Pick A Card: Your Personal Tarot Reading For The Rest Of September
Below are three images of cards. Each is a different kind of artwork with different energy, and with its own way to guide you. Look carefully at each of the “piles” pictured below. Contemplate which speaks the most to you and feels like it has the most to say to you, and then scroll to the corresponding text to find out what the rest of September has in store!
Each reading has three cards:
You / Your outlook – How are you viewing your current situation, how are you feeling?
The World – What energy, help, and challenges the world is bringing to you.
Advice – How to navigate the next couple of weeks!
Pile 1
Pile 2
Pile 3
Pile 1: The Pulp Tarot
Card One: You
The Tower, Reversed
You’ve been going through a lot, especially when it comes to your belief in something that feltsolid and reliable. It’s been chaotic, and in the midst of it you have felt reluctant and anxious about taking on all of the changes that the situation is calling for. It’s hard to change when you aren’t sure of who you are, what you believe – or what’s expected of you. After such a huge upheaval, it’s hard to even know where to turn. Don’t get overwhelmed, but know it’s time to move on. The best way to start is by rebuilding piece by piece.
Card Two: The World
You’re at a huge turning point – if The Tower didn’t make that clear, Judgement as the energy coming from The World is making sure you realize that it’s time to make some big, drastic changes. These two Major Arcana so close to each other makes them monumentally important, so step back and allow yourself the time to meditate on what you feel called to do. Close your eyes, and turn your senses inward – what do you hear? You are being handed the opportunity to awaken your spirit with your true calling.
Card Three: Advice
The 7 of Swords
The Seven of Swords is advising you that it’s a time of big change for you and that though you’re feeling a lot of anxiety, it’s not a good idea for you to wear all these feelings on your sleeve for all to see. You may be near untrustworthy people. Hold your cards close to your chest. You’re at a vulnerable time, where you are re-forming key viewpoints and aspects of your character. This is a time to be cunning. Don’t allow others to distract you from the important work of aligning your actions with your intentions and values.
There’s a lot of big-moment energy in this reading. Take care as you contemplate your next steps.
Pile 2: The Mythic Tarot
Card One: You
Page of Pentacles, Reversed
You’re feeling disconnected from your creative process. You’re also feeling stuck, and you’re not moving forward. This is partially due to the fact you’re not even sure which way is forward. You’re willing to invest in your skills and follow new opportunities, if you only knew where to look for them. You definitely feel the ‘new beginning’ energy but aren’t sure how to make it happen. Don’t bite off so much all at once! You don’t have to know every single step for the next decade. Instead focus on where you feel stuck. What could you do today to help you feel unstuck?
Card Two: The World
Three of Wands, Reversed
One of the challenges you’re dealing with is that you feel like the choices you’re facing are unmanageable, and you’re retreating into your comfort zone. Much like the reversed Page of Pentacles, this card is encouraging you to take a moment and reassess where you are – and most importantly where you want to be. Don’t let the fact you feel directionless in the face of such a huge growth opportunity make you feel small. Instead, let yourself dream big for a moment and use that to guide your trajectory.
Card Three: Advice
The Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords appearing as advice is reminding you to take time and make the best possible plan for yourself. To understand exactly what you should do will require that you are confident in your abilities and balanced in how you approach the situation. There is no one who is more of an expert at your desires and motivations than you. You see the truth of this situation, and understand all of its potential. Don’t allow yourself to slip into old, critical narratives of yourself – get your mind on your side and claim your power.
You’re feeling disconnected from who you are and where you want to be. Instead of shrinking away from the overwhelming feelings, give yourself some space to dream big and come up with an actionable and reasonable plan to get there.
Pile 3: The Crow Tarot
Card One: You
5 of Swords
You need to be honest about the situation you’re in. There’s a lot of toxicity and drama around you. If you’ve recently ‘won’ the battle might have come at a dear price. You might also want to flaunt your win – don’t. You’re not in a supportive environment. You need to pick your battles carefully. You have the integrity and determination to ultimately navigate this situation, but you’ll need to be strategic. Don’t waste your time and energy on petty infighting when you can strike at the heart of the matter.
Card Two: The World
6 of Pentacles
The energy the world is bringing you is a reminder that charity is two actions. One person gives, the other receives. Generosity – not just of material wealth but of spirit and empathy – is a way to address real injustice. When read in combination with the Five of Swords, the Six of Pentacles is a reminder that there are larger issues in the world than the infighting and drama you’ve found yourself surrounded by. Being generous is an opportunity to see the impact we make in the world, and to create meaningful change in both the world and ourselves.
Card Three: Advice
8 of Swords
The Eight of Swords as advice invites you to examine your helpless thoughts and overwhelming fear of the unknown. It can be easy to lose sight of how our stories and negative narratives misdirect our energy away from that which would be more fulfilling. It can also be easy to find ourselves trapped feeling like there’s nothing we can do, and any move we make will be a bad one. Consider the restrictions you believe you have – where would you go and what would you do if you didn’t have them? Once you understand that, think about what is really restricting you – and what you could do to change it.
You’re currently surrounded by a lot of toxicity and drama, but if you’re generous with others, what really matters to you will be revealed. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in negative self-talk, or restrict your vision of what you will be able to do.