What Each Zodiac Is Manifesting Under The New Moon In Sagittarius (11/30)
Manifestation is the practice of taking our intentions, desires, dreams, and goals, and nurturing them into being through dedication and intention in order to create our own reality. The key to successfully engaging this process is understanding that energy, including our own, works in cycles. The process of manifestation best works in cycles, requiring us to know when to set our intentions, when to take action, when to release what’s not serving, and when to step back and reflect. For this very reason, one of the most powerful ways to manifest is working with lunar cycles, as each phase of the lunar cycle corresponds to a step in the process of manifestation.
New moons bring us to a time of renewal as the moon begins a new lunar cycle. During a new moon, the skies are dark, giving us a blank slate to set intentions for powerful manifestations to grow with the moon as it moves through its cycle. Sagittarius is a sign of boldness and optimism, so this week’s new moon in Sagittarius is the perfect opportunity to set bold intentions for manifestation by embracing a sense of renewal, possibility, and optimism. Read on to know exactly what manifestations this new moon in Sagittarius is supporting for you based on your sign. Don’t forget to read your sun and rising sign!
For you, Aries, this new moon is an invitation to expand your horizon and shift your own ideas around what is possible. This new moon is inviting you to think bigger and let your own authenticity and creativity be the motivators in how you take action to get there. Perhaps manifesting a trip abroad or a new educational opportunity (or an experience that combines both!) will help bolster your own beliefs and philosophies around your place in the world at large.
For you Taurus, this new moon is an invitation to focus on your commitments and where you find your resources enmeshed with others. Do you find yourself confronting any outstanding promises on your end that need to be followed up on? Or do you find that certain previous commitments made now feel out of alignment with your own values? For you the key to creating space for manifesting abundance lies in recognizing where you need to follow up and re-commit, as well as where it’s time to clear out what’s not working anymore to make space for something new.
Gemini, this new moon in Sagittarius is bringing you an opportunity to manifest new relationships. One of the most important components of looking towards the kind of relationships you want to bring into your life lies in examining what kind of relationships best support your journey of growth as an individual. This new moon is inviting you to be very clear and specific when it comes to laying out what kind of relationships you are looking to bring into your life, whether that be romantic partnerships, business partnerships, or new close friendships! Consider how you’ve grown and become wiser as an individual so far this year, and what relationships will further support your continued growth.
Cancer, for you new moons are always powerful moments of personal renewal, and this new moon in Sagittarius is inviting you to focus on how you can support that sense of renewal through your daily habits, routines, and rituals. How can you integrate self-care and mindfulness into your day-to-day in a way that helps strengthen your own mental and physical health? This new moon is here to remind you that your own spiritual growth, mental health, and physical health are best manifested through how you show up in your day-to-day life, and the two are often innately connected!
This new moon is inviting you to connect to your own authenticity and remember what becomes possible when you fully allow yourself to shine. By centering your own authenticity, pleasure, and creativity, you stand to manifest tremendous results meant to be seen by a wide audience in whatever it is you set your mind and magnetism to, Leo. It may be time to plant seeds to start a new creative endeavor, or possibly begin a new romance. The key is to find an authentic sense of alignment in your new pursuits by centering your inner child–look towards what truly, genuinely excites you.
Virgo, this new moon is an invitation for you to focus on cultivating a greater sense of peace and security within your home space in a way that allows you to flourish, thrive, and grow in your public life and roles. How can you make your own home feel cozier and more inviting? How can you create a home space that contributes towards thriving creatively? Manifesting big results often starts by tending to your own roots, and that is what this new moon is all about for you.
Libra, for you this new moon serves as an invitation to bring your focus towards your network and community. How can you manifest stronger connectivity within your community, and what becomes possible once you do? Get out and get social, make new friends and allow new connections to form. Getting out of your own head and sharing thoughts and ideas with others (especially new, interesting people!) may prove to be a really powerful way of invigorating you with a bit of much-needed excitement and inspiration. Just be sure to give yourself plenty of time to rest and recharge afterward!
Scorpio, this new moon is an invitation for you to manifest new opportunities for financial abundance. In order to set this into motion, ask yourself what steps forward you feel ready to take in your career, but also be sure to open up to financial opportunities popping up where you least expect them to with a little creative brainstorming. Get very clear with exactly what you want, and don’t be afraid to get very detailed. Use this information to consider practical steps of action forward. You may even find you already have access to the skills and resources you need that are just waiting to be tapped into.
With this new moon happening in your own sign, Sagittarius, it’s all about manifesting the best possible you! What intentions can you set right now that are going to unlock your creative potential and broaden your own perspectives in a way that supports your own growth and wisdom? You always have your sights set on broader horizons, Sagittarius, and this new moon is asking you to harness that energy through specificity around exactly how you want to embody your own destiny!
Capricorn, this new moon is asking you to really journey inward and set intentions around how you want to grow spiritually. What are the deep, internal blockages that you find are holding you back? You may find it helpful to take some time and space for solitude on this new moon in order to get as deep with yourself as you need to. Once you connect to your vision, the most effective way to bring forth the spiritual growth you desire is to consistently engage in daily spiritual practices, as well as looking for ways to be present and mindful within your daily routines. If anyone knows the power of showing up with consistency in order to bring forth results, it’s you Capricorn, and that certainly applies here.
Aquarius, this new moon in Sagittarius is inviting you to dream big. How can you tap into your own creative strengths and gifts in a way that feeds your greater aspirations? And more importantly, how can you surround yourself with the community that helps uplift your aspirations and see them into being through a shared vision? You may find the most potent tool of manifestation for you with this new moon is communicating within your network and brainstorming ideas, looking for common ground rather than focusing on your differences.
Pisces, for you this new moon in Sagittarius is asking you to plant seeds that will help you move forward in your career. Don’t be afraid to be too idealistic or optimistic. You’ve been learning a lot over the last couple of years around the realistic demands of making your dreams a reality, and now it’s time to put that to the test. But remember, the most fruitful trees have strong, well nurtured roots. Don’t forget to tend to yourself, and remember that your professional career will flourish best when you feel cared for.