Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, December 25th, 2024
Table of Contents
Your card: 10 of Cups
Harmony, joy, and peace are all there waiting to be experienced today. Your love is multiplied by those you hold dear. It’s a day for rest, relaxation, and enjoying the emotional contentment you’ve earned through creating a supportive environment that fosters deep connections. It’s the perfect day to celebrate how far you’ve all come throughout the year, and look forward to a future of supporting each other in life. Love and gratitude are in abundance today, enjoy the idyllic harmony and peace!
Your card: 4 of Wands
It’s a time of relaxation, homecoming, and joy – a time of festivity and togetherness. You feel stable and safe enough to let your guard down and be your true self among those who care about you. As you enjoy the camaraderie with those that you love, remember how far you’ve come. Contemplate what it is that makes you feel so at home and at peace and how you can carry it with you in your heart.
Your card: Page of Wands, Reversed
It’s been challenging for you, and you might be feeling jaded or exhausted due to having to weather a lot of disappointment. Don’t allow the temporary setbacks you’ve been experiencing to dictate the arc of your story or throw you into emotional instability. Focus your efforts on reigniting your creative spark and passion. Try to be aware of how you are interacting with your creative self and try to address any limiting beliefs that you’re carrying.
Your card: 6 of Pentacles
Gifts aren’t just material or financial – the ones most impactful are often the gifts of time, energy, support, or even just presence. Related to that, gratitude is a mindset that extends beyond just single experiences and it can lead us towards sharing the abundance we are experiencing with others. There is always room in this world for generosity and kindness, and there are few days where you can experience or contemplate that more keenly than today.
Your card: 10 of Swords
Of all days, it’s one of the most challenging ones to feel such finality arise around such a deep wound of betrayal. There’s nothing more you, or anyone, can do, and the worst has already transpired. It’s over. That means, however, that the door to deep healing has been opened. As you pick yourself up and assess your wounds, what have you learned, especially about what strengths you have? What lessons can you bring forward?
Your card: Ace of Cups, Reversed
You’re feeling a lot of big emotions at once – while your heart is open, you’re also working through a lot of negative memories. Old feelings of disappointment might be hard to shake today, especially if they are near the “nostalgic” feelings that holiday moments can usher in. Give yourself the grace to seek an environment that is supportive and compassionate in the present moment, so you can have space and security to let those past narratives go.
Your card: The Empress, Reversed
‘Tis the season for emotional overwhelm, Libra, so be wary of burnout and don’t hesitate to engage in some mental health self-care. There’s a lot of potential for contentment and abundance, there’s no need to try and control the situation. Balance between enjoying the experiences around you and overindulging is possible and I can think of few Zodiacs more capable of striking that balance. Growing too fast can cause as much pain as not growing enough.
Your card: The Wheel of Fortune
Change! Exhilarating, sudden change! There’s something so big happening around you that feels like it’s more than just chance, it feels like it might be something as big as destiny. There are times when it feels like everything has moved in just the right way, all the lights turn green, and luck itself is on your side. Don’t discount your own hand in this luck – your work and preparation has helped set this all up.
Your card: Justice
You’re going to need to know exactly what you believe in so you can stay true to it. It’s important to do the right thing, and you’re going to need to know exactly what you think that right thing is. Don’t rush into big moral decisions today. Take your time and look at them from several angles, and weigh your options against your values carefully. The actions you take today transcend the present – they will build the person you are working to become.
Your card: Knight of Pentacles
The hard work and care you put into your goals coupled with your fierce loyalty will help bring a large project closer to completion. The work you’re engaged in today might feel overly repetitive, but consistency and reliability is the key. While you’re anxious about what the results will be, it’s important that you be realistic about timelines and practice patience. Your diligent and pragmatic approach has brought you this far, trust your process and your instincts.
Your card: The High Priestess
Your intuition is a guide towards your deep knowledge and higher self. Spend some time in quiet contemplation and be still, so you can hear the soft voice inside. Trust your instincts and follow what sparks your intuition. If you encounter an area of your life that is stuck, now is a good time to explore and correct that blockage. Invest your energy wisely today, and pay attention to the signs that appear around you.
Your card: 3 of Wands
There’s a lot coming together in the future, if you can be patient. Don’t restrict yourself, spend some time trying to broaden your horizons and dream as big as you can. The life that you are seeking is not inside your comfort zone, don’t lose sight of the big goals you’ve set for yourself. Inspiration can sometimes strike us through new experiences. Understand how you can harness your inspiration to forge a new and interesting path.