If You’ve Lost Your Job And Are Losing Faith, Read This
You’ve lost your job. You don’t know where to turn. You’re suffocating. All your hard work and effort vanished in an instant. The time away from your family, early mornings, and overtime—gone.
When you’re on the verge of giving up, watch and see how God brings opportunities you’d never imagined. Keep an eye out and see how God takes care of your needs.
I know you’re living each day on the edge of anxiety. You’ve lost your career, business, or start-up venture. You’re wondering how you’ll pay your rent or get food to eat. You hate to admit it, but there’s also a small, if not large, part of you that didn’t like your job anyway. It did, however, pay the bills. You have a guilty sense of relief. But where do you go from here? How do you make the transition from a life of security to a life of uncertainty? This position, in fact, helped you realize that you were never secure.
Job loss taught you that the most important aspect of life is to live. I know you can’t see a way forward, but watch and see how God reminds you that He can break barriers. You’ll see how out of adversity, He pulls your business together. You’ll see how He causes you to step into your purpose and fulfills you.
Watch and see how miracles happen. When you’re wondering how you’re going to pay your bills. Watch and see how God comes through. God might not show up in the way you expect. You may lose more than you anticipate before He shows his hand. This isn’t a punishment, but He knows what the future holds. He’s shaping your character in preparation for any challenges ahead.
I know that your mental health is at a crossroads right now. You’re struggling with dark thoughts. You don’t know how to break free. When you begin to believe that everything else has failed, pray. Keep an eye out. Notice who He sends to meet you. It is never too late for you to make a change. It’s never too late for you.
I know you’re struggling to hold on right now, but please don’t give up. I know you believe you’re at your lowest because your friends and family are living their lives without a care in the world for you. Don’t lose hope. Your life can change at any time. Search for the possibilities that you can’t see. Do not lose your faith. Remember the promises. All your needs will be provided.
It’s not your job to figure out the details. Take action based on your faith. Watch and see how God puts you in the right place at the right time. Watch and see how your name pops up in a room full of influential people. Watch and see how your now struggle story becomes an inspiration for others in the future.
This isn’t the end. Keep holding on. Watch and see how God works everything out for you.