ArtHouse Studio

Read This When You’re Afraid To Love Again

You deserve to love again.

When you’re broken, your heart shattered into pieces across the floor, it may seem like you’ll never love again. But just like life, love, too, finds a way.

I had to find love in myself before I could accept it from someone else—before I could show it to someone else.

I didn’t believe that I could love again because I didn’t believe in the love in myself. I didn’t believe I could feel that same love because there was a void of love in me. I couldn’t show love because I didn’t know how to show love to myself.

The emotional unavailability wasn’t cool anymore. It kept me stagnant. I was running away from myself.

The only thing I was avoiding was years of emotional growth. I’m here to break through to the other side where the flowers grow. I no longer want to be tough. I want to be soft, watered with love, summer scents, and springtime essence. I want to feel and be felt.

The love you give yourself flows like a river. Upstream. Downstream. Across crevices and through valleys.

Water yourself.

So that you can grow. So that you can feel. So that you can love—again.

Tend to your garden.

Create a sacred place inside of you. One of healing. One of nurturing. One of acceptance.

We attract what we sow.

I had to realize that I deserved to love again. We all do.

Learn to let go of yourself so that you can make space to let someone in.

Love—the force of life itself. Some may say it’s inside of you. You’ll never know if you don’t look.

Don’t give up on love, only to realize you’ve given up on yourself.

You deserve to be happy; you deserve to be loved—again.

Broken states are temporary. But love, when planted with seeds, blooms.