Tarotscope For Today: March 7, 2025
Table of Contents
Your card: The Emperor
You’re feeling ambitious and determined to get what you want today. However, you must first take accountability for the self-discipline necessary to attain it. Don’t rush the process.
Your card: Two of Swords
Your indecision anxiety is lying to you. There’s more than one correct answer. There may be no “right” versus “wrong” as much as what feels best for you now, with the facts you have.
Your card: Eight of Pentacles Reversed
Don’t let your head down and get lost in busy work. You may be scrambling, putting too much energy into a moving goal post that’s not in reach. Be intentional with your efforts.
Your card: Ten of Swords Reversed
You’re trying to overcome pain, heartbreak, or loss today. Healing takes time. It’s also okay to admit that part of yourself has forever changed. Don’t try to go back; get to know this new version of your heart.
Your card: Six of Swords Reversed
You may hesitate to close doors, embrace transitions, or seek new ventures. However, it’s what’s best for you at this moment. Don’t resist what’s naturally fading out. Let it happen and bring you where you’re meant to be.
Your card: The Hermit Reversed
You may feel introverted, but the cosmos pushes you to get out of your bubble today. Seek advice, experience, or support from others, especially those who can mentor you.
Your card: The World
You’ve reached a beautiful, full-circle moment. Multiple areas of your life are balanced. You once prayed to be at this point, so take time to express gratitude and soak in the moment.
Your card: Four of Pentacles Reversed
It’s hard to let go of a tight grip on something or someone we anxiously want. However, the best thing you can do is let go of control and allow what’s meant to be to unfold.
Your card: Five of Cups Reversed
Emotional hurt has left you with irreparable losses, but you’re starting to see hope once again today. A silver lining is waiting for you to embrace its rejuvenating, hopeful light. Allow yourself to embrace the peace you deserve.
Your card: Death
Death and rebirth are natural cycles of life. Today, Capricorn is urged to note what requires transformation in their life. Although transitions are bittersweet, they bring us back to what matters most in our souls.
Your card: The Moon Reversed
You’re beginning to see clearly and more transparently past the confusion of your fears and anxieties. Your inner voice is guiding you through the darkness. Trust your intuition.
Your card: King of Pentacles
Today, you’re finding stable footing in your reality. It feels good to see the results of your efforts and get a better sense of your next steps. Goals feel compelling, and motivation surrounds you.