The 4 ‘Savoir Faire’ Zodiacs
Leo can walk into any room, and not just match the mood, but thrive in it. They slip right into the scene like a chameleon who convinces everyone this is simply their natural habitat. Even if they know no one at the event, just hopped off of a plane, or show up last minute, their social cues are absolutely flawless. They rely on classics and basics when it comes to manners and attire alike. What’s tried and true always has their back when they need it most, and the confidence it instills allows them to stay calm and collected where others are eaten alive by nerves. The rhythm of rinsing and repeating reinforces their ability to replicate their desired results.
Scorpio relies on their allure to navigate any kind of social engagement. They take full advantage of a first impression to paint a picture of their personality without ever uttering a word. Their personal style always makes a statement for them – bold, aggressive, memorable, and unique. They’ve mastered the art of standing out. And once you’re noticed, it’s only a matter of time before everyone waits their turn in line to strike up a conversation with you. That’s where Scorpio allows their quiet, calm, and attentive demeanor to disarm everyone by nature of the contrast with the visual impact. They know the impact that attentive listening can have on a conversation. Instead of showing off, they let the other person feel like the center of attention.
Libra is armed with a canny sense of context wherever they go. Even if it’s their first time in a new country, they can pick up on social cues so quickly that no one would ever peg them for a tourist. They come to any interaction with an open mind and a desire to engage, which means they are paying close attention to how everyone around them is speaking and behaving. They have the intellectual prowess to adapt to changes in humor or decorum the way a yoga instructor slips seamlessly between different poses with ease. They trust themselves to always find that new center of balance, even as their surroundings are shifting around them. It’s a matter of awareness.
Tauruses are unapologetically themselves in any situation, and because they have that natural sprezzatura, or lived-in, spontaneous elegance, they can walk into any situation and turn up the charm on demand. Their favorite sweater gains them admittance into a ball game or Michelin star restaurant without a second look. It’s about the confidence they have in any scenario, an inherent belief that they belong in that setting. They will be mistaken for regulars in places they are visiting for the first time because they are able to blend in and stand out at the same time. There is something timeless about their style and demeanor that leaves whatever is in fashion feeling tacky. The secret to their success is just how little they try. They know forcing anything is always futile.