Tarotscope For Today: Friday, December 13th, 2024
Table of Contents
The card itself evokes something final, but it’s so much more than that. The Death card is not an endpoint, but a step within a larger transformation. Renewal and rebirth require that we let go of things that no longer serve us, and allow us to make room in our hearts and minds to embrace change. We are given many opportunities to create meaningful change that can craft us into the people we dream we can be.
The Emperor
To meet this moment requires both discipline and pragmatism. Building the better world you want will take a clear vision, methodical action, and cautious planning. It’s time for you to take charge, whether it’s over yourself or others. Remain aware of boundaries and limitations. Take this time and set yourself up for success. Lead with compassion. Once your ambitions have been met, who will you become, how will you lead your own evolution?
9 of Wands, Reversed
You’ve come a long way the hard way, and the experience can be battering. It can also leave us with negative stories and habits built off of them. While you still need to protect yourself from the bumps and bruises life can offer, take this moment to reassess some of the stories and narratives you tell yourself, as they can be just as bruising. Is there a way you can become your own fearless self-advocate and make your life easier for yourself?
The Fool
It’s a whole new world, Cancer, full of opportunities and fresh experiences. It’s going to take a leap of faith to take that first small step towards the future you’re building, but you’ve been dreaming and hoping long enough – it’s time to take the step forward. It requires bravery to take a chance and do something big. When doing something new, don’t concern yourself with the opinion of others. Instead, embrace the beginner’s mind.Engage with life with enthusiasm and playfulness.
Temperance, Reversed
Temperance speaks to the deeper alchemy of healing – balance and moderation cultivate the calm headspace required to build inner equilibrium. When in reverse Temperance indicates that the balances are off, and that may create its own sets of challenges. What parts of your life feel imbalanced, what has been dominating your attention and thoughts? Are you overdoing it, or pushing yourself too hard? Forward progress will require fostering a calm headspace so you can rebalance your priorities and re-focus on what matters to you.
The Empress
Nurture what you wish to see succeed, Virgo. You have a prolific amount of creative energy and potential today, and what you focus on is bound to prosper. You are able to see the beauty and abundant possibility of the world all around you, and are able to connect to endless feelings of compassion. How could you use this light and compassion to nourish yourself? What do you want to create in the world? There are few challenges that can hold you back.
Queen of Swords
You know better than most that challenges and loss can lead to bitterness – but they can also lead you towards becoming a better person. There is a lot being revealed today, and you may find people seeking your wise counsel. Listen more than you speak. Follow your thoughts to their logical conclusions when integrating new ideas into your world view. To communicate the most effectively, find the way to be straightforward in what you communicate, but compassionate in how you say it.
3 of Wands
Improvement and progress is a continuous process, and you’ve been working exceptionally hard at it. You’re finally starting to see the results you were hoping for, and seeing the results of your effort is helping to energize you for the work you still have yet to do. Be proud of how far you’ve come. Now that you’ve tasted success and have seen that you are capable of achieving what you dream, it might be time to readjust your goals and dream bigger.
King of Cups
The King of Cups embodies the person of strong character who applies wisdom gained through acts of compassion and kindness. Follow your emotional intelligence, and allow yourself to flow towards emotional stability and peace and you may find that others are inspired by your example. Being balanced and consistent will require that you are vulnerable and clear about how you are feeling. Don’t engage with situations or people who are emotionally manipulative.
The Wheel of Fortune
There are points in life where, regardless of how much planning or preparation we might have engaged in, fate steps in and the tides change. Creation isn’t always a linear or tidy process – it’s often chaotic, messy, and challenging. These times of change and upheaval often challenge us, asking us to surrender and simply allow life to happen. A chance meeting, a viral moment, an emotional synchronicity – there are times when we’re able to glimpse the larger scheme of things through the magic of fate.
The Knight of Cups, Reversed
Emotional attachments sometimes come with complications, including the pitfalls of over-romanticizing people and situations. Love is beautiful, but it can also blind us to reality. Be careful about the pedestals you build for people. Don’t be so open that you lose your heart the second it’s pinned onto your sleeve – but don’t be so overprotective that you never allow yourself to be loved (or loving). Love doesn’t need to be forced, and will flow freely.
The World, Reversed
You’ve recently accomplished something huge, and are still fully processing the success. Sometimes after completing a big goal we can feel empty and aimless, unsure of where to apply our energies next. Regardless of the trepidation you may feel about what’s next, it’s time to finish what you’ve started so that you can move on. When processing your anxieties, consider if they have a source. Do you really feel that there is something you need to finish so that you can move on, or is it the fear of the unknown?