Read This When You’re Feeling Unsure About Your Life
At some point in our lifetime, we will find ourselves in a position in this big world with the ultimate collision. What we want vs. what others want for us. Whether it pertains to safety, stability, or adventure, many emotions will play a part in our next moves. Fear of the unknown, selfishness, anger, sadness, and so on. These are also the same emotions that will drive others to make decisions for us. The key is to remember emotions are fleeting.
We spend time looking at what others have created in the world, assuming our dreams are not big enough or glamorous enough. This is so far from the truth but so easy to get lost in. When we see others’ visions at surface level (because that’s what they are to us), we don’t realize the deep connections they built their foundation on. That is the part of the journey that isn’t always shiny and pulling at our attention but is typically the most valuable. Imagine a home where you are attempting to chase someone’s dream and you spend a lifetime on a slippery foundation because it was never yours.
All we need in the world is a little direction, empathy, and desire to inspire ourselves. When you take the time to remind someone the power is within themselves to be better and do better, they truly start to believe it. The spreading of this is like wildfire all around them. Everyone deserves to be shown love and a person cannot grow, heal, or succeed without it. This also includes you.
Let this be a gentle reminder to be kind to yourselves just as you are kind to others. The most valuable long-term investment is going to be the love you pour into yourself.
I hope you never give up on your passion, no matter what it may be. You are the perfect puzzle piece to making this world complete in your little corner of it when you hit your full potential. We all have something that lights our minds on fire. When we take the time to master it, we are staying true to ourselves and sharing our most precious gift with the world. This is what keeps life unique and balanced. Life doesn’t always have to be complicated. You are uniquely you, stay true to that.