
Table For One: How I Learned To Love Spending Time Alone

I write this sitting alone at a dinner restaurant on the second day of my weekend vacation. I just finished a long day of exploring the beautiful city of Edinburgh, after making the last-minute decision to hop on over to Scotland from my university in Londonā€”no complications, no second-guesses, no worries of being alone. As I wait for my meal, I reflect on my day, and all the amazing things I saw. I enjoy listening to my thoughts as the time passes.

How did this happen?

A mere two months ago, I never wouldā€™ve pictured myself visiting a new country on my own. Going out for a solo dinner or seeing a play alone felt like failure; I just needed someone to enjoy it with, and it hurt when I couldnā€™t find anyone to go with me. I didnā€™t have the confidence or independence to truly enjoy an excursion on my own, let alone plan and embark on a vacation with nobody by my side.

For everyone whoā€™s already self-sufficient, this probably sounds rudimentary. But itā€™s not like I had a compulsive need to have someone by my side at all times, like a clingy puppy dog. This problem goes past the fact that Iā€™m an extreme extrovert and busybody; it reflects larger, deeper conflicts.

For my whole life, Iā€™ve always been able to rely on someone else for a sense of comfortā€”my parents, my sister, my closest friends who feel like family. And the times I didnā€™t have anyone (primarily at sleep-away camp or summer programs), it was always a short-lived experience where I had some remaining source of comfortā€”like one family member, the familiarity of my location, or the knowledge that Iā€™d be going home soon. So, when I was recently thrown into the lionā€™s den of being on my own for a long period of time, without any sense of comfort, I went into a large unhappy stateā€”which eventually led to a period of growth I never anticipated.

It started in September, when I moved from Torontoā€”where I was born and raisedā€”to London for a semester abroad. Because I knew nobody when I entered university three years ago and it was a positive experience, I decided to take it up a notch this term by going on exchange by myself. I left everything I knew for a temporary new life, one I thought would be a breeze, but instead, I learned how difficult it is to truly be on your own.

Now, donā€™t assume this happened because I couldnā€™t make friendsā€”that wasnā€™t the problem. The fact is, when you move to a completely new place on your own, youā€™ll need to spend large periods of time by yourself because of everyoneā€™s conflicting schedules. That also means feeling lonely sometimes. That being said, this didnā€™t happen to me when I moved away for university because I still had my family relatively close by, and there was no culture shock. Thereā€™s nothing quite like moving across the world, and it made me feel more alone than ever before.

It was only when I was forced to actually spend time by myself that I was able to confront the negativity Iā€™d associated with being alone. Through a lot of introspection, I realized I canā€™t truly love myself if Iā€™m not happy in my own company. So, when Iā€™d ask my new friends to participate in an activity and they were busy, I started thinking, you know what? Iā€™m gonna try this on my own. From then on, I began planning lots of ā€œsolo datesā€ around London and grew more comfortable with the idea of spending time with myself. I realized that although itā€™s fun to share an experience with someone else, it can be just as enjoyable to try something alone. And I learned that itā€™s actually empowering and a strength to spend large sums of time on my own because it demonstrates that I donā€™t need anyone else to have a good time. For years, Iā€™d been claiming that I didnā€™t need anyone else to enjoy myself, but frankly, I hadnā€™t walked the walk.

Then, when it came time to decide on my mid-semester travels, I was stumped. I had a difficult decision to make: either force myself into other peopleā€™s plans, which may not align with my preferred destinations and scheduling, or travel somewhere alone, which was far more daunting. And I chose the latter, setting off for The Netherlands.Ā 

Those few days on my own were the most eye-opening and life-changing Iā€™d experienced in a whileā€”maybe even my whole life. My realizations about the strength and power in spending time alone were confirmed and emphasized. I spent each day with my eyes wide, exploring and gaining new experiences. The world was my oyster; there was nobody to hold me back or say ā€œno.ā€ It was just me. And I genuinely, totally, and completely loved it.

That week was a turning point for me. I went from barely having enough confidence to go for dinner by myself to absolutely adoring solo traveling in a new country. No longer am I afraid of spending time alone, claiming Iā€™m ā€œjust too extroverted for thatā€ā€”and Iā€™m now able to be my own source of comfort in potentially isolating situations.

As time goes on, Iā€™m moving on from the girl I was at the beginning of this semester: the more dependent, insecure one. Sure, it took a lot of anxiety, tears, and confusion, but Iā€™ll be coming home as somebody whoā€™s proud to say, ā€œTable for one.ā€