In 2024, Stop Over-Forgiving And Over-Apologizing
Thought Catalog Agency

In 2024, Stop Over-Forgiving And Over-Apologizing

In 2024, stop forgiving people who haven’t shown any desire to change. Stop giving out second and third chances to people who keep hurting you in the same ways over and over again. If they haven’t learned their lesson, then their apology is meaningless. It’s not doing anything except tricking you into giving them another shot that they don’t deserve. Although you want to see the best in them, and want to keep them in your life, you can’t choose their presence over your peace. You can’t keep holding onto the hope that they are going to come to their senses, grow a conscience, and start treating you the way you deserve when they have shown absolutely no desire to change. You can’t force them to love you right. But you can walk away if they aren’t doing it on their own.

In 2024, stop giving others permission to walk all over you. Stop allowing your love for them to cloud your judgement and lower your standards. Even if you care about someone, even if you’re deeply terrified of losing them, that doesn’t mean you should shrink yourself for them. It doesn’t mean you should throw your expectations out the window and let them get away with murder. If they care about you as much as you care about them, then they’ll respect your boundaries. They’ll listen closely when you reveal they’ve crossed a line. The right people wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable. They would want you to share your true feelings so they can accommodate you properly.

In 2024, stop apologizing for living the life that makes you happiest. You shouldn’t have to explain your decisions to anyone. And you certainly shouldn’t feel guilty about following a path that’s different than the one your family has laid out for you. As much as you want to make them proud, they aren’t in control of you. You aren’t obligated to do what they want, just because they raised you. You get to make your own decisions. You get to choose what your best life looks like. Don’t worry about making anyone else happy or impressing them because they get to make their own choices and you get to make yours. It’s not selfish. It’s what you should be doing.

In 2024, stop over-extending yourself. Stop agreeing to put a thousand different things on your plate at once. Stop inching closer and closer to burnout. Practice moderation. Give yourself breaks. Set aside time to rest and recharge. Even though your big dreams are important, you can’t let them overshadow your mental health. You need to take care of yourself too. You need to put yourself first for the year.

In 2024, stop apologizing for saying no. You are allowed to set and enforce boundaries. You are allowed to spend time home alone when you have the day off instead of socializing when your battery is drained. You are allowed to have thoughts and opinions that differ from the people around you. You don’t have to apologize for existing. You aren’t a burden. You aren’t an inconvenience. And anyone who makes you feel that way isn’t worth your time or energy moving forward.