I’m Slowly Learning How To Attract, Not Chase
I’m slowly learning how to attract not chase.
I’m coming to realize that energy truly is everything and what I put into the world always will make its way back to me in the way it is meant to appear. The truth of the matter is that good things take time to arrive, and I need to be patient and trust that what is meant to be mine will always come around when the timing is right.
I’m slowly learning that I need to make an effort. I must prove that I am willing to work for the kind of existence I’m craving, for the kind of love I am seeking. Nothing changes if nothing changes, and so I am moving forward with intention and hope instead of distraction and fear. I am being deeply mindful in the way I show up for myself and my life.
I’m slowly realizing that chasing only leaves me exhausted. I shouldn’t have to bend until I break for anything or anyone. There is a difference between forcing an outcome and fighting for it, and if I’m feeling utterly drained by something, this is the ultimate sign it’s time to let it go.
The truth is that some things just aren’t meant to be mine, no matter how much I may want them to be, no matter how much I keep running towards them and no matter how strongly I feel about them. I need to trust my journey and let everything that leaves me feeling empty behind because this is the only way to make room for what is destined for me. For what is right for me. For what will stay.