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Tarotscope For Today: Friday, March 14, 2025

Table of Contents


Your Card: Two of Cups

Today you may meet someone who feels like your perfect match, both emotionally and spiritually. If you’re already in a relationship, you will feel a closer bond with your partner. This is because the Two of Cups is a card about partnerships and mutual respect. While it can refer to any kind of partnership, it’s most closely associated with romance, particularly true love. Today’s Moon in Libra also adds a rose-colored hue over the day, encouraging flirtations, liaisons, and infatuations. Today is the day to show that passionate Aries nature and allow yourself to bask in love. 


Your Card: Queen of Wands

This fiery confident Queen represents a step into your personal power, so today you will feel more confident about expressing your ideas, desires, and wants. In romantic relationships, you will take the lead. The Moon opposing Neptune in Pisces means you are likely to form a deep connection today, but this opposition also hints that things could take a dark turn. While this Queen is a fiery extrovert, your grounded earthy energy should stop you from doing anything too impulsive. Be confident and open today, but always trust your instincts. 


Your Card: Eight of Swords

The Suit of Swords represents communication, and as a quick-thinking Air sign, you normally excel in this area. However, you’ve been holding yourself back, refusing to say what needs to be said. As a result, you now feel trapped or stuck. This feeling is heightened by today’s Full Moon in Virgo, adding to your confusion and unhappiness. The only way to release these feelings is to confidently speak up. If you truly feel like your hands are tied, consider removing yourself from the situation entirely. 


Your Card: Judgement

You’ve likely been feeling moody because of Pisces season, plus that Virgo Full Moon is making everyone grumpy. Now, with the appearance of Judgment, it’s time to turn that nurturing Cancer energy inward. Focus on yourself today. It’s a good day to rest and recharge. Judgment also represents new opportunities and growth, but requires honesty and dedication to get there. Consider taking some time today to consider what areas need improvement. Let go of anything that no longer serves you.


Your Card: Nine of Wands

If you’re worn out and feel like you can’t go on, the Nine of Wands is a reminder to keep going. You’re a natural leader, which means sometimes you take on too much, so this card urges you to rest and recharge as the weekend approaches. Nines in tarot are about nearing completion, but you won’t make it if you use up all your resources. Rest will help you see the end. Lean into that lion energy because you have the courage to make it to the finish line. 


Your Card: Page of Swords

If you’re feeling vulnerable and extra-sensitive today, that is the effects of the Full Moon in your sign. The appearance of the Page of Swords has a dual message. First, it’s a good day to retreat to your mind palace. Reading, listening to music, or journaling will help you feel better. Second, the Page of Swords suggests not saying anything if you can’t say something nice. Finally, it’s a good day to tidy up. Reorganization always improves your mood!


Your Card: Three of Pentacles

Show off your skills today! If you have hidden talents, the Three of Pentacles advises you to take a leap and turn them into cash. Additionally, the Moon trining Pluto in Aquarius brings out both your creativity and ambition. Since your sign thrives on connection, consider bringing others onboard. The Three of Pentacles suggests that a partnership is key. Make sure everyone’s ideas are considered, and use your shrewd people skills to build strong partnerships that will help make your dream come true.


Your Card: The Hanged Man 

If you’ve reached the end of your rope, The Hanged Man proposes looking at your situation from a new perspective. Your sign is famously controlling, which makes letting go one of the hardest things in the world for you. With the Moon moving into Libra and forming a trine with Pluto, you may feel that your feelings are not being reciprocated, either in a friendship or romantic relationship. If your relationship with someone feels one-sided, The Hanged Man suggests it’s time to let go and let things unfold naturally. 


Your Card: Four of Swords

It’s time to take a break. The Four of Swords emphasizes the need to slow down and rest. For you, ruled by the energetic planet of Jupiter, this may seem counterintuitive. However, you should do a mental health check-in today. Consider disconnecting from social media and spend that time meditating or journaling. These kinds of activities will help you get back in touch with your emotions. If you discover that you are more burnt out than you realized, it’s time to add more relaxing pursuits to your busy schedule. 


Your Card: The Sun

Despite today’s many transits and astrological mood swings, the Sun shines brightly on you today. As a result, you may feel more energized than usual, so use this energy to kickstart your health. Consider signing up to a gym or taking a fitness class. It’s also a great day to do something outdoors to get the full effects of the Sun. If you prefer to stay at home, you will get a lot done today. Overall, you will feel more positive and optimistic. 


Your Card: Knight of Cups

You are prone to rationality and keeping others at arm’s length. However, the Knight of Cups urges you be more vulnerable and intuitive. When the Moon moves into Libra this afternoon, romance is in the air. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or looking for a supportive partner, consider dropping your guard down today. Knights move quickly, so don’t wait too long to let someone know that you care.


Your Card: Five of Wands  

As a sign known for its sensitivity and avoidance of conflict, the message of the Five of Wands will be hard for you. This card represents conflict or competition that will force you out of your comfort zone. You can’t keep avoiding this problem. We know you prefer peace and harmony (don’t we all)! However, the Five of Wands is a learning opportunity for you, an invitation to work on your conflict-resolution skills. Learning to navigate conflict will empower you in all areas of your life