November’s Tarot Reading for Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
The Earth Signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are known for being practical and reliable.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown:
The Past:
Ace of Pentacles, Reversed
You know that you need to create strong foundations so that you can support your future – but you feel like you’re missing a key piece of the bigger picture. You’ve been facing a lot of challenges, especially when it comes to scarcity. You had some opportunities that you thought would coalesce into something but they didn’t, and you might be so wrapped up and upset about those lost opportunities that you weren’t able to see some of the others around you.
The Present:
Queen of Cups
You’ve been doing a lot of inner work, dedicating time to listening to your heart and healing it from past traumas. You’ve found a lot of comforting and nurturing, almost maternal, energy around you. Because you’ve been so intune with your emotions and genuinely buoyed by the feelings of love and compassion, you’ve been able to deepen your relationships, most importantly the one with your intuitive self.
The Challenge:
King of Swords
You’ve been dealing with a duality within yourself – because as much as you feel love and compassion, you also think that there should be a higher authority than just your feelings. Objectively as much as you have been able to feel your way through healing, you’ve also been partially detached from the healing experience enough to try and give it definitive milestones and key performance indicators. This analytical approach to an emotional problem is introducing a lot of friction.
Your Thoughts:
King of Cups
Your thoughts are in the right place and coming from a place of love. Your emotional maturity has led you to take a compassionate route for yourself, and you have been able to balance your vulnerable, healing self with the needs of your analytical and objective self. The empathy-driven approach that you have used to navigate some diplomatic situations have shown the wisdom of your heart-centric self leadership.
Your Subconscious:
Subconsciously you are aligned with your need to seek fairness and equity. You are being driven to do the right thing, even though sometimes that is daunting. Your impartial approach is not due to a ‘blind’ consideration of justice, but one built on higher ideals of equality and truth. Your strong internal sense of justice will be subtly influencing you over the next month.
The Future:
The Lovers
While The Lovers does speak to love, it also speaks to how our love is representative of our deeper beliefs and values. More importantly, The Lovers represents the choices that we make to lead us to love. How do we choose at the crossroads? What are the possible impacts of that choice? How does that lead us to love?
The Hierophant, Reversed
It’s more important that you stick to your personal rituals and practices rather than following those of tradition. You might have experienced some trauma around the more traditional institutions, especially as they converged on the spiritual. If that’s the case for you, it’s far more important that you follow your own internal moral compass and personal celebrations than adhere to those of generations past.
Putting it All Together:
There’s a lot of energy going on in your future and subconscious, and you should expect that this may be a period of vivid dreams. The reading also contains two Kings (of Cups and Swords) as well as both the King and Queen of Cups. This interesting quirk of so many ‘Court Cards’ may indicate that these cards represent people or pairings in your life.
In the not-so-distant past, you’ve been facing scarcity and a lack of material stability that didn’t allow you to build the sort of steady foundations that you wanted for your future (Ace of Pentacles, Reversed). You feel like you’re missing a piece of the puzzle that everyone else has. You’ve been focused on the opportunities that you lost during this period more than the opportunities that you didn’t take advantage of. But you’ve been working on an approach that is much more in tune with your emotional needs, because you’ve recognized that part of your problem has been how receptive you’ve been to what is around you (Queen of Cups). You’ve been doing a lot of inner work, and facing some of the issues you’ve had so you can work through the emotional load that you’ve been carrying. You have found this work challenging – not just emotionally but also mentally (King of Swords). While you acknowledge that emotional health is important, you have a duality within you that brings things back to the logic (and logistics) of the situation. Sometimes you even find yourself trying to put a timetable on the overall exercise. Be careful that your logical, analytical side doesn’t invalidate the experience of your more emotional parts.
You know that the work of the Queen of Cups is important, you value it and are able to center compassion as you lead yourself forward (King of Cups). Subconsciously, you are also aligned with your inner sense of justice and fairness (Justice). The advice that tarot gives is that you should put everything in context of your moral compass and personal traditions, and that these are going to be more vital to you building your future than those from past institutions. In the future you will be experiencing some deeply meaningful relationships that will also come with a set of choices.