November’s Tarot Reading for Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
The Air Signs of the Zodiac (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are communicative intellectuals who are at home with change.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown:
The Past:
4 of Wands
In the recent past you were celebrating a big accomplishment. The prosperity and success you felt was something you were able to share with many of the people around you. You felt as if you had finally crossed the threshold into something larger. Everything felt amazing, everyone felt delightful. Being able to share that experience and celebration with those around you felt like it was part of the reward.
The Present:
The Magician, Reversed
Despite all the success you just recently felt, you presently feel like you’re being blocked. While you recognize there are a lot of opportunities surrounding you, you don’t feel like you can focus on any one of them. You’re afraid that even if you could – the opportunity would lack the depth of experience you’re seeking. You have a lot of potential, so much you could make anything happen. The issue is, you are incapable of focusing that potential on any one thing right now – no matter how hard you might try.
The Challenge:
6 of Swords
You did the hard work of recognizing the changes you want to make, and have started to make them, and you were even quite recently successful on a larger scale. Yet you’re still carrying a lot of emotional baggage that is preventing your growth and it could hamper your transition to your next phase. You need to let some of it go in order for you to be able to mentally heal and move on. To get through to the next stages of growth and healing, you might even need to ask for some help.
Your Thoughts:
Queen of Wands, Reversed
You’ve been working through some hard emotions – including a bit of jealousy. You’ve also found yourself focused on how others are perceiving you and are trying to control that narrative. Don’t allow your independent streak to isolate you – you can use your natural leadership skills to create something more meaningful.
Your Subconscious:
Queen of Pentacles
Subconsciously you’re aware of the abundance that surrounds you right now, and you are practical in your protectiveness of it. But you know that part of creating the abundance includes long-term goals in addition to short-term gains.
The Future:
The Chariot
There’s a lot of momentum and progress in your future, so while you feel stuck now – you certainly won’t soon! There’s also the possibility of some travel on your horizon. You’ll need to learn to master your duality and maintain your determination and focus and to get everything to work harmoniously in order to make those enormous strides forward.
Knight of Wands, Reversed
Don’t allow your fiery emotions to take over your decision-making. Impulsive recklessness is not the finesse touch you’re going to need in order to work through your challenges. Observe your intentions carefully. Don’t allow yourself to become too cocky, or to rush in without understanding the situation fully.
Putting it All Together:
There are some notable card dynamics in this reading. The Present (The Magician, Reversed) and the Future (The Chariot) both hold Major Arcana cards, meaning that there is a lot of focus and energy in those areas. You also have two Queens who are dominating your thoughts and subconscious. Both the Six of Swords and The Chariot may also be an indicator of travel (the six of swords is known to be associated with travel by water, specifically).
While you recently felt you hit a large milestone as indicated by the Four of Wands is a big deal – that accomplishment is ultimately overshadowed by how stymied and stagnant you feel now. It’s easy to feel like you’ve been utterly derailed after reaching a large goal, and it’s alright to not know for sure what to focus your energy and will on next. Don’t allow this feeling of being blocked to create a block where you can’t see the magic and potential around you. While you’re focused on the frustration of not being able to create what you were hoping for, you might be missing how many resources you have at your disposal.
The two Queens in your conscious and subconscious thoughts could indicate an overall need and recognition of the power of nurture in the situation you are in – you have the potential, you just need to nurture it. The Queen of Wands Reversed in your thoughts is a good reminder that your individualism and your expression is important to you, and to not allow the perception of others to rule you too much. Subconsciously you’re aware of the potential of the situation around you as indicated by the Queen of Pentacles.
The big transition that you need to make – from the milestone you just reached to where you need to be next – is going to ask a lot of you. The Six of Swords as a challenge also means that you are going to need to let go of some more emotional baggage before moving forward to your next phase. It might even require that you ask for help. The Knight of Wands as advice indicates that now is the time to keep any impulsivity and recklessness away from your approach. The Chariot in the future indicates that you’ll definitely be feeling unstuck soon. It will take the finesse earned through discipline and willpower to make it all work and keep things moving forward.
When making decisions in November, don’t allow your fiery emotions to get in the way of your decision making processes.