Meet The Top 3 Zodiacs Who Refuse To Believe In Love
Some zodiacs are always open to love. They can’t wait to meet their forever person, so whenever they go on a date with someone new, they have high hopes that things are going to work out for the best. But other signs are the opposite. They have trouble letting their guard down and putting their expectations up. Here are some signs who are super cynical when it comes to love and relationships:
Scorpio, the reason why you take so long to open up to new people is because you expect them to disappoint you. You expect them to break your heart or abandon you out of the blue. You try to protect yourself by limiting the amount of information that you give new people who enter your life. You will gladly listen to what they have to say, but since you are so cynical with love, you don’t want to give them ammo to use against you. You don’t want to let them too deep into your heart. You try to keep things at surface level for as long as possible because you know the likelihood of the relationship failing is higher than it working out. You know that there’s a good chance you could end up disappointed – but there’s a chance you could end up living happily ever after too.
Capricorn, you are primed to be annoyed with everyone you meet. Most people get on your nerves, so it’s surprising when you meet someone you actually want to spend more time alongside. However, you never want to listen to your heart over your head. You consider yourself an intelligent person, so you are always going to listen to what common sense is telling you first. You are always going to make the logical move. And most of the time, the logical move is to avoid getting too attached. The logical move is to be careful with how much you let yourself care. When you fall for someone, when you actually let them break down your walls, you must be serious about them because you are usually the biggest cynic in the room.
Taurus, you find it incredibly hard to open up to new people and to let yourself trust them. After all, you’ve been wronged before. You’ve put your faith in the wrong people before. And you never want to go through that again. You are careful about who you give access to your heart because you don’t want to wake up one day and find out that trusting them was a mistake. You don’t want to feel stupid for believing they had your best interest at heart. That’s why you move at a slow pace in relationships. You are far too cynical to open your heart to someone who seems nice at first. You know that first impressions aren’t going to tell you everything. You know that it’s important to get to know someone deep down before you decide whether you are going to trust them with your heart.