Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, December 19, 2024
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Your Card: The Chariot, Reversed
There’s a lot of forward momentum, and things are moving at a great pace – the problem is, you might not be headed in the exact right direction. It’s not a great time to just charge forward without looking. There’s potential for trauma and lasting damage if you just barrel ahead. Focus your efforts where they really matter, and don’t allow yourself to be pulled in more than one direction. You’ll ultimately save time if you take a moment and re-calibrate the direction that you’re moving in.
Your Card: 7 of Wands, Reversed
It can be hard to hold our moral ground when it feels like everyone is against us, especially those we considered friends. It’s a difficult world, and it would be unreasonable to expect people to walk around defenseless – but putting up barriers so large that no one can ever get through is also an imbalanced approach. When establishing and maintaining the boundaries that you need, be firm without being aggressive. Head any paranoia that you experience off at the pass by redirecting that energy towards empathizing with those around you.
Your card: 5 of Swords, Reversed
You’ve been facing a lot of issues and have lost a couple of battles recently, so there is a lot of breakdown around you, Gemini. It’s time to salvage the situation. Be careful – winning the battle can mean losing the war. Don’t lose sight of the experiences of those around you or bury their stories with your narratives about them. Salvage what you can. Take the time to focus on resolving the issues raised today, instead of moving on to something new.
Your card: The Hermit
There are some parts of our human experience that are amplified in the presence of others, but the sort of soul searching and emotional processing that you need to do is the sort that is done alone. Just as stars appear brighter in the sky when we eliminate light pollution, we can see our own light shine brighter when we are on our own, and the light of your wisdom and experience is vital to revealing the truth of the matter.
Your card: 3 of Pentacles
There are points in our road to mastering skills that necessitates collaboration with others. It could be when we receive training or education, or on a large project that requires the skills from a lot of different disciplines, or during research. Working with others, setting communal goals, and creating the sort of communicative relationships that help long-term projects succeed is a skill set all of its own. Teamwork really can make the dream work, but it’s not magic – it’s hard work.
Your card: The Moon
Uncertainty can flood us with a variety of emotions, and oftentimes when facing the unknown we can catastrophize about what might happen next. Instead of allowing your thoughts to succumb to ever-worsening worst-case scenarios, allow yourself instead to sit with the feelings of uncertainty. Uncomfortable and disquieting though they may be, until they fully unfold it’s yet a mystery. Let go and stop struggling and hurting yourself so you can see the unknowable. It will happen, it will be, and there might be space for you to make some magic.
Your card: The Empress, Reversed
The traditional female roles are particularly difficult right now, and you may not be as comfortable in activities related to those roles. You may not be feeling the creative spark, or might be too involved in your own experience to nurture and support those around you as much as they expect. If you try to solve everyone’s problems, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Remember to secure your own health and mental well-being.
Your card: 9 of Wands, Reversed
Our personal defenses can become our own prisons if we don’t make carefully considered choices. If we don’t allow ourselves to let go, allow people in, and move forward then there’s no hope for progress. It can be exceptionally difficult to let people in to our world after clashing with them, but remember that letting go of old battles doesn’t mean forgetting the pain or their lessons. There’s a way to process and hold space for your experience. Progress often means pushing your current emotional limitations.
Your card: 6 of Pentacles, Reversed
Generosity and compassion are gifts for both the giver and receiver, but it’s important to ensure that the balances are correct. What initially might have felt like helping someone now seems far less charitable in intent. Perhaps you feel taken advantage of by someone you’ve repeatedly helped, or maybe you’ve felt like someone who was supposed to help you was instead relishing the power over and access to your life that assisting you has given to them. Remain conscious of what direction things are flowing.
Your card: 10 of Swords, Reversed
Light is creeping back in after a time of exceptional darkness and devastating loss. You’ve had to weather quite a storm, and now you’re on the road to recovery. It’s time to process the feelings you have about what happened, and let go of the negative narratives you might have built about yourself during those dark times. Instead of examining the darkness, embrace the light that is coming. Be gentle with yourself, and give yourself the grace and comfort you would to others, especially as you heal and recuperate.
Your card: 7 of Cups, Reversed
While dreaming the big, wild dreams is an important component to invention and innovation, it’s also important that you’re able to bring those ideas into the world by grounding them in reality. Dream big, of course, but create actionable plans for how to make those dreams a reality. You’ll feel the best about things if you can use your thoughtful, pragmatic side to create a framework that can help you manifest those huge, creative dreams you’re having.
Your card: 6 of Wands, Reversed
You’ve been hard at work, and achieved some huge goals, but aren’t receiving the sort of recognition you were hoping for – especially from yourself. Instead of feeling the pride of accomplishment, you’re instead left feeling hollow and uncertain of where to focus your efforts next. You deserve acknowledgement and congratulations for what you created – but don’t let other people’s failure to recognize you send you on a path to resentment.