The Affirmation Every Zodiac Needs if They're Going Through A Tough Time This Winter
Thought Catalog Agency

The Affirmation Each Zodiac Needs If They’re Going Through A Tough Time This Winter


You might feel like you’re falling behind your friends, or like you are falling short of your own expectations for yourself. But you’re not in a race. You don’t have a deadline to meet. It’s okay if you need a little more time to reach your goalposts. Be patient with yourself. Stay consistent and stay hopeful.

Tell yourself: I will not compare my body, my mind, or my journey to anyone else.


You aren’t always going to get it right. Sometimes, you’re going to mess up. You’re going to have regrets. But you can’t let a few negative experiences convince you that you are unlovable or worthless overall. You have value. You have strengths. You have beauty. If you focus a little harder, you will see it.

Tell yourself: I forgive myself for my wrongdoings, mistakes, and any doubts I have had.


There’s a silver lining to every heartache, but that doesn’t mean your heartache is invalid. You are allowed to be upset. You are allowed to mourn your losses and resent what others put you through. But the bad times can be beneficial, although they’re painful. They can help you grow and learn more about yourself. They can help you reprioritize and figure out what really means the most to you.

Tell yourself: Although my sadness is valid, the tough times help me appreciate the good times.


Remember, your baggage is not your fault. What others put you through is not your fault. But it is your responsibility to heal from the hurt to avoid causing others (and yourself) further pain in the future. Of course, that healing isn’t going to happen overnight. Mending your heart is never going to occur as quickly as you wish, but it will happen.

Tell yourself: I am allowed to take as long as I need to heal and will not rush the process.


You cannot handle a million things at once β€” and if you try to do this, you will burn yourself out. Stop multitasking. Stop overwhelming yourself by taking on more than you can handle. Instead of filling every minute of the day with work, learn how to relax. Give yourself permission to take a break, to take a breath.

Tell yourself: I deserve to rest my mind and body, and I do not have to β€˜earn’ this rest.


It’s hard to enjoy the good things in your world when you’re worried that they’ll be ripped away, that history will repeat itself. But you shouldn’t question the people who have shown you nothing but kindness and loyalty. You shouldn’t punish them over the mistakes others have made.

Tell yourself: I deserve the good things in my life and will not push them away.


You’ve endured tough times, and there’s no telling whether they’re over yet. You could still have some storms ahead, but you hold the power and the strength to overcome them. You are going to survive this journey. In fact, you are going to thrive. You are going to surprise yourself by growing in ways you never anticipated.

Tell yourself: Every challenge is a learning experience that will help me grow.


You are in control of your thoughts. No, you cannot control the split-second doubts and criticisms you have about yourself. But you can control whether you choose to ignore those thoughts or dwell on them. You can control whether you push past your fear or whether you let it consume you. You hold so much more power than you could ever believe.

Tell yourself: Today, I’m choosing to focus on my hopes and dreams over my doubts.


You might feel like a mountain is in front of you, but that’s only because you’re looking at it from the wrong perspective. Break apart your goals into bitesize pieces so they feel more manageable. You don’t have to do everything right now. You only have to do one thing. The rest comes later.

Tell yourself: I will slow down and take things one step at a time, one breath at a time.


Your doubts and fears are not necessarily based in reality. Your worst thoughts are lying to you. Even though your confidence may be shaky, you owe it to yourself to pursue your big dreams. You need to give yourself the potential to succeed by opening yourself up to opportunities. Don’t count yourself out yet.

Tell yourself: My potential is limitless and I will not allow fear to hold me back.


Failure is not a dirty word. It’s not an entirely negative experience. You should be proud of yourself for putting yourself out there at all. You should be excited about your bravery, your resilience. And you should be excited to learn and grow from what’s happened. Excited to expand your horizons even further.

Tell yourself: My failures are redirecting me toward a better, brighter path.


It’s scary to step into the unknown because you have no idea what challenges you’ll face. But you don’t want to settle for a mediocre life because it’s easier than putting yourself out there. You need to take risks. You need to trust yourself. Believe you can handle whatever is thrown at you.

Tell yourself: I have the power to achieve anything that I set my mind to.