. They are going to make sure that you have all the information you need because they hate when they’re left in the dark. They hate when someone is holding back from them. That’s why they are always so open about themselves. They never want to make anyone feel the way they’ve felt so many times in the past.

The best relationship of your life will be with someone who overshares because there will never be a lull in conversation. They will always have a fresh story to share. They are going to keep you entertained because they always have more to say. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t sense the importance of silence. You’ll be able to share some quiet moments too. But most of the time, they’ll be in the mood to have a conversation. They’ll want to get to know every single part of you and they’ll want you to meet every side of them too.

The best relationship of your life will be with someone who overshares because they are fearless. They aren’t scared to show the world their true colors because they know they are a good person. They see their worth. They understand that, despite their flaws, they are deserving of love and affection. People who overshare are confident in themselves, which is why they don’t hold back a thing. They don’t believe in keeping secrets. They are an open book, so you are never going to feel confused about their intentions. They are going to make their feelings for you clear. They are going to make sure you know how much you are loved because they want to know the same.