Tarotscope for Today: Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Table of Contents
Your card: Queen of Cups, Reversed
There are a lot of emotions that need to be processed, and if that is overwhelming it’s completely understandable. Instead of trying to sort through the entire lot at once, give yourself some more space and time to work through what you’re feeling. It took years to build up some of these feelings, so don’t feel the pressure to sort through them in a day. Acknowledge how far you’ve come, and have faith in the direction you’ve chosen for the new year.
Your card: The Lovers, Reversed
The choices we make about the people we surround ourselves with reflect who we are. It can be hard to know what to do when we start to regret one of those choices. It could lead you towards a conflict between your loyalty to that person and your values. Be careful when examining such situations, it can be hard to do so without bias and the tendency to project in such emotionally charged situations is high. Keep your integrity centered in your thoughts as you decide how to move into the new year.
Your card: 2 of Wands, Reversed
Everything’s suddenly started to turn around, and what once seemed like a hopeless, stagnant ruin is turning to a situation abundant with potential. While you might be feeling restricted and hemmed in by prior decisions and the influence of other people, there’s a way for you to turn those restrictions into a new perspective that is able to inspire a promising solution that is innovative and exciting. When moving forward, make sure to plan on some extra time for the unknown.
Your card: 9 of Cups, Reversed
You’re finding a lot of imperfections and discomforts in a situation that initially seemed to be filled with luxury. You may find yourself shifting your focus from material comfort towards spiritual insight. Use the opportunity you’re being given to make an honest assessment of yourself and your progress. Re-evaluate what you want, and understand how your lifestyle supports or distracts from those goals. Choose what you carry forward towards your new year carefully.
Your card: 7 of Cups, Reversed
Dreaming big and creating huge aspirational goals for yourself are an important way to continually strive for personal improvement. To achieve those goals takes logical, pragmatic thinking and planning along with focused intent. When exploring optional paths don’t lose sight of your overall intent. Maintain your focus on actions that bring tangible results, and use your imagination to fuel your steady progress through challenging milestones.
Your card: 6 of Wands
It’s not egocentric to be proud of what you achieved, and it’s not narcissistic to enjoy the accolades from your peers when you succeed. In fact, it’s exhilarating and fulfilling to be recognized for hard work on a job well done. Having our efforts acknowledged can give us enough inspirational fuel to propel ourselves forward and begin a new, exciting project. Now that you’ve seen how far you have come – where do you want to go? How can you use your success to help you get there?
Your card: 8 of Pentacles
Building up a skill isn’t as instantaneous or playful as movie montages would lead us to believe. Instead, it’s full of hard, repetitive work. Craftsmanship is built on intense focus on the skills required to manifest each detail. Progress towards mastery can only be built by investing time into a dedicated effort to study, practice, and improve and the best way to experience that progress is to enjoy the process. Ultimately, perfection isn’t what determines someone’s capability of mastering a skill, it’s perseverance.
Your card: Page of Cups
It’s hard to be emotionally vulnerable, and being incapable of admitting that vulnerability can make it harder. It’s ok to be moved and entranced by the possibilities of new emotions, just don’t overidealize the people who inspire them. Instead of denying the impact your feelings have been having on you, allow yourself to acknowledge them and be open about how you feel. Be straightforward in how you feel, and engage with your dreams and intuitions.
Your card: Queen of Swords, Reversed
Personal setbacks and disappointments can lead to emotional entropy in the form of bitterness and narrow-mindedness. The intellect is a double-bladed weapon, capable of inflicting damage even when unintended. Strike a balance between your thoughts and your feelings, and remember that emotional attachments can create biases that can loom so large they are hard to see, much less to navigate around. While things are not as clean-cut as you’d like them, it doesn’t mean that the situation’s nuance should become an emotional weapon.
Your card: The Chariot
The most important sort of mastery that we can learn is mastery over ourselves. Just flexing the willpower and confidence involved in taking the reins of our lives can be empowering and inspirational, much less being able to navigate towards success. Your grounded, pragmatic mindset will keep you steadily focused on your goals. You’ll need to have clarity where to direct all this energy. If you aren’t sure where you want to head, take the time to make sure your actions align with your values especially as you move into the new year.
Your card: Ace of Wands
When the sparks of creativity flash and burst into flames, it’s important to capture that energy and use it to create forward momentum. You’re full of new ideas and are finding new sources of inspiration all around you. The world is full of boundless potential, and you can see it everywhere you look. There’s more than enough energy around to make something exciting and new in the world happen, but what you need to do is choose where to apply and invest that energy.
Your card: The Magician, Reversed
It’s challenging when we want to create something, but we feel like we’ve lost the ability. That might be due to lacking something, like a resource or a skill, or the loss of something we once had – like inspiration. Take a step back and ensure you’re focusing on the right things and investing your energy properly. If you’re trying to multitask for the sake of saving time, focus on one task at a time until you can get some forward progress again.