Tarot Wisdom For The Last Four Months Of 2024
Centering a life around purpose can be fulfilling — and challenging! Here are tarot readings for your Zodiac sign about how to approach finding your purpose.
Aries – Queen of Swords (Reversed)
The Queen of Swords is intelligent and charming, which tempers her sharp tongue. Her balanced assessments are fueled by her wisdom and experience. In looking for your purpose, use your head more than your heart, but remember that empathy and compassion are your allies, even in intellectual pursuits. Allow your experiences to guide your explorations. Select your path carefully, and don’t give into bitterness.
Taurus – Death (Reversed)
Death indicates that it is a time for things to be completely different. Greatness rarely happens while comfortable, and finding your purpose may require a large shift for you. Growing means shedding masks in order to perpetuate change. It’s hard not to get sentimental about the past, but don’t let it get in the way of building a beautiful future. Be careful not to cling to past habits and negative narratives.
Gemini – Strength
Strength isn’t about strong-arming a solution – in many cases it is the courage of being vulnerable and gentle that will win the day. When seeking your purpose, remember that in the Strength card the lion signifies passions and the strong person is the one who is calmly closing the jaws. Your compassion will guide you towards your purpose, if you can temper your other passions. Don’t be blocked by fear in your search. Center your heart and higher self.
Cancer – Page of Swords
The inquisitive and headstrong Page of Swords is a call to expansive introspection. It is time to approach the question of purpose by indulging your thirst for new information. It may serve you to discuss your ideas with others, and use their insights to fuel your inventiveness. Walk the path of discovery by being completely honest with yourself. Be willing to integrate new ideas and concepts to help guide you.
Leo – 5 of Cups
Something isn’t working, and it’s hard to feel such loss and disappointment. Don’t allow your disillusionment and regret to cloud your judgment. Trauma changes us, but healing does, too. Your heart, though feeling broken now, knows the best way forward. Don’t allow the past to control your future. Once you’ve healed from the disappointment and regret, you’ll be in a better mental and emotional place to find where your purpose lies.
Virgo – King of Swords (Reversed)
The logical and authoritative King of Swords has a great energy to bring to a search for purpose. Methodical and objective is the way to go, and it takes a careful hand to balance the spiritual and the material. Be careful to not be too rigid in your thinking or approach, or to try and over-control the situation. Your intellect is a fierce guiding force, but being too cold and calculating is antithetical to finding your purpose.
Libra – Ace of Cups (Reversed)
The Ace of Cups has the energy of new emotions swirling around it – new feelings, new relationships, and the opening of intuition. As you seek your purpose, it’s important to keep an open heart, and not to repress or overly judge your own feelings. Be compassionate with yourself and how you feel, and open yourself to the possibilities. Cultivate the parts of you that are optimistic and loving, and the path to your purpose will become more clear.
Scorpio – The Empress (Reversed)
The Empress indicates a time of creative abundance. Unity of the mind, body, and spirit are followed by fruitfulness and success. It’s easy in such a prolific time to get overwhelmed with options. It will feel like there are possibilities for you everywhere – because there are! To reduce that overwhelm, be sure to stay empathetic yet grounded as you seek your purpose. It is an extremely fertile time, move towards that which affirms your higher instincts.
Sagittarius – Knight of wands (Reversed)
There’s a lot of energy around you, and it could be easy to become unfocused. You’ll be challenged by your high levels of energy wanting to pull you in a thousand directions. Stand back and take a deep breath before moving forward, lest you burn yourself with your own fire. It will take calm, centered self-awareness to see your purpose among your many options. You have more than enough energy to take the bold steps needed to embrace your purpose.
Capricorn – 10 of Swords (Reversed)
It is a hard, disappointing time and you may feel like searching for purpose is futile and that you’ve exhausted all of the possibilities. Take heart, because the difficult lessons you’ve learned will help pave your road going forward. Let go of the hard feelings of disappointment and regret. Understand that recovery and rebirth is possible, even after what feels like an utterly devastating loss. Your strength and perseverance have gotten you this far. Have faith you won’t fail yourself, and the answer will become more clear.
Aquarius – 3 of Swords
It’s hard to think of the larger picture after such extreme heartbreak. Facing the disintegration and devastation of things we believed in is challenging. Grieving the loss is natural, but be careful! Being stuck in your grief and sadness is a form of emotional entropy and your purpose won’t be found there. Despite your heartbreak and loss, it’s important that you allow your heart to remain open to the world so it can guide you.
Pisces – Knight of Swords (Reversed)
You are bursting with energy and invigorated by the possibility for swift action! It feels like excellence is just around the corner if you just push a bit harder. Your ambitions will carry you towards your purpose, but be careful that you don’t act too quickly. Be sure to take some time to integrate the lessons from your journey so far. It can feel frustrating to take a moment when the goal is so near, but you don’t want to close down emotionally when you are so close to expanding your horizons.