Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, January 16, 2025
Table of Contents
Your card: 3 of Cups, Reversed
You’re not getting the right amount of quality time with those who matter to you. It could be that life is coming at you too fast, or you’ve spent a bit too much time with them lately. Apply your emotional intelligence, it will help you to recognize how to best bring things back into balance. The found family we create through our life – made up of family, friends, and other chosen beloveds, are important to our growth. Make sure to prioritize what – and who – matters the most to you.
Your card: The Devil
Note today when things take the entirety of your attention, and consider how much influence certain things have over your thoughts and energy. Is there anything that has grown in importance to the point it’s an addiction? As you examine that thought, you may find yourself creating a lot of troubling distinctions. What is temptation and what is liberation? Are the pleasures that tempt us stepping stones to self-actualization or a trap that will prevent us from fully inhabiting the world we’re meant to manifest?
Your card: Ace of Pentacles, Reversed
It can be really easy to get caught in the grind, especially when so many things within our lives conspire to steal our attention and redirect it towards the material side of life. To refocus, remind yourself of what you’re trying to create and maintain a balanced approach. Don’t be so insistent that you move forward that you barrel ahead in the wrong direction. Be particularly wary of something that presents as ‘too good to be true.’
Your card: The Empress
You’re attuned to the peaceful and harmonious aspects of the world around you today. There are few things that will be able to stand in the way of the sheer creative force of you. Any creative blocks you may have experienced dissolve into memory and will find it easy to lose yourself in the sensory experience of creation. You feel confident in your ability to bring your ideas to fruition, and the energy from that exhilaration helps you to see the vibrancy and potential in the world around you.
Your card: 7 of Pentacles
Sometimes, all we can do is trust our skills and the process we invested in already and just wait. Instead of putting all your energy into action, use this time to reflect. Reevaluating the lessons you learned during the process when the experiences are still fresh in your memory is a great way to use your time that will pay some dividends in the future. Have faith in the work you’ve done and the support systems you’ve created.
Your card: 3 of Wands
You’ve worked hard and put in the time and effort into some long range goals, and all of that is about to pay off. A wave of new opportunities is about to hit you, and you need to put in some time planning now to determine how you can make the most of them. You may not be able to plan down to every detail, but you can create a general roadmap that will help guide you.
Your card: Knight of Pentacles, Reversed
You’ve been in full-bore total work mode. While it’s been good to get some stability in your financial matters, it’s cost you in your relationships and, ultimately, your emotional health. Your worth and value is found in more than in just what you create, and your health and happiness are important and valuable. Don’t get stuck in the cycles of work and overwork, and be sure to build in some time to rest and recuperate.
Your card: The Fool
Some of the more challenging steps are the ones in the beginning – that lead us outside our very doors, away from our comfortable existences and into uncomfortable challenges. Ships are not made to be in port. Being adventurous and spontaneous doesn’t have to mean being risky. Have faith in yourself that you can take on discovering new parts of the world. Be in the present instead of wrapping yourself in the narratives of the past.
Your card: Strength
Strength is less about brute force and more about resilience. There are many situations in which the upper hand, the strong hand, comes from being gentle and patient. Calm confidence in the face of uncertainty is often more meaningful than someone’s ability to physically dominate a situation. Compassion is a road to courage, and your sympathy and protectiveness of others may call you to leadership. Your power comes from within and is part of your very nature.
Your card: 6 of Cups
You may find yourself looking to past times of happiness. While exploring the joyful memories of your past, don’t forget to take note of what has happened since – and how far you’ve come. Being reminded of past comforts and joys can be healing as long as you don’t go overboard and attempt to take up full-time residence in your past. What sorts of lessons can you bring forward into your current moment?
Your card: 8 of Swords
You don’t feel like you can’t see many options. Every move you can make has a high price levied. Be certain that you’re actually seeing all of the options available to you, and that you haven’t eliminated some possibilities through your own negative self-talk. Prior failures don’t predict future outcomes. Remember that ‘being stuck’ is as much of a perspective as ‘being productive.’ Meditate on what it would take to make you feel less trapped, and see if it’s a situation that you can create for yourself.
Your sun: The World
What would you try if you knew you couldn’t fail? What sort of person would you become if you truly knew the sky was the limit? The World is inviting you to see everything in a new way, and embrace your success. Your focus, drive, and perseverance has brought you to your achievements. As this cycle ends, it’s time to think about how you can bring this feeling of success and joy to your next project.