September’s Tarot Reading For Cancer, Scorpio, And Pisces
In this reading, we’ll dive into the month of August for three different zodiacs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These zodiacs, also known as the water signs, are emotionally in-tune with those around them and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown:
The Past:
The High Priestess, Reversed
In the recent past, there was a situation filled with secrets, manipulation, and intrigue. It was unsettling, and it led you to believe that you couldn’t trust your gut instincts. The self doubt this situation created has led to the loss of your inner guide, and you are left feeling confused, aimless, and disconnected. Instead of being able to listen to your inner voice, you were misdirected by deception and the hidden agenda of others. Often, being disconnected from your intuition leads to feelings of isolation from both others and yourself.
The Present:
King of Swords, Reversed
Ruthlessness surrounds you, and a situation is being manipulated, possibly by a father figure or someone you highly trusted. Since you are cut off from your intuition, it will be harder to see your way through all of the intrigue and power plays. This has also sparked your inner critic, as you no longer have the still, soft voice of intuition to guide you and remind you of your value. The gaslighting, manipulation, and cruelty in the situation is not only difficult to handle in the present, but it also makes it very hard for you to be able to rise above it all mentally and get a better idea of what to do.
The Challenge:
7 of Wands
There are big forces aligned against you, and there are a lot of challenges and competition for where you are. You need to be able to stand firm and not lose ground, but without the ability to rise above the situation and without a connection to your intuition, you’re feeling more challenged than you normally would. To overcome these challenges you need to assert your boundaries, especially with those manipulating the situation to their advantage. I know it’s hard, especially when you feel like you’re flying blind, but you need to become your own fearless self-advocate.
Your Thoughts:
8 of Cups, Reversed
Part of you feels like you should get out of the situation, but something is holding you back. You keep thinking about all of the time, energy, and resources you’ve dedicated, and keep turning over in your head the possibility that things may yet work out. You also keep returning to fears – of being alone, of failure, of loss – which keeps you in place, hoping that things will work out. You’re caught between the logical recognition of the toxic situation that you’re in and the equally logical recognition of what walking away might mean.
Your Subconscious:
4 of Pentacles, Reversed
Your subconscious recognizes the power in letting go, even if it means being vulnerable. The Four of Pentacles reversed in this position indicates you recognize that letting go of things that don’t serve you allows you the space and resources to embrace something better for you. It’s time to recognize how much security you have within yourself, and the abundance that you’ve created. It’s time to release the fear that you have around the situation, and recognize that you are worth so much more. Letting go and walking away may feel scary, it will allow you to pursue things that are much more worthy of your time . . . and you.
The Future:
The Emperor
Despite all of the challenges you’re facing – the manipulation, the secrets, and the gaslighting – you’re able to make your way towards stability, order, and achievement. If you can appropriately set boundaries, you’ll ultimately be able to impose order. You’ll be able to clear a lot of the challenges and deception that is surrounding you. By bringing stability to yourself, you’ll be able to reconnect to your inner voice and your intuition. Once you are able to see the situation you’re in clearly, you’ll be able to make the best decisions you can regarding your future. Once you get this solid foundation, you’ll be able to use that power and resilience to achieve some amazing things.
Page of Wands, Reversed
It’s hard to be in a situation where you feel jerked around and manipulated. The more you are gaslighted by those who want to manipulate you, the smaller you feel and the more life loses its luster. Take some time to reacquaint yourself with what inspires you. What ‘sparks joy’ for you? What steps can you take to move towards that joy? It might be a good time to indulge in a free-form creative activity. Perhaps one with which you aren’t highly experienced. Just allow yourself to have a joyful, playful time learning and reacquainting yourself with your raw creativity, and not get caught up in self-doubt.
Overall Thoughts:
In the not too distant past, you faced a situation that made you feel disconnected from your intuition. Unfortunately, as the situation became increasingly more untrustworthy, you started doubting yourself and your intuition more and more. The deception has left you feeling disconnected from others, and the self doubt has left you feeling disconnected from yourself. This has been a prime opportunity for someone to bring even more deception and manipulation into your life. With the ruthlessness and manipulation that is surrounding you, it is an understatement to say that now is a bad time to feel disconnected from your intuition.
Yet it’s not as easily solved as ‘just leave.’ You feel that you are invested in the situation and your place, and as you face a lot of challenges from others, you are finding that you want to dig in more. This might be out of fear – of being alone or losing what you’ve put into the situation – but it could also be due to the fact that there’s a part of you hoping that things will work out. Subconsciously you know that letting go, while it makes you vulnerable, is important. Regardless of that self awareness, your head keeps circling around the logistics of the matter.
To “right the ship” will take reconnecting with your inner wisdom and asserting your boundaries. If you can manage to reintegrate your intuition and trust yourself more (and shut down your inner critic) so that you can advocate for and protect yourself, you’ll be able to usher in the stability and order that is needed to drive some of the deceptive forces out of your life. You have the strength, power, and resilience to do this. Take some time to reconnect with things that bring you joy. Allow yourself some free-form creative time. Think about what and who inspires you. Once you find your inspiration and remind yourself of your creativity and resilience, it will be easy for you to see the truth of the situation you’re in, and build a plan that will get you to a future full of stability and order. While it’s a tough experience now, the strength you’ll learn and the future you create will help you achieve so much.