Anna Tarazevich

Tarotscope For Today: Monday, March 17, 2025

Table of Contents


Your Card: The Tower, Reversed

Times of upheaval can be scary, yes, but it can be liberating and foundational to tear it all down for the sake of a fresh start. Right now there’s change, big change, all around you, Aries. Long-standing traditions are being reimagined, and the old ways are being broken down – some for good. You aren’t as affected by it as you could be – if you’re choosing not to participate, make sure that it’s not due to you trying to delay the inevitable.Β 


Your Card: Temperance

Balance in all things is important, Taurus, and you will find yourself blending two worlds or concepts that had not previously met. It requires compassion, steadiness, and wisdom. As you address imbalances with harmony, be prepared to address friction where the two blending aspects meet. Sometimes the most important thing we can do when engaging in the alchemy of life is to simply wait, and do nothing. Often, adding time allows things to develop on their own.


Your Card: 3 of Wands, Reversed

When they talk about the key to success being showing up, Gemini, they’re talking about showing up after things haven’t gone the way you want. You’ve been dealing with the fallout of a failed project for quite some time, and are finally reconnecting with your creativity after what feels like a long creative block. Through this challenge, you learned about your processes and resilience. Once you get back into the swing of things, it will be your time to shine!


Your Card: Wheel of Fortune, Reversed

Your emotional intelligence makes you well suited to life’s ups and downs, Cancer. It’s your ability to endure those wide swings of emotions that will be tested the most today. While spontaneity may have seemed exciting at first, the unpredictability may make it difficult for you to get through your normal routine. While it can be nerve-wracking to know that some important aspects of our lives are left to fate, it can also be liberating.


Your Card: 8 of Cups

A wise man told us we have to know when to walk away, Leo, and we’d be fools to stay when we know we have to go. It can be hard to leave something once we’ve wrapped our lives around it, but true growth asks us to be made of sterner stuff than β€˜comfortable.’ Remember that the energy and care you invested isn’t lost, and the experience helped build who you are. As you move forward, make sure you also allow yourself to grieve – it’s an important part of letting go.Β 


Your Card: 8 of Wands, Reversed

Everything feels like it’s delayed, Virgo, so now is not the time to think the problem can be solved with a precise schedule. It ends up what you had planned on being a sprint is really going to be a marathon. Take a deep breath and get settled in for the long haul. Instead of fighting things and making them adhere to the timeline you’ve created, what would happen if you allowed it to continue forward at its own, nautral pace?Β 


Your Card: Justice, Reversed

Justice is a card that represents your sign, Libra. Justice reversed may indicate a deeper contemplation on the nature of both justice and injustice, or for you it may indicate a day when you feel like the lone sane person in a world gone mad. Regardless of how your day progresses, be fearlessly honest with yourself about how you contribute to experiences through the day.Β 


Your Card: Knight of Wands

Today will be a bright, interesting spot of adventure, Scorpio, and it will help you carry a lot of inspiration into your future. You will find every new project endlessly interesting, and every opportunity will spark your passion. When you’re at your boldest, the type of future-oriented plans you are interested in may set the stage for what you’re working on in the months to come. You will help you solve some difficult problems with your out-of-the-box thinking.


Your Card: Ten of Cups, Reversed

You’re going to find some challenges on the home front, Sagittarius. The big celebration including all of your favorite people probably isn’t going to materialize today, and the change in plans may cause some scrambling. You can still foster a lot of contentment and joy. The renewal and reinvigoration you were hoping to experience is still possible if you shift your focus. Instead of allowing the challenging aspects to dictate your mood, reframe the situation. Seek internal sources of validation.


Your Card: Queen of Swords

Your cool detachment from the situation you’re facing will allow you to pick up on nuances and details that may be lost to others, Capricorn. You’re being given the emotional and mental distance necessary to see the entire truth of the matter. When communicating with others, be mindful that they may have an emotional attachment that you aren’t experiencing. Select your words and communication styles carefully, and center your compassion so you don’t become too cold to the emotional realities at hand.Β 


Your Card:Β King of Pentacles

It’s always a great day when it feels like everything we touch turns to gold, Aquarius. You’re having the sort of day that is full of opportunity and that creates promise and fertility for years to come. Your grounded pragmatism can help guide you towards a material situation that isn’t just beneficial for you, but for all of those that you care about. Reliable and practical, your sensible wisdom and guidance will be instrumental in helping you lead others.Β Β 


Your Card:Β Page of Pentacles

You may find yourself in awe of more practical matters today. You’re in the fact-finding stages of your β€˜mission’, Pisces, and you’ve been using your time to voraciously consume every piece of information that you can to help you understand what’s at work. Your practical approach has made it so that you’re learning as you go, which requires a large amount of focus and energy to maintain. Pay attention to any physical signs / messages of exhaustion or overwhelm.