Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, November 17, 2024
Table of Contents
9 of Swords
Remember that your perception is everything. Right now, fear is holding you back. There’s plenty of anxiety to go around, there’s no need to allow any negative self-talk to create more. Instead of falling into a trap of despair and apathy fed by your fears that steals sleep and dreams (of all kinds!), find your courage, Aries. If you find yourself sleepless and catastrophizing, try to remember that there is a best-case scenario. Imagine what that might look like, and then start to consider what concrete actions you can take to move your life towards it.
The Empress, Reversed
You’re feeling blocked from something that could help you nurture your strength, Taurus, and it might not be something you can find in the world, you should create that within yourself. To be as productive as you’re hoping will mean that you’ll have to check in with yourself and ensure your needs are being met. Take a moment to step back and reconsider some of the time commitments you’ve made and their sustainability. You may find some of your challenges originate with some trauma around mothering or mother figures. If that’s the case, be kind and nurturing with yourself as you navigate it.
Page of Cups
Today is a good day to reconnect with your gentle, creative side. Be open to messages around you. Synchronicity is in high gear, and if you find yourself having any memorable day dreams or dreams take note. Inspiration can and will come from the strangest places. You’ll probably feel a bit more emotional and dreamy so take advantage of this mindset so you can bring childlike enthusiasm into your world. Allow yourself to love it all, again, Gemini, especially the anticipation of what might happen next.
2 of Wands
Recognize the world of potential opportunities around you, Cancer, and take a moment to really look at it and take it all in. There are so many avenues you could explore, but you can only really focus on one at a time. That means you need to make a choice. Right now you have a different perspective of what lies ahead than when you’re in the thick of it. What would you wish you had done right now? Reflect on where the paths could ultimately take you, and plan accordingly. What decision aligns the most with who you are trying to become?
9 of Wands
It’s time to dig deep, Leo, and find the steely part inside of you that can hold on and wait it out. You’ve gotten this far, and now isn’t the time to lose your resolve or stop being vigilant. Resilience will be key to your success. Now is a good time to be emphatic about your boundaries, as you’re going to need all of your inner emotional reserves to power through. It can feel overwhelming to the point of scary to facing down this trial of perseverance, but you have it in you to endure.
Ace of Wands, Reversed
Things don’t feel quite right, Virgo. While there’s the potential for some new projects and a new passion, the drive and motivation just isn’t there. It could be due to the fact you haven’t allowed yourself any recovery or downtime after your last big project, ultimately bringing you close to burnout. Don’t push yourself relentlessly forward, instead focus on reconnecting with what it is that inspires you. It might feel like a universal ‘no’ but think of it more as a ‘not now.’
5 of Pentacles
You don’t feel secure right now, and it’s increasing your feelings of alienation and isolation. Your feeling of lack, particularly in the material / financial realms, could also be causing a great amount of inner strain and anxiety. Take a step back, Libra, and try to give yourself perspective. Don’t allow this experience of insecurity and challenge to isolate you, there’s help nearby if you look. It’s hard to see the doorways to opportunities when our needs aren’t being met. Sometimes support is just around a corner we’ve been too afraid to peek around.
Page of Wands, Reversed
Don’t lose your enthusiasm, Scorpio. Center your passion so you can convert the energy you’re feeling into progress. If you can’t do that, you’ll find yourself losing steam, bogged down by countless setbacks and your own aimlessness. Instead of happily moving forward you’ll lose your vision of the goal and find yourself full of angst. Think back to when this all began. Think back to the infectious enthusiasm you had that propelled things forward this far. Consider what you might be feeling stuck about, and what you can do to circumvent it, using your memories as a general guide.
It’s that time again, Sagittarius – it’s time to be reborn. As the master of reinvention, this is a cycle that you do more than just know well, you fully embrace it. There are few things you enjoy more than a good transformation. Consider where you want to be in the next few weeks, the next few months, the next few years and how you can change to benefit your future goals and future selves. How can you make the most of this new beginning, and how can you apply the lessons you’ve learned since your last cycle?
8 of Pentacles
It’s time to settle in and get some work done, Capricorn. You enjoy the feeling of skill flowing through your fingers while you perform meaningful work. To get to that stage in your latest endeavors is going to take perseverance and focus on the little details. The person you want to be is worth the time it will take to dedicate yourself to learning the craft. If you are committed to being focused, precise, and industrious, the work itself will guide you towards your mastery of the skills it takes to excel.
Queen of Swords, Reversed
There’s a lot of emotional / intellectual imbalance surrounding you, Aquarius, and it could be due to someone being narrow minded and overly critical. Take a moment to consider how to regain emotional stability and ultimately balance. Center your more balanced and self-aware thoughts and feelings. You’ve learned so much that is applicable now – and some of that knowledge has come at a great price – it’s a tribute to the experiences you’ve had to use that wisdom.. When making the course correction towards opening your mind and your heart, don’t allow yourself to engage in negative self-talk or lapse into self-destructive habits.
3 of PentaclesTeam work makes the dream work, Pisces, and learning the art of collaboration is part of the road towards mastery. Working within and contributing to teams takes a different set of skills that many craftspeople exercise – things like negotiation, delegation, and giving and receiving guidance are abilities that can only be learned in practice with others. Careful planning and communication are keys to success. Taking the time to make sure that everyone is on the same page and shares the overall vision and enthusiasm is an important foundation for the work to come.