Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, March 16, 2025
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Your Card: Two of Pentacles, reversed
There’s no better time than Sunday to re-evaluate your priorities. The Two of Pentacles in reverse indicates a lack of balance in your life. You’ve been feeling stressed and overwhelmed lately, haven’t you? This is a sign that you need to shift your focus to what’s of utmost importance. If you’re overcommitted, this means taking things off your plate or shelving them for later. Reach out for help or delegate where you can. This card is also a cosmic wake-up call not to neglect your personal life or mental health. Are you finding time to nourish your spirit and most meaningful connections? Or are you all hustle and bustle?
Your Card: Four of Wands, reversed
Who are you experiencing tension or conflict with? It’s your duty this coming week to address this lack of harmony, be it at home, in your relationship, with a friend, or at work. If you’re feeling unsupported, unseen, or misunderstood, then speak up, Taurus. The longer you wait to have an open and honest conversation, the more disarray and resentment will build. Make an attempt to bridge the line of communication and get on the same page. It might take discomfort and compromise, but it’s necessary to move forward. Get over your pride, reach out, and allow yourself to be vulnerable. It’s worth your inner peace.
Your Card: Two of Wands, reversed
How have you been settling because you’re too afraid to put yourself out there or make any changes? Be honest with yourself. This Sunday, reflect on all the ways in which you’ve allowed yourself to become stagnant or too comfortable. What’s stopping you from achieving true fulfillment? The Two of Wands appear in reverse to shake you out of your comfort zone. You owe it to yourself to incorporate more of what you find meaningful and what lights you up into your life. What is that, Gemini? Set or redefine your long-term goals. Be clear on your vision. Move forward intentionally and with a plan. Stop playing it safe. No road worth taking was ever easy.
Your Card: Ace of Swords, reversed
Today is a day for taking it slow and easy. Under no circumstances, should you make any big decisions or have any important conversations. In fact, it’s wise that you give yourself ample time to gain clarity before moving forward in any major way. Things won’t always feel this confusing and uncertain, Cancer. Eventually, you will be able to see things more clearly, but right now your judgment is too clouded—by your emotions, fears, wishful thinking, or the personal feelings of others. You will have that “aha moment” after you’ve carefully weighed out your situation. Just take your time and don’t let yourself be influenced.
Your Card: Ten of Swords, reversed
The reversed Ten of Swords is a good omen, Leo. Take it as your cosmic reassurance that you can and will move past this hardship into a new beginning of healing and renewal. Whatever treacherous storms you have been weathering, know that the clouds will soon part and give way to the rays of the sun. The worst is almost behind you, you just have to have faith and hold on a little bit longer. You will emerge more resilient and wiser from this. Failure will lead you down a road to success and abundance. Despair will lead you to hope. Heartbreak will lead you to greater love. You will recover from this.
Your Card: Nine of Cups, reversed
Your life looks incredible and nearly perfect on the outside, but how do you feel inside, Virgo? Are you truly happy? If you’re honest with yourself, you can admit that there’s something missing. In your heart of hearts you know that there are necessary changes you must make to know true joy. You might be killing it at work, your relationship may be going great, and your bank account may look good, but you’re still in need of a more authentic source of fulfillment. Spend some time this Sunday reflecting on what that looks like to you. Whether it’s placing more value on inner work, redefining abundance, or changing your dreams, do what you must to rid yourself of this feeling of dissatisfaction.
Your Card: The Moon
Slow down today, Libra. Prioritize solitude. Spend quiet time alone sitting with your emotions and thoughts. This Sunday is a day for pause and reflection. The Moon urges you to check in with your subconscious. This card appears when you’re feeling lost, confused, or uncertain. It’s a call to dive inward and pay attention to your inner voice. Things will feel so much less daunting once you allow yourself to reconnect with your intuition. It’s all that you need to guide you. All the answers you seek are found within you, you just have to listen. Facing certain truths, fears, or illusions might be uncomfortable, but once you do, you can finally move forward.
Your Card: The Sun, reversed
You haven’t been feeling your best self lately, Scorpio. Something has you feeling down, drained, defeated, and maybe even a little bit hopeless. No matter how hard you try, you can’t maintain a positive outlook. There’s been no respite in the things that usually bring you joy. Use this Sunday to make a powerful attempt at getting re-centered and grounded. Be gentle with yourself. Partake in activities that bring you comfort. Make sure you spend time doing some self-reflection and trying to adopt a new perspective. Journal. Meditate. Go on a walk outside. Take a hot bath. Do whatever you have to do to dig deep. Be honest with yourself about what patterns, habits, beliefs, situations, or relationships weigh you down or hold you back. What changes must you make to see better days?
Your Card: Page of Cups, reversed
The reason you’ve been feeling so unmotivated and blocked lately is because you’ve been suppressing certain emotions. You won’t thrive again or reconnect with your inspiration until you allow yourself to process them in a healthy manner. There’s no day like today to get started. The reversed Page of Cups invites you to be courageous and face whatever truths and feelings you’ve been avoiding, no matter how uncomfortable or painful they may be. This card urges you to stop using distractions to escape. Partying, overspending, and numbing yourself will only provide you temporary relief. What do you need to work through, Sag?
Your Card: Queen of Swords, reversed
The Queen of Swords in reverse urges you to think about yourself and yourself only. Whatever situation or decision you’re facing, it’s important that you center it around your own joy and benefit. Don’t hold yourself back or dim your light to make others happy. The only desires you should be fulfilling are your own. Someone who loves you would never dare to even dream of standing in the way of your happiness and success. If you feel like you have to sacrifice what’s meaningful to you out of fear of upsetting or losing anyone, then that’s a relationship you need to re-evaluate. Be assertive, Capricorn. Fight for what you find fulfilling, even if that means rocking the boat with others. Say no when you want to say no. Say yes to what you desire.
Your Card: Nine of Swords
Be gentle with yourself today, Aquarius. Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to succumb to the Sunday Scaries. You woke up feeling overwhelmed and anxious, and you’re finding it hard to get your intrusive thoughts under control, but it’s important that you try to control your mind and not let your mind control you. It’s easier said than done, but dwelling on the negativity isn’t going to do anything to help you. It might feel unbearable, but this really isn’t worth making yourself sick over. All your fears and anxieties are manageable and defeatable. Try to see that—and try to see how. Embrace a new perspective. Refresh your mindset. Reclaim your power.
Your Card: The Hermit
The Hermit nudges you into spending time alone with yourself this Sunday. This card shows up when you’re in need of solitude—to recharge, reflect, let yourself feel and process certain emotions, or gain a new perspective. So, put away your phone and let go of distractions. Disconnect from the external world and go inward. Journal or mediate, if you have to. What is your inner voice telling you? What have you yet to heal from? How have you been disconnected from yourself lately? How can you better nourish your spirit? What truths or feelings have you been running away from? What answers do you seek?