September’s Tarot Reading For Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
In this reading, we’ll dive into the month of September for three different zodiacs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These zodiacs, also known as the air signs, are communicative intellectuals who are at home with change and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown:
The Past:
10 of Cups, Reversed
In the recent past, you might have been dealing with a toxic situation either in your family or with your close friends. This disharmony has made you struggle, especially with communication. The Ten of Cups reversed could be an indicator of a toxic workplace, arguments with family, or external issues upending relationships. You may have found yourself questioning everything, including if you are worthy of love or healthy relationships (you are!). You found yourself wondering if the relationship was simply unmanageable and therefore doomed. This entire situation has left you feeling disillusioned, drained, and vulnerable.
The Present:
8 of Cups
Right now, you keenly feel that loss indicated in the Ten of Cups, and are wondering if it’s time to let go. You’ve invested so much of yourself in something and much to your dismay, it’s just not working. That loss and grief has a grip on you right now. While it’s hard to go through a period of such intense shifts and loss – embrace the positive change that this can bring to you.You might need to let go – of the relationships exemplified in the Ten of Cups, or the feelings that that situation evoked in you – or something else. Instead of focusing on feelings of loss or grief of the ‘future that might have been’, focus on yourself confidently striding forward into something new. Processing your grief can give emotional space for something greater.
The Challenge:
6 of Pentacles
There’s an imbalance here and it’s hard for you to deal with it given everything else on your emotional plate. Determine where the imbalance is – are you giving too much, or can you give more? Is someone using their power in the situation to manipulate you? The energy indicated by this card is throwing off your ability to assess the situation you are in, and is making your evaluation of your grief and loss as described in the Eight of Cups difficult for you to work through or fully understand. It will be easier for you to manage the grief and emotionality of the Eight of Cups if you can work through this challenge. If you can, it’s bound to impact the overall energy in this reading – and if anyone can do it – it’s you.
Your Thoughts:
9 of Cups, Reversed
On the surface, to others, it looks like things are going well for you, but you don’t feel that way! In fact, you’re feeling pretty dissatisfied and frustrated, and it’s no wonder why. There are a lot of things going on that you’re trying to feel your way through. It’s understandable why you are feeling so frustrated, but it’s important that you do not allow negativity to consume your thoughts. You know better than most signs in the zodiac just how changing circumstances can be – and as the saying goes, ‘this too shall pass.’ It’s a fine line between allowing yourself to grieve and giving into self-pity, but I know you’re more than capable of walking that line!
Your Subconscious:
9 of Pentacles
Deep within your subconscious, you feel like this is a time of abundance, and you’ve created a special moment and haven for yourself. It’s an indicator that you know that gratitude for what you have built is the way forward. That sense of inner peace and contentment is there under the surface for you if you can manage to give yourself the space to feel them. It’s hard to really feel that stability and security right now, but if you do, it will help you to be more resilient towards what is to come.
The Future:
5 of Pentacles
In the not too distant future, things are going to get harder, and you’re going to be more anxious. The stability that started in the reversed Ten of Cups that you tried to reckon with in the Eight of Cups will leave you feeling like you’re really struggling and isolated. You’ll feel like you’ve lost all stability – financial and emotional – after your current encounter with the 8 of Cups. Struggle and hardship is part of the process, but there’s help here if you avail yourself of it.
2 of Swords
Give yourself space, because the decisions you need to make require focus. You’re missing some important pieces of information. Balance is key – if you can address that imbalance shown in the Six of Pentacles, things will be easier to manage. When you are considering the paths you can possibly take, make sure in addition to pros and cons you weigh your feelings and your needs. Carefully weigh the options you have, seek as much information as possible, and really focus on getting the situation more balanced.
Overall Thoughts:
This is a really trying time for you. There are no Major Arcana cards in this reading, which makes it feel more like a ‘death from a thousand tiny cuts’ than huge, earth shattering revelations. Regardless of the method, you are dealing with a lot of day to day situations which may leave you feeling stressed, exhausted, and unfulfilled. Since it’s a cascade of small situations and moments, it feels relentless and like you can never really catch a break. Pentacles and cups dominate the reading, meaning that it’s a time where the material world and the emotional world feel extremely full and chaotic. While there’s nothing here you haven’t been able to deal with before, it’s the parade of one thing after another, and with the Six of Pentacles as a challenge, you’re constantly feeling off-balance and less prepared than you would like to.
The nines in thoughts (9 of Cups) and subconscious (9 of Pentacles) indicate that the onslaught of externalities has left you feeling more introspective, but don’t allow that introspection to get in the way of you understanding all of the external forces at play. It feels very overwhelming, so take it slow. You’re feeling a lot of loss and grief while also dealing with quite a few externalities, so both endurance and acceptance are important allies to you. If the Five of Pentacles in the future position fills you with dread, focus on working on that imbalance that is indicated by the Six of Pentacles in the challenge position, and the situation is bound to change.
It’s going to be a rough slog – don’t allow the feelings of loss and grief to harden your heart to the point you can’t see help – and hope.