November’s Tarot Reading for Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
The Water Signs of the Zodiac (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are empathetic and emotionally in-tune with those around them.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown:
The Past:
Death, Reversed
In your recent past, you were experiencing a lot of change, and you found yourself clinging to old, comforting ways and returning to old habits. Maybe it was due to sentimentality, maybe it was due to being afraid. Regardless of the reason, instead of fully embracing all of the changes possible in the moment, you held back. The change and upheaval you experienced was overwhelming, and it asked quite a bit more of you than you were ready for.
The Present:
5 of Cups, Reversed
You’ve also been finding it very hard to move forward. There’s a lot in your current situation that has resonated with trauma from your past that you are dealing with, and the fresh opening of old wounds has been difficult for you to navigate. Everything that you’ve experienced has left you feeling less enthusiastic and more jaded. Allow yourself some space to process all of the grief that you’re feeling over what ‘could have been.’ Once you’ve given yourself a bit of time to process what you’re feeling, it’ll be easier to let go.
The Challenge:
Ace of Cups
You’re feeling exceptionally challenged by the rush of new emotions over old wounds. It can be a beautiful thing to talk about opening up to the possibility of love, but the realities of making yourself vulnerable after such upheaval is difficult. Give yourself the care and love you give to others. Allow yourself the time you need to feel more steady and confident.
Your Thoughts:
Justice, Reversed
You’ve been thinking about injustice a lot lately. There’s no doubt that this world is filled with injustice. In order to change the world, you’ll first need to evaluate your intentions – be fearlessly honest with yourself. Take responsibility for your actions. While considering plans, be aware that you might be missing key information for your decisions. Align your actions with your values.
Your Subconscious:
King of Swords
Subconsciously, you’ve been processing everything objectively – and while you’ve been dealing with emotionally-loaded situations, you’ve been valuing information gathered through your observations over anything else. This analytical approach has allowed you to keep your cool even when bumping into situations that involve a lot of emotion for you. Your ability to set your emotions aside in order to make a more logical assessment of the situation will be a great advantage to you, and is a way for you to move forward even though you’re feeling challenged by the rush of new emotions.
The Future:
The Chariot, Reversed
It’s important that you work through the issues that you’re facing so that you’re able to have a future full of momentum and progress. If you’re able to work through the emotions you’re having over letting go, you’re likely to see a lot of forward momentum, but if you continue to be incapable of moving on or growing, then that progress will be stymied.
Page of Cups
You’re facing significant emotional challenges, and to work through them it’s time for you to embrace your inner child. Bring some child-like enthusiasm to your approach – allow your gentle, dreamy side to come out and creatively engage with your feelings. Be kind to yourself, and engage in activities that spark the imagination.
Putting it All Together:
It’s really fascinating just how many cups there are in this reading which really drives home how emotionally charged things are! And of course there are some big emotions – in the not too distant past you were going through some pretty large changes and huge moments of upheaval as indicated by Death reversed in the past position. You still haven’t quite processed everything that happened. While you made a lot of huge changes, you didn’t make all of them, because the emotional dimension of the changes challenged some old wounds and you’re still sorting through exactly what that means for you. The healing that is being presented as an opportunity for you in the present (as shown by the 5 of Cups) requires you to let go. You are anxious about what your inability to see some changes through means for you in the larger picture, but you’re being challenged to let go of narratives that have become a core part of you.
Your thoughts linger on the larger implications of Justice, which asks us to learn lessons from the past and use them to fuel growth. Don’t get so wrapped up in the intense thoughts you’re having that your present moment becomes a liminal space between your past and your future. Be kind to yourself as you work through the emotional difficulties in your past. You’ve been approaching everything extremely analytically which can be helpful, but remember that the emotions within the situation need to be processed before you can really move on.
There are three Major Arcana cards in the reading – Death Reversed in the past, Justice – Reversed in your Thoughts, and The Chariot – Reversed in the future. That means that there is a lot of energy around those moments and concepts, but be aware that the energy may be blocked or directed inward. It might be helpful to spend some time grounding yourself in the here and now, and connecting with your physical and spiritual self through breathwork while you experience the Major Arcana energy Justice brings to Thoughts Position.
It’s going to be challenging to work through all of these big feelings. Don’t allow the emotional overwhelm of the situation to take your eyes off the task at hand – navigating everything will require a steady balance.