September’s Tarot Reading For Taurus, Virgo, And Capricorn
In this reading, we’ll dive into the month of September for three different zodiacs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. These zodiacs, also known as the earth signs, are known for being practical and reliable and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown:
The Past:
10 of Pentacles
Just recently, the material stability you felt was so substantial you were able to be generous and create a future for not just yourself, but those you care the most about. You felt secure and successful enough to think about things like ‘legacy’. It finally felt like you had ‘made it’ and you thought for sure if you just kept going, that you’d have the answers. You felt secure enough to put down roots, and start making longer term plans. You were creating new traditions. You felt secure, happy, and enjoyed sharing the bounty you created with those close to you.
The Present:
Temperance, Reversed
Those feelings of security and stability have faded, and now it feels like you’re only able to reach balance by swinging between the extremes. Perhaps you felt too secure and steered towards excess, or perhaps a need arose that made you lose sight of those long-term plans. Regardless of why, everything feels off kilter now. It’s a good time to take a step back and assess what you’re doing and why. Try and determine what areas of your life are out of balance – where are you over (or under) doing it? If your life was more in-balance, what would it look like? How can you get there?
The Challenge:
Page of Swords, Reversed
The Page of Swords Reversed as the challenge you’re facing really emphasizes that balance is extremely challenging for you right now, and may indicate that you are dealing with bad news that makes the imbalance worse. This card emphasizes and doubles down on what was explored in Temperance reversed. The imbalance you are experiencing is making it difficult for you to analyze the situation with a clear mind. It’s causing a lot of delays in your progress towards your goals. Feelings of security you felt in the Ten of Pentacles have given way to imposter syndrome. In addition to the imbalances and self-doubt you feel, there are rumors and gossip afoot.
Your Thoughts:
2 of Pentacles
The thing that is on your mind the most is the juggling act you are having to pull off to keep this imbalanced situation going. It’s taking up a lot of mental space for you. Everything that’s going on – from dealing with rumors, to the feelings of imbalance, and pursuing the legacy you want to build – requires resources, planning, preparation, and flexibility. It’s important that you get things back into balance, and allocate your most precious resource – your time – in a way that is workable and allows for rest. Are there any items on your to-do list that you can let go of right now?
Your Subconscious:
9 of Pentacles, Reversed
You’re working hard, far too hard, and things continue to feel that they are out of control. Because it feels like your efforts to balance the situation are futile, it’s been leading you to wonder if you ‘are enough.’ You are. You are capable. You are worth it. You can handle this. Don’t allow this temporary feeling to become ammunition for your inner critic. Take a step back and identify everything you have going on – and what is working towards your goals and what isn’t.
The Future:
8 of Wands
Things in the not-too-distant future are going to become unstuck! There are big, swift moving changes coming, and the best way to prepare for them is to get all that balance work done, because things are going to be moving extremely fast quite soon. Taking advantage of the swift energy coming your way will be easier if you know exactly where and how to apply it. Make sure you have a good handle on your long-term goals and how your short-term goals can feed into them, and you’ll be able to capitalize on this fast-moving energy coming your way.
9 of Swords
The current situation bothers you, and makes you feel vulnerable in ways you don’t like. Earth signs are known for being rock-solid, and everyone looks at you as a steadying force in their life, so be assured that your discomfort with this situation is both valid and sensible. This profound sense of imbalance is keeping you up at night. It’s a difficult situation and understandable that it’s kept you awake, but you need to allow yourself time to rest and recuperate so you can figure out exactly how to plan your way through it. It’s time to face your fears, and acknowledge that this situation is a lot. You might need some help in restoring balance, and that’s ok!
Overall Thoughts:
Just recently you were feeling as if everything was working like a finely tuned engine and that you had a handle on what was going on. You felt secure and steady enough to start making plans for the future and you were thinking big thoughts that included words like “legacy.” Something recently changed, though, and the entire situation feels like it’s out of balance. Most disturbingly, it’s brought you to be out of balance, too. Where you usually had rock-solid habits and a good handle on things, you now find yourself struggling just to keep up and keep everything from crashing down.
This imbalance is so profound that you are thinking about it with every fiber of your being. All of your thoughts, conscious and subconscious, are about how much is going on, and how you are unsure if you can handle it all – or if you should even bother to try. Rumors abound, and even your inner critic has started up about the situation. Instead of your easy confidence about how things in the future were going to shape up, you find yourself wondering if it’s even possible anymore, or if it’s worth it. You are worthy and capable of the success you’ve been working towards. To make things work, you need to understand that your feelings of overwhelm are valid and sensible.
If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it.The good news is, everything is about to change, and things are about to get unstuck in a big way. It’s important that you prepare for this swift-moving time by realigning your plans, and considering what, exactly, it is that you’re juggling. Keep those long-term goals you had in mind during your Ten of Pentacles period in the not-too-distant past, and reassess how your short-term goals can help make that happen. Quite soon the energy around you is going to change and everything is going to start moving again.
You’ve got this!