Instead Of Hating Them, Feel Sorry For Them
Elizaveta Dushechkina

Instead Of Hating Them, Feel Sorry For Them

You’re allowed to be pissed at the people who have mistreated you. You’re allowed to scream into your pillowcase and curse and cry and vent to your friends. You’re allowed to experience negative emotions. You shouldn’t stuff them down your chest and hope they go away on their own. You shouldn’t pretend you’re perfectly fine when your heart is suffering. You’re allowed to hate the people who have hurt you and the things they have done – but you don’t want that hatred to destroy you. You don’t want it to eat you apart day after day. You don’t want it to take away too much of your happiness because you deserve to live a life filled with love.

You don’t have to forgive this person – and you definitely don’t need to give them another chance – but instead of walking around hating them for what they’ve done to you, feel sorry for them. Feel sorry because they weren’t able to appreciate you, even though you’ve done nothing except show them kindness. Feel sorry because they are either purposely twisting the narrative or are so brainwashed by their own BS that they aren’t able to see the truth. Feel sorry because they are forced to live with themselves for the rest of their lives while you’re able to walk away. You get to be free from them. You get to move on and create a better life without them anchoring you down.

Feel sorry for them, because despite what they say, you are a wonderful human being with so much to offer. Feel sorry for them because they’re missing out on the chance to be a part of your world. Because they’re never going to hear your laugh or see your smile ever again unless they’re stalking you on Instagram. Feel sorry for them because you would have treated them beautifully if they didn’t give you a reason to turn your back on them. You would never have hurt them in the way they’ve hurt you. You would never have been so cruel. But now that they have crossed unforgivable boundaries, all bets are off. Instead of seeing your gentle side, they get your ruthless side. But that was their choice, not yours. You’re simply sticking up for yourself, doing what needs to be done.  

Feel sorry for them because they must be miserable, walking around treating people the way they do. They must spend so much time hating themselves and hating everyone around them because happy, soft-hearted people would never act the way they do. Feel sorry for them because they’re never going to grow. They’re never going to overcome their insecurities or the problems of their past or whatever else is causing them to behave so cruelly. They’ve proven time and time again that they’re always going to be this person – but you are better than that. You are going to come out of this situation stronger. You have the desire to self-reflect and grow from the experience. You are doing the right thing.

You’re allowed to hate them, but why waste your energy? They aren’t worth the heartache. They aren’t worth the time.