Melanie Brown

25 People Remember Their Public Transportation Horror Story

1. Confessions of a Subway Rider

A woman went between cars on the subway while it was moving. She had tons of bags, smelled like urine, and was yelling the second she entered the car. As the train comes to a stop she turns toward me, spits in my face and gets off the train.

Also, one night I was coming home late. A man got on the train. There was only one other person on the train besides this guy and myself. He sits across from me and leans forward. He then proceeds with the typical speech “Ey girl you got a boyfriend?”

For some reason I decided to engage him in this conversation rather than ignore him (he had crazy eyes and I didn’t want to piss him off). His comments became increasingly inappropriate i.e. naming specific sexual acts he would do to me. Then he says, “Girl what you got between them legs. You gonna show me?” I had no idea what to say and was starting to become afraid. Thankfully the other person on the train decided to stand up for me and told him to back off. He told the guy to watch his manners when he spoke to a lady. Then he came and stood by my side until the creepy guy got off the train. I couldn’t believe this kid stood up for me though… he was dressed like the typical 18 year old gangsta. He didn’t even hit on me once the guy got off he just said, “I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. There’s no reason you should have to deal with that.” He told me to be safe and got of at the next stop. That experience definitely proved to me that you shouldn’t judge people on something as trivial as their clothing.


2. Gangsters Have Feelings Too

One time I was the subway and for whatever reason my eyes were really sensitive to the lights and tearing like crazy so it looked like I was crying. This gangster looking kid from the complete opposite side of the car, walked all the way down to me and asked if I was okay because he thought that someone had hit me from the way I was covering my face. I thought that it was really sweet of him to show that he cared about a complete stranger.


3. Fake Sleeping

While I was flying home during the holidays last year the person sitting next to me kept falling asleep and leaning on my shoulder. I asked one of the flight attendants if I could move to an empty seat because he had done it 5 or 6 times in an hour after i asked him to stop. He turns his head and says, “I wasn’t falling asleep.”


4. Hobo Teacher

I was riding a city bus home from school reading the chapter about pointers in a C++ textbook (I thought I was a fucking genius when I was 12) and an old smelly homeless guy sits right next to me and starts explaining how pointers work. I had asked several people to explain it to me earlier that day but damn that hobo gave the best explanation.


5. Keep Your Hands to Yourself

I got on a mostly empty bus and sat down. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone get up, cross the aisle, and sit down in the seat behind me. Thought that was weird, but put it out of my mind.

The bus starts moving. A few minutes later, I feel something brush my side. Look down. The dude who’d moved to sit behind me had reached around my seat to touch me.

I turned around and gave him a WTF look. He sat back and muttered a quick apology. I shrugged it off as something odd, resumed staring out the window.

Few minutes later, it happens again.

I turn around and say loudly, “Keep your hands to yourself.” Then I get up and move to a seat in the frontmost row.

The bus stops to take on more passengers. Someone sits next to me. I do not look up to see who it is.

Then I feel a hand on my knee. I look over, and it is the creeper.


He mutters, “I ain’t doing anything! It was an accident!

A woman nearby has seen and heard the whole thing. She gets up and starts yelling at the guy. He starts yelling back. Bus driver notices and informs the dude that he’ll be getting off at the next stop. Creeper is still shouting at that other lady. She lets him know that she’ll be getting off to kick his ass.

The driver makes him get off at the next stop. The woman follows. I like to think she beat his ass. She looked like she could have.

TL;DR: Creeper kept touching me on the bus, was kicked off, may have gotten the shit kicked out of him by a woman who followed him for that purpose.


6. Stay Classy, Boston

Guy got on the bus holding a big bag of rotting crustaceans. Proceeds to throw up and then dump the whole bag on my pants. Stay classy, Boston.


7. North Station Puking

I visited Boston a bit over a month ago. Coming from a city without public transit (except a useless bus system) I was amazed at the amount of people puking in the North Station after one of the Bruins games we went to. We also stayed in Woburn so we had to take the Lowell line to get to and from our hotel. One night riding back there was this rowdy group of people from Lowell. They said they were in their mid-20s but they sounded/acted like they were in their mid teens. Anyway one or several of them were farting the WORST farts I’ve ever smelled then yelling and joking about it. My eyes were burning and it was all I could do not to puke.


8. Near Miss of Danger

I was waiting for a bus in London at around 11pm one night. I was alone at the bus stop until a man in a hoody, sporting a backpack walked up to the stop. He stood at the opposite end of the bus stop and looked over at me in a sort of creepy way. Not wanting to assume he was crazy, but still being wary from past experiences of nearly being raped, I casually pulled out my pepper spray and loaded it. He took off his backpack and pulled a pair of gloves and a rope from it, put the gloves and backpack one and then began wrapping the rope around his left hand. I got really freaked out, so I stepped off the pavement to run across the street. Luckily my bus came at that moment, so I ran like a crazy woman onto it and sat down. While the bus was pulling away I looked out the window at the scary man and he was staring at me intensely, with the rope wrapped around his left hand and his right holding it taut. I called my bf after the experience and he just laughed and said I was lying. TL:DR I’m fairly sure I escaped the clutches of some sort of strangler in Lewisham.


9. Tell Your People I’m Sorry

The very first time I rode the bus I was sitting in the back and this crazy old man sat next to me. He was intoxicated and said “Hey man, I’m sorry man” I said “For what?” “I killed your people man..back in ‘nam. With these hands man..these FUCKING HANDS.” I’m Asian and I was pretty freaked out. He kept saying he was sorry and then when he got to his stop he said “TELL YOUR PEOPLE I’M SORRY.” Then he stood outside the bus and saluted me.

Shit was weird.


10. Twilight Zone Moment

Took the bus from Ottumwa IA, to Iowa City… total time on the bus was 11 hours. I road the entire trip in the back of the bus, at one point I woke from a nap, nobody was on the bus. No driver, no passengers, no left over luggage except mine. Bus was parked in a gas station parking lot, gas station was closed and obviously been closed for years…. imagine an old time gas station at crossroads in the middle of nowhere Iowa.

Spent around 15 minutes.. seemed like hours wondering what the fu**?

Eventually a car showed up and the new driver jumped on the bus and said “hey, sorry overslept”.

Was my twilight zone moment.


11. Creepy Scenery

I was on the L train in NY, which seems to be the top choice for public transport crazies, just sitting and letting my eye wonder through the crowd as tends to happen when I’m thinking. It was just your typical end of the work day crowd and all was normal until I spotted a bare penis. Fully erect. Secured flat against this standing guy’s abdomen with what can only be described as a cling wrap thong that he was wearing underneath his suit, the fly wide open, the pants still kept on with his belt. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of letting it show on my face that I noticed, so I just let my eye wonder on to less creepy scenery.


12. Want Some Meat?

I was waiting for the bus late at night, when a guy with a trenchcoat approached me, and whispered “Psst – Hey… want some meat?”
I immediately thought he was going to flash me, but before I could react, he opened his trenchcoat to reveal… meat. Actual meat, in styrofoam packages, in his trenchcoat pockets! Ground meat, chicken.. all kinds of meat.

Didn’t even know what to say. I mumbled something about being a vegetarian and ran to a nearby convenience store.

…I actually think it may have been LESS creepy if he flashed me.


13. Old Dude Saved Me From Teens

I was waiting for the bus to take me home at around like 9pm and these 2 teen boys probably around 16-17 (im 19yrs old) came over to the bus stop and started saying shit like “hey sexy” “you want to go to my place later” I told them to shut up and they did.

But they followed me onto the bus, I sat in the middle and the 2 teens go on the bus one in front seat of me and one sitting behind me. The one infront of me turned around and grabbed my boob and I just yelled and the one behind me was playing with my hair. Bus driver stops the bus, but before the bus driver got up, an old guy (probably like 60+) got up and flashed a holstered gun and told the kids to get the fuck off the bus before he blows em away. The kids just took off running, never saw em again.

Police came and the old guy had a permit or something to legally carry a gun with him

TL:DR 2 teens tried to rape me, old dude with a pistol saves me.


14. Shoe Licker

There is a guy who rides on the Red Line in Chicago who will ask to look at your shoes. Do not let him do this. He bends down and starts licking them. One of my friends got his shoes licked, then he asked another one who was wearing sandals. This apparently has happened to several people I know.


15. Specific Death Threat

This guy just kept staring at me on the train. I confronted him and he threatened to cut me up into little pieces and send the pieces to my family. A death threat would be creepy enough but this guy was so specific.


16. Is That a Rabbit In Your Pants?

I was taking the last bus home from a friend’s house at about 1 am. The bus is completely empty except for me and the bus driver until we get to a stop about 15 minutes from my house. A man gets on holding an animal carrying cage, sits directly next to me, and pulls a large, fuzzy rabbit out of the cage. He then sticks the rabbit DOWN THE FRONT OF HIS SWEATPANTS and smiles creepily at me until I get off the bus.


17. A Tragic Memory in Paris

This was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life, and I still get a little nervous walking places alone at night.

I was alone in Paris when I was 17, and after much searching I had finally found the metro station. It was late at night, I don’t speak French and the ticket machine did not have a language option. My anxiety was running high until a group of men (maybe mid-late twenties) came up to me and offered to help me buy my ticket. They bought my ticket, and I didn’t think much of it until they followed me onto the train. One of them asked me if he could take a picture with me, and sleepily I agreed, again not thinking much of it.

I get off the train to transfer and am walking to the next one when suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see the guy who had just taken a picture of me. He pursed his lips and tapped them, but before I could do anything he grabbed my face and started kissing me. He was forcing his tongue into my mouth and I was too stunned to do anything about it. I didn’t want him to try anything worse than what he was doing, but I tried to hit him when he grabbed my boobs. He tried to take me on the next train with him, and I went on, but I jumped back onto the platform at the last second as the doors were closing. I went back to my hostel stunned and silent, unable to think about anything else.

TL;DR: Creeper followed me on the subway in Paris and started making out with me and grabbed my boobs and tried to kidnap me.


18. Narrating His Fantasy Inappropriately

On the bus to work one morning, a particularly foul smelling, homeless looking guy sat down a few rows ahead of me. After a few minutes, he turned and looked straight at me, then reached his hand down into his pants and started masturbating.
Apparently he was fantasising about me being a rather cheap prostitute giving him a blowjob. I know this because he was narrating this fantasy to the whole bus. NO ONE said a word as I was being verbally undressed and violated by this pervy bus man.
It sounded like I was pretty good at my job, nonetheless, and in few minutes before he finished, he tried to bargain with me to swallow. Now, I’m usually pretty rubbish at haggling so I was impressed with how my fantasy prostitute alias fared. He was offering me $50 to swallow but I insisted on $70. Once he finished, it sounded like there was a misunderstanding; we argued for about 10 minutes over whether he meant $70 extra or $70 total. Peh, business.
Then I got off the bus at the next stop and he bid me farewell with, “Thanks for the fuck, love.”
TL;DR: Homeless guy masturbated on the bus whilst audibly fantasising I was a prostitute.
edit: formatting


19. Lighter on a Plane

So I was thirteen, flying by myself for the first time. I’m at the gate, waiting to get on and I’m watching this guy who is wearing a white sweatshirt pulled over his head and sunglasses on top of the sweatshirt. He is running back and forth on those people movers, racing a bottle of sprite that he sits on the railing and laughing like a madman. Now, this isn’t the type of flight where you have an assigned seat, you just got on according to when you checked in and sat where ever you want. So I get on the plane and who sits next to me but the hooded man. He sits down, takes off his sunglasses and his hood revealing a red bandanna he has tied around his head. The plane hasn’t even taken off yet and he pulls out a little black book with pages and pages of numbers written in it. So he starts writing numbers in it and muttering the numbers under his breath. At that point, I was freaked out, but I mean, you see interesting people on planes, whatever. So the plane takes off and the guy pulls out a series of maps which he begins to tear to pieces and shove in the pocket of the seat in front of him. When he ran out of maps, he pulled his notebook back out and kept writing, this time throwing his head back and laughing every so often. A stewardess eventually came over and asked him to keep it down because he was disturbing other passengers. To which he quickly apologized, then he reached in his bag and pulled out a cigar. He didn’t light it, he just kept it in his mouth and continued writing numbers. All of this was nothing compared to his final act. He had gotten a glass of water from the flight attendant and reached into his bag to pull out more maps and a little leather sack. In the sack, was a Swiss army knife and a lighter. He used the lighter to set pieces of the map of fire then dropped them in the glass of water. This of course created smoke, and alerted the flight attendants to his activities. Needless to say, his bags were taken from him and he was taken away to sit with the flight attendants in the back of the plane.

TL; DR I was thirteen and a man somehow got a lighter on a plane and, among other terrifying actions, decided it would be a good idea to tear up maps and set them on fire.


20. Paris Metro

Maybe not creepy but nasty and a little weird: Last year I had my first experience riding the metro in Paris. When I sat down my hand rested on what turned out to be a very bloody Kleenex. And then a lady who was standing up with her puppy started, literally French kissing it.


21. Leave My Hair Alone

I was sitting on the bus, leaning back and getting comfy. My hair is dark ginger and was pretty long at this time. As the bus is moving along I feel like there is something in my hair. I feel it and find nothing. As the bus ride continues I continue to feel, every now and again, like something is going through my hair. But each time I check, and each time I look behind me all I see if an older hispanic man asleep in his seat. It was getting close to my stop when suddenly my hair is pulled violently. My head hits the seat and pulled backwards a bit and I feel what would turn out to be a large chunk of a lock of my hair ripped out. Freaking out, in pain, I look around and see the man behind me holding the ripped-out lock of my hair. He’s twirling it in his hands, sniffing it, moaning, and all he says is “red”. He just smiles and stares at my unblinking as he moans and sniffs my hair he ripped out. I got off the bus right after, very freaked out. I had to style my hair a little different for a while, due to the lovely patch of missing hair and now no longer lean back in bus seats.


22. Grabbed My Man Bits

I was coming home from work in Boston and was in an extremely crowded subway car. I was standing against one of the doors of the car with my body facing the rest of the train. This middle aged guy was facing me with one hand holding onto the bar and one hand down by his side. When the car bumped around, his hand kept coming dangerously close to my man bits. At one point, I started to suspect something was going on, and that’s when his hand came in on a bump and I was full on cupped. He held it there for a second, before I backed away as far as I could. I proceeded to get off at the next stop and wait for another train.


23. Recording the Show

I was riding Amtrak once, and this guy sits next to me. He asks if he can use the outlet, since it’s next to me, so I say it’s fine. I notice that there’s this couple across the aisle making out. Like the girl is on the guys lap, and they’re totally going at it. Then I see that the guy sitting next to me is RECORDING it on his phone. I just turn away but later the guy next to me starts elbowing me and typing me a message on his phone for me to read. It says something like I know those people, it’s not weird. Well, yes sir it is still weird. Thankfully he left finally, but I was creeped out…a lot.


24. A Man and His Dildo

Will be buried, but at 9am heading to work on the bus I swore I saw a man holding a giant dildo. Turns out it was just his giant, giant cock, and he was waving it at me. The woman behind me was laughing hysterically but I was horrified. He proceeded to beat it to my horrified face until I got up to tell the bus driver and he hiked up his pants and got off the bus.


25. Flying Bricks

One day, was casually minding my business in one of those stretched buses, the kind with a swiveling middle part. So about 1 stop into my ride, this HUGE dude comes, and slightly moves me aside. He might have said something, but I couldn’t hear. Next thing I know, that same huge dude starts wailing on some guy sitting down. The small dude that was sitting tries to fight back, but no luck. So he got off the bus, started talking shit. Next thing: A FUCKING BRICK COMES FLYING THROUGH THE BUS (The driver wouldn’t move). Two more came, one nearly hitting these two girls in the back. The huge guy took one square to the face, and then the other guy ran off. Later found out it was some pussy gang shit. TL; DR Motherfucking David v Goliath fight broke out, bricks were involved.
