Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, February 2, 2025
Table of Contents
Your card: 3 of Wands, Reversed
Taking on a huge project can often leave us feeling overwhelmed. This can lead to the illusion that any delay is reflective of how we’re feeling about our capabilities right when we might be struggling with imposter syndrome. Give yourself a break for a little instead of just scrapping the whole endeavour. While you may be feeling challenged, you’re more than capable of handling this, and it’s why you undertook this massive effort to begin with. Visualize your goal again, and allow yourself to get invigorated and excited by what you’re working towards.
Your card: Death, Reversed
Large life changes are scary, and it can be tempting to quietly continue comforting habits when otherwise undergoing a huge transformation. Prioritizing comfort leads to stagnation, and it takes leaving our comfort zone in order to progress in life. Allow yourself to be inspired and enamored with who you are becoming, it will encourage you to embrace the necessary changes more fully when you focus on what the result will be. Now isn’t the time to hold back on the changes you need to make – it’s time to get out of your own way and help yourself to succeed.
Your card: The World, Reversed
You’ve completed something big – something so big that instead of being flush with achievement you feel drained, as if the entire experience has left you with nothing but a hole where ambition used to be. While your effort was successful, it can be bewildering and even lonely after such a large milestone has been reached. It’s life shifting when such a cycle ends, and it challenges us out of our comfortable role as ‘do-er’ and into the more nebulous role of ‘dreamer.’ How can you bring the lessons from your success forward?
Your card: 8 of Cups, Reversed
It can be countless sleepless nights before we realize we have to walk away from a subtly toxic situation, and sleep still may not come until weeks later as we agonize over the choice long after it’s been made. It can be hard to recognize when to let go of something, especially if it’s been helpful to us in our lives. As you select what to bring forward with you, make space to honor the experience you’ve had so that it’s easier to allow it to remain in the past.
Your card: Strength, Reversed
On the one hand, you’re feeling right at home with the energy around you, on the other it feels like it’s out of step with everyone else. Be more gentle and kind with yourself – the sort of strength that you are seeking isn’t created through physical dominance, but through mental resilience. Be steadfast in your vision, but don’t take setbacks personally. You’ll get the opportunity to be innovative, and even playful, when presented with an obstacle.
Your card: The Devil
Addiction takes many forms – it’s not just expressed with substances, but can be seen in behaviors, cycles, and relationship dynamics. What are you holding on to that ultimately harms your goals? See if you can recognize liberation on the other side of the addiction, and if there’s something better that you could fit into that space. Our shadows offer us a path towards the light, if we can be courageous enough to brave exploring them.
Your card: Ace of Swords, Reversed
Don’t expect things to go exactly as you plan, it’ll feel like things were moving forward at a great pace until everything came to a screeching halt. There might have been unforeseen circumstances, or perhaps a group of people didn’t feel they were all on the same page. Regardless of the circumstances around the delay, give yourself some time to regroup and think through exactly what the situation is. Take the time and effort to question the source of what you know – including all of your assumptions. You’re bound to find where things are stuck.
Your card: Temperance
Creating practices and habits that balance the mind, body, and spirit is an effective way for us to deepen our understanding of the world. Temperance asks us to walk the middle path. It is rare that the answer to a solution is found in the extremes, and our challenge is often how to balance polar perspectives in order to find a truth we can use to guide ourselves. Trust your process, especially your ability to engage with emotional introspection.
Your card: The Star, Reversed
There’s a lot to feel hopeful about, but you’re feeling the sting of disillusionment and just the concept of hope emotionally hurts right now. You’re carrying a lot of difficult and painful emotions, so give yourself the space to be a little messy. Understand that once you let yourself process some of the more challenging feelings you’re experiencing, your load will feel a lot lighter and the distance you need to travel will seem a lot shorter.
Your card: Two of Cups, Reversed
In what used to be a productive relationship, you’re feeling a lot of tension and are getting anxious about how to even broach the topic. Instead of building up the possible downfall of the relationship, take a deep breath and start talking. It may not be an adversarial reason, it might come down to complications and unforeseen circumstances the other person is dealing with. A single conversation may not fix the entire situation, but it’ll get you on the right path.
Your card: The Magician, Reversed
The right skills focused on the wrong part of the problem can be as disastrous as the wrong skills for the problem. Assess what the situation you’re facing really calls for. Chances are, you have the resources and skills available, but there’s a part of the puzzle you’re not seeing. Clear your head and restart your process by reevaluating your assumptions and realigning your expectations. Instead of shooting for the perfect, aim for the realistic.
Your card: Four of Cups
It can be painful to feel bored by something that once excited us. Instead of allowing your prior experiences to make you feel jaded at how things have turned out, see what would happen if you used them to recognize the wonders of around you. Don’t get stuck thinking about all of the opportunities you may have missed out on, it’s stealing your focus from recognizing what’s around you right now. What can you do to foster the emotional mindset necessary to see the potential that surrounds you?