Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Table of Contents
Your card: Five of Swords, Reversed
Defeat challenges us to find answers about how failure fits into our larger experience, but sometimes worse than that experience is an ugly win. What is winning, and why does it matter, especially if something is lost in the process? Dealing with adversity and injustice can often turn us hard, but we should never become so calloused that we forget the essence of our human experience. How can you use what you’ve learned to create something better?
Your card: Seven of Cups, Reversed
You’re breaking through to some clarity of thought, especially about yourself and your experiences, and that is helping you to see the throughline of your life far more clearly. Instead of being enraptured by dreamy illusions, you find yourself creating grounded plans based on resources at your disposal. Stay focused on your goal, and don’t get distracted by temptations to explore new avenues once you’ve created your plan. Keep your goal in the center of your thoughts, and don’t take shortcuts.
Your card: The Sun
Everything’s coming together, and it feels like the world is rising to meet your wishes. All around you is abundance and the potential for joy, and it feels as though your soul has finally found a place of radiance. There’s so much possibility for bliss, be sure to create space to let yourself enjoy the experience! You may notice that hidden secrets and motivations come to the surface today, as nothing can stay in the shadows when bathed in so much light.
Your card: 2 of Swords
You’re uncertain, and can’t quite gather enough information to feel like you can make an informed choice. To move forward will require you to sit with your own discomfort and understand the perspectives that have been influencing your path to try and fill the knowledge gap. Understanding what each choice entails will require you to think through uncomfortable truths, and see the hidden motivations of those around you. If it feels like you’re just shooting in the dark, try to reaffirm, and focus on, exactly what you know, instead of getting overwhelmed by what you don’t.
Your card: The Knight of Pentacles
It’s going to take consistency and determination to build out what you’re hoping to create, and everything that isn’t about action is about strategy today. The work you’re putting in now is exactly the sort that you’ll take pride in later. If there are any areas in your life where you’re feeling vulnerable, focus your energy on how to change that. The more you’re able to create a meaningful support structure for yourself, the more you’ll prosper.
Your card: King of Cups, Reversed
You’ve been dealing with some deep emotional issues, and it’s thrown your sensibilities off balance. Instead of investing so much energy in projecting your thoughts outwards, take this opportunity to listen to those around you. When you feel like you might be overly emotional, try to resist overcorrecting into the realm of being too rational and instead acknowledge the validity of what you’re feeling. Diplomacy is the name of the game today, so let your compassion help you navigate.
Your card: Queen of Pentacles
You have used your influence and material gains to create a protective layer between you and the world, and you’re able to keep those you love safe. You’re invested in caring for others, and nurturing their spirit and independence. Be sure you don’t forget your own needs in all of this. Supporting the work you do within your community will require caring for yourself as well. While it’s wonderful you are so focused on helping others, be sure to establish healthy boundaries, and allow them to take some of the necessary steps on their own.
Your card: Nine of Wands, Reversed
You’ve built up some impressive defenses. While they’ve protected you from being retraumatized, they also kept love and healing at bay. As you try to reassemble and rejoin your life now, give yourself grace. It’s a hard, cruel world, and wanting to protect yourself from it is natural. Instead of allowing your inner critic to be fierce with you about wanting to escape, remind yourself of how important it was that you recognized it was time to reconnect.
Your card: 2 Of Pentacles
There’s a lot going on for you, and you’re having to juggle a bunch of responsibilities. Make sure that you keep your focus on your goals, and don’t take on too much and overcommit yourself. Is there anything you’re holding on to that makes your current workload more difficult to carry? While you’re able to handle all this movement and frenetic energy now, ensure there’s a longer term plan in place so that you don’t burn out.Â
Your card: Death
Death isn’t just about the ending, but is also about what that ending makes space for. Growth and progress require change, and change requires letting go of things that no longer work for us. Transformation, the type of total and complete change that is indicated by the Death card, requires that we participate in this transition, giving over old habits and narratives in order to ensure that the transformation is complete. How can you use this powerful, transformative energy to help you create the life you want today?
Your card: Judgment, Reversed
It’s time to answer the call to authenticity, and to be your true self. While the masks you use have served you and protected you so far, those close to you need assurance of exactly who it is that you are. What’s clear to you isn’t as clear to them, and it’s time to live your truth. You’re about to undergo a hugely transformative experience, and it’s time you face that as yourself instead of hiding your light and remaining stagnant.
Your card: King of Pentacles
It feels like everything you touch turns brilliant today. In addition to having a natural-feeling synergy with nearly everyone you meet, you’re also feeling incredibly lucky. The support systems you’ve created for yourself, and the skills you’ve built are perfectly suited to your current situation. Your ability to fuel the limitless potential of those around you by guiding them with patience and determination instead of using fear, reflects on your power and effectiveness as a leader.