Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, September 15, 2024
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Queen of Pentacles
Be sure that you aren’t neglecting your needs right now, Aries. It’s a time for you to be nurturing and protective of your physical self in addition to your material existence. Double check your finances, engage in self-care, and be practical in how you deal with abundance.This can be a time of great healing and renewal for you, especially physically. Acknowledge the importance of the material world – including the physical aspects of yourself – in your current experience. What steps can you take to nurture yourself today?
6 of Cups
It’s a good time to remember the dreams of the past, Taurus. There is a special wonder in nostalgia – its rosy tint can allow us to revisit the past and see beauty that perhaps we couldn’t see in the moment. Remember that returning to your roots doesn’t mean ejecting your future in favor of your past. Consider what your past self wished dearly for and see if it still moves you. The Six of Cups is a reminder that just because things are in the past does not mean that they are lost.
8 of Pentacles, Reversed
The Eight of Pentacles is a card about skill building and taking time to learn and hone your craft, and when reversed it indicates you’re finding it hard to focus and invest in what was once that satisfying work. Take a deep breath, Gemini, and remember that you started down this path of learning for a reason and found that work worth doing. Remember the joy you once felt in the effort, and don’t allow the perfect to become the enemy of the good. You’ve got this!
10 of Wands
You’re so close to pulling through something big, Cancer, but to get there you’ve said ‘yes’ one too many times. You feel overburdened. Take a moment and interrogate why you’ve taken on so much, and whether all of what you carry is necessary. Is there a way you can help ease your journey by letting go of some of these burdens? Once you figure out what parts are important to your success, it will be easier to renegotiate what you’re carrying on the path to your future.
3 of Cups
It’s a time of emotional abundance, Leo, and there are so many members of your chosen family that are near you to celebrate your achievements with you and support your dreams. Happiness and joy multiply when shared. Who do you reach out to when you need advice or help? Reach out to them, and take a moment to celebrate all that has happened and deepen your relationship with them! It’s also a good day to consider those you’d like to be closer with, and reach out.
4 of Wands, Reversed
There’s a lot to celebrate about your recent accomplishments, and there are so many people gathered around you to do so. You’re just not feeling it, Virgo. You’re feeling insecure, and allowing your inner critic to go wild on all the things that could have been instead of what you built. Take a step back and evaluate all the little things that built to this moment. Try and make some space for you to really process the big changes you’ve made so you can feel that joy of accomplishment.
3 of Swords
There’s no sugar coating the heartbreak you feel right now, Libra. It’s a time of feeling heart-rending loss and sorrow. You feel the undeniable heaviness of absence of what was and what could have been. Allow yourself to feel these emotions – process them and let them out, don’t hold on to them. Remember that this cruel, biting feeling of separation and loss won’t last forever – the feeling of it will change because you’ll carry it differently. When you’re feeling strong enough, contemplate how you can learn and ultimately heal from this painful experience.
King of Cups
The King of Cups is a card that aligns with you, Scorpio! The appearance of this mature, wise, and emotionally centered person is an indicator that you are feeling in your element. Generous and diplomatic, the King of Cups can be lost in thought, but is always able to understand exactly the well from which his feelings spring. Let compassion and empathy be your guide today, and don’t forget to extend that same grace to yourself. There is a lot of potential for you to lead people to healing today, and this includes yourself.
8 of Swords
You feel trapped in a no-win situation, Sagittarius, and feeling trapped never sits well with you. You feel like no matter which way you move, the outcome won’t be any good. This is allowing your inner critic to go wild, and it’s hard for you to see your way through this situation when you have thoughts filled with helplessness. If you didn’t feel so bound up, where would you go and what would you do? Once you establish that, consider – what inner narratives help bind you in place?
9 of Pentacles
Your work has yielded results, Capricorn, and you’re able to recognize it. Your sense of satisfaction and accomplishment spring entirely from yourself. You’re able to recognize and celebrate your discipline and capabilities. You’re feeling content, tranquil, hopeful, and grounded. Focus on your security, but also allow yourself to use what you’ve built to create something you think is beautiful and invite yourself to feel some spiritual and material happiness. As you enjoy the fruits of your labor, consider how you can share these positive feelings without it impacting your ability to validate your own accomplishments.
Change is inevitable, and at the end of a cycle of change is a rebirth into a new cycle. Few zodiac signs are as prepared to feel the joy and freedom in these harrowing moments as you are, Aquarius. Evaluate what you are moving towards, and use it to understand what you should hold on to – and what will no longer serve you where you want to go. Process your feelings about what you need to let go of to move forward, but don’t let those feelings dictate where you can go.
The Hierophant
The structure and rules people have created as they have tread a path before you feel both comfortable and appealing right now, Pisces. You are feeling the urge to deeply examine your belief systems and are seeking wisdom. Spiritual leaders and their wise counsel can often help people through tough times, but don’t allow yourself to get hung up on or trapped by the frameworks they construct for you. Seek a solid foundation of belief from which to launch your inquiry, and trust that your wisdom and experiences will help light your path.