Fiona Murray

Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Table of Contents


Your Card: Ace of Cups, reversed

Feeling depleted? Emotionally numb? Creatively blocked? Focus on refilling your cup today, whether you take a day off work or dedicate your evening exclusively to replenishing your spirit and getting grounded. The Ace of Cups appears in reverse as a sign that you need to take care of yourself. Nurture the parts of you that need healing. Carve out time for doing the things that bring you joy and peace. Rediscover your inspiration. Connect with yourself again. Confront any feelings you may have been suppressing. A little self-care is all you need to regain your sense of fulfillment. 


Your Card: The Hierophant, reversed

You find comfort in familiarity, you thrive under routine, and you’re extremely resistant to change. It’s no secret that you’re a creature of habit, Taurus. It’s these qualities that usually afford you the one thing you value the most—stability. However, they can make you inflexible, stubborn, and at times, stall your progress. This card advises you to take a different approach wherever you’ve been experiencing stagnation. Your tried-and-true methods won’t save you here. The situation at hand requires thinking outside the box and gaining a new perspective. Deviate from what you usually expect of yourself. Parting from tradition and outdated notions will push you to new heights. Don’t think of it as breaking your own rules, but as redefining them.


Your Card: Page of Cups, reversed

The Page of Cups appears in reverse as a warning to stop ignoring that part of yourself which still feels wounded. These unprocessed emotions are the root of your creative block today, as well as the source of the emotional instability you may have been feeling as of late. Whatever painful or ugly feelings you’ve been shoving down, let yourself confront them, even if they tear you apart. You can’t build yourself back up without falling apart at the seams first. Instead of suppressing your emotions, take a step back, sit with them, and find healthy ways to deal with them. Purging them by expressing them creatively is an excellent way to start. If being artsy isn’t your thing, just put pen to paper and give a voice to them.


Your Card: Four of Cups

If you’re not seeing the results you wish or finding the answers you seek, it’s best to use today to take a step back and turn your attention inward. What you need right now isn’t to make your next big move, but to gain clarity. Don’t worry about the future or dwell on your mistakes of the past. Instead, bring your focus to the present. What are you missing? What angle haven’t you tried viewing the situation from? In what ways are you closing yourself off from truly embracing the opportunities coming your way? How do you need to realign yourself and your choices to your desired path?


Your Card: The High Priestess

The High Priestess is a powerful card of intuition, self-awareness, and mystical wisdom. When she appears in a reading, she calls on you to be still and self-reflect. Cutting out the external noise and traveling inward will lead you to the insights you’re so deeply in need of. So, today, put down your phone and TV remote. Carve out time to spend alone with your thoughts. Listen to what your gut is telling you. Whatever choice you find yourself confronted with, let your inner voice give you the answer. If a part of you feels like there’s something off about a situation or person, don’t ignore those feelings of doubt and disquiet. Don’t wait for concrete proof, just let your intuition guide you.


Your Card: The Devil

This day is going to be rife with temptation for you—don’t succumb to it, Virgo. You might come across a situation or experience feelings that will tempt you to turn to destructive tendencies. Calling your ex or falling back into bed with your old situationship won’t give you the comfort you seek. Going out and heavily drinking might temporarily numb the pain, but it won’t actually help you process the emotions you’ve been avoiding. Short-lived pleasures won’t fill the void. If you’ve been having trouble breaking old toxic habits, this is your sign to break free from them and start making choices that align with your highest good. Be honest with yourself about whatever circumstances, relationships, mindsets, or places you’ve outgrown.


Your Card: Eight of Swords

Haven’t you heard that thing about your perception becoming your reality? Every thought you have molds and shapes your experience—your actual existence. The Eight of Swords warns that you’re in danger of becoming trapped in your current circumstances because you’re not changing the way you think. If you want to implement positive change into your life, you’re going to have to start believing you’re capable of doing so. Right now, you’re allowing your fears to dictate your actions and choices, severely limiting your potential. You have got to liberate yourself from the self-limiting beliefs that confine you. Forget your worries, your past, and your mistakes and start taking control. Begin today.


Your Card: The Tower

Perhaps the shifts you’re experiencing now feel painful, but no one handles change as well as you, Scorpio. Think of these uncomfortable times as growing pains—as shedding old skin to become someone new and more empowered. It takes walking out of spaces and away from relationships you’ve outgrown to embrace new possibilities. What may seem like the end of the world today is actually the beginning of something wonderful and exciting. So, let go of outdated roles or ideas. Leave behind people who confine you. Move on from goals, or even dreams, that you no longer find meaningful. The Tower is your sign to burn it all down, so that you may build something greater.


Your Card: Nine of Wands, reversed

You’re not feeling like your usual vibrant, energetic, and optimistic self today. Instead, you’re weary and exhausted. Hope feels further and further away. Whatever you’ve been struggling with seems endless—as if you have no escape. The Nine of Wands appears in reverse to remind you that that isn’t the case. This card urges you to remain steadfast and keep going. Everything you need is found within you—it’s your inner power. Tap into it, Sag. It might feel like everything is working against you, but you can turn the tides if you continue moving forward. These obstacles and challenges are soon to be in your rearview mirror. 


Your Card: Six of Swords

The Six of Swords is all about leaving behind difficult, draining, or toxic situations. You may not feel ready, but you’re readier than you think you are. This is your sign to move towards hope, healing, and new possibilities. Stop hanging onto something just because it’s familiar. Look at where it’s gotten you. You’re not going to embrace new opportunities and experiences until you move towards the unknown. Whether it’s a job, a dream, or a relationship, leaving it in your past is essential to your growth. Don’t you want to create room for what’s truly meant for you? Stop clinging to the old, Cap.


Your Card: The Fool

Put yourself out there today, Aquarius. This card doesn’t want you to be afraid of “looking like a fool.” Make yourself visible. If you’re feeling like a new beginning is waiting just around the corner, it’s because it is. All you have to do is seize it. So, stop overthinking it and just go for it. Pitch your idea. Take that bold and daring approach you’ve been too afraid to take. Make that decision you’ve been holding yourself back from making. Have the conversation you’ve been putting off. You’re not going to create the life you envision or hold all that you desire, unless you start going after those very things. Stop letting fear get in the way. 


Your Card: Strength, reversed

There’s nothing but self-doubt standing in your way. You need to defeat whatever has you plagued with insecurity. Stop giving it so much of your power and letting it eat away at your confidence. So, what? You made a few mistakes? You failed? You were rejected? You’re faced with incredible obstacles? Don’t let it push you down a pit of despair. Let it become fuel. Reframe these challenges as lessons. How can you do better today? What are you willing to do differently now? Are you going to take back control of your own life, or keep letting fear dictate the way? You’ve picked yourself up before, this time really isn’t all that different.