The Best Part Of Marrying Each Birth Month
The best part of marrying you is your maturity. No matter what problems you’re facing as a couple, you are willing to talk things through like adults and come to a solution that helps you grow as a couple and as an individual.
The best part of marrying you is the sense of comfort you provide. Your person will feel safe as long as they’re by your side because they know that you have their best interest at heart. They know that you would never do anything to hurt them.
The best part of marrying you is your warmth and affection. Your partner is never going to be left wondering how you feel because you will show them every single day through your actions and your words. You never hesitate to give them a kiss, a cuddle, or words of affirmation.
The best part of marrying you is your never-ending passion. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a couple because you will always make your partner feel loved, valued, and attractive. You will reassure them how much you care without them needing to ask.
The best part of marrying you is your unwavering commitment. When you give your loyalty to someone, you mean it. You would never betray their trust. Your partner will never have to wonder whether you’re sneaking around because they’ll know that it isn’t in your nature.
The best part of marrying you is your open heart and mind. The relationship will never feel stale because you are willing to go on new adventures with your partner and listen to whatever suggestions they have for you. You never turn down the opportunity to try new things.
The best part of marrying you is your clear communication. You are never going to keep secrets from your partner or leave them in the dark. You will tell them how you’re feeling and what’s going on, even when it hurts to hear. They will always feel close to you, emotionally.
The best part of marrying you is your fun-loving nature. You have the best sense of humor and are always up for an adventure. No matter how much time passes, you and your partner are bound to have fun together because you’re playful, witty, and just plain entertaining.
The best part of marrying you is your emotional intelligence. You always listen closely to what your person has to say and how they feel, even if you disagree or feel differently. You are always respectful in your words and your actions.
The best part of marrying you is your strong foundation. You are steady and reliable. You have a good head on your shoulders and always keep your composure. You are the type of person anyone would want around in an emergency. You’ll make your partner feel like everything is going to be okay.
The best part of marrying you is the emotional intimacy. You don’t let most people in, but once you commit to someone for life, all that will change. You will let them in more than anyone else. You will explore the most authentic parts of each other that you usually keep hidden.
The best part of marrying you is your dedication to self-growth. You are never satisfied with the way things currently are. You’re always striving for more. You have high expectations for yourself because you believe your partner deserves the world and want to give that to them.